And how was that Çeviri Fransızca
1,813 parallel translation
Yeah, and how was that sentence gonna end?
Oui, et la fin de cette phrase, c'était quoi?
And how was that?
- Comment ça s'est passé?
Later, as I... as I realized... how determined he was to push the funding for the waterfront through the General Assembly, I became suspicious... and ultimately convinced that he was accepting bribes from Mr. Kilpatrick.
Ensuite, quand j'ai réalisé à quel point il voulait faire passer le budget des quais devant l'Assemblée Générale, j'ai eu des soupçons... et j'ai finalement compris qu'il était corrompu par M. Kilpatrick.
Now, I think we're all adults in this room and we recognize that 9 / 11, no matter how horrific it was and it was was also an opportunity this time for us to get it right.
Nous sommes tous adultes, et nous reconnaissons que le 11 / 9, tout horrible qu'il fut, et il le fut, nous a donné l'occasion de remettre de l'ordre.
How do we know that the real Roz isn't who she is now and who she was then?
Ça va être plus long. Et si la vraie Roz avait 2 femmes en elle?
And I've supported you through a lot of stuff, too ; And no matter how messed up you were, the one thing that was always true is you were trying to do the right thing... for yourself and your kid.
Et je t'ai soutenu pour pas mal de choses aussi, et peu importe à quel point tu étais anéantie, la seule chose qui était toujours vraie, c'est que tu essayais de faire ce qui est juste... pour toi et ton fils.
I felt like everyone else was screwing like rabbits, and that I was the only... How can I put it?
j'étais sûr que tous autour de moi baisaient comme des lapins, sauf moi qui, comment dire...
This girl found me and said I should go to this company, Pinehearst, that they knew what was wrong with me and how to get me better, but I've never heard of it.
Une fille m'a trouvée et m'a dit que je devrais aller à l'entreprise Pinehearst, où on saurait ce qui cloche avec moi et comment me guérir, mais j'ignore ce que c'est.
I was his surgeon, in hospital in Simonowce, and he... how to say that... he went A.W.O.L.
J'étais son infirmier à Simonovsk, et puis... - Il s'est enfui.
It was you, in fact, saying about how they found that dead kid out back there, and I-I thought you wouldn't believe me if I told you I took the box so close to the scene.
C'était vous qui disiez comment ils ont trouvé cette enfant là-bas, et j'ai cru que vous me croiriez pas si je disais que j'ai amené la boîte près de la scène.
Do you think kylie was in one of toby's movies and that's how they met?
Vous pensez que Kylie était dans l'un des films de Toby et que c'est comme ça qu'ils se sont connus?
So Lily and Marshall decided to make the best of a bad situation, and that's also how the sport of apartment roller luge was invented.
Lily et Marshall ont donc décidé de tirer parti du problème, et c'est ainsi que la luge roulante d'appartement a été inventée.
Well, I was in the cab, and the car was coming at me, and you know how they say that your whole life flashes before your eyes in a near-death experience?
Eh bien, j'étais dans le taxi, et la voiture me fonçait dessus, et vous savez ce qu'on dit que toute ta vie défile devant tes yeux quand t'es proche de la fin?
And that first moment we spoke, the simple melody of your voice... ... was testimony to how much the world lost... ... when you gave up a very promising singing career...
Dès qu'on s'est parlé, le son mélodieux de ta voix a montré ce que le monde a perdu quand tu as abandonné ta carrière prometteuse de chanteuse pour élever tes 2 fils.
I was actually thinking that you are way too valuable to just be my assistant anymore, so how would you feel about a little raise and a little promotion?
En fait, je me disais que tu étais trop précieuse pour n'être que mon assistante, alors que dirais-tu d'une petite augmentation et d'une petite promotion?
Lex, think about how you got to this point in your life and you'll see that Milton Fine was the one who led you here.
Réfléchis à comment tu en es arrivé là, et tu verras que Milton Fine est derriére tout ça.
and that was how long ago?
C'était il y a combien de temps?
Yes, we did receive Elliot's application. But the birth certificate, though, it was a fax of a fax, and so you know how that goes.
Oui, nous avons reçu la demande d'Elliot, mais le certificat de naissance était le fax d'un fax.
And look how hard that was. The D'Harans don't need to send an army.
Et il m'en a fallu peu, les D'Harans n'ont pas besoin d'envoyer une armée.
how - - how did you know that i was... you actually walked up to a wishing well, dropped a dime, and wished to be invisible so you could spy on women in the shower?
- Comment vous avez su que j'étais... Tu es allé à un puits à souhaits, jeté une pièce, et souhaité de devenir invisible pour espionner les femmes sous la douche?
I just... I honestly... I couldn't... see how that it was possible or, or really why it was even necessary, and we had a really big fight about it.
Honnêtement... je ne pouvais pas... me rendre compte si c'était possible ou vraiment... en quoi c'était même nécessaire.
And Betsy, I was kind of hoping that you'd volunteer considering how much "fun" you've had at past events.
Et Betsy, j'espérais que tu te porterais volontaire vu comme tu t'es amusée aux dernières soirées.
And why is it so awful that I wanna know how it was for you out there?
Pourquoi je ne peux pas te demander ce que tu as vécu?
'Later that week, it was the school's Blind Date show'and I was there to see how Neil's brilliant book reading plan went. 'Even though I wasn't talking to him.'
Plus tard cette semaine avait lieu le Blind Date de l'école j'étais là pour voir si l'idée de Neil de lire des livres était bonne, même si je ne lui parlais pas.
But I think that it taught him how precious life is, and so he lived his life to the fullest each day as if it was his last day.
Mais je pense que ça lui a enseigné combien la vie est précieuse, et ainsi il a vécu sa vie pleinement chaque jour comme si c'était son dernier jour.
All I could think about was that haunting Bryan Adams song, and how much I loved the girl who'd given me that tape.
Je ne pensais qu'à cette chanson de Bryan Adams, à cette fille, à la cassette.
Let's see how brilliant you are when you don't have a place to sleep'cause you won't be in the trailer that I was smart enough to get my name on the deed and you weren't.
On verra si tu fais le malin quand tu dormiras dehors, ce soir. Parce que cette caravane est à mon nom et pas au tien.
I liked your paper on grand unification using string-network condensates and was wondering how you determined that 3-dimensional string-nets provided a unified picture of ferrnions and gauge bosons?
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } J'ai adoré votre unification utilisant un condensat de réseau de cordes. { \ pos ( 250,230 ) } Comment avez-vous déterminé qu'un réseau tridimensionnel { \ pos ( 250,230 ) } unifiait les fermions et les bosons de jauge?
That was before we got to know Stella and see how awesome she is and what a great couple you guys are.
C'était avant qu'on connaisse Stella, qu'on réalise qu'elle est merveilleuse et que vous formez un beau couple.
And the idiot never suspected it was me. How's that for denial?
Et cette idiote ne m'a jamais soupçonné.
And more of her blood was in the back of his truck. That's how he moved the body to the park.
On a trouvé son sang à l'arrière de son 4x4, avec lequel il a amené le corps au parc.
And I-I-I knew how you felt about her, and I didn't want you to think that I was crazy and- -
Et je savais ce que tu pensais d'elle, et je ne voulais pas que tu penses que j'étais folle...
You don't want us to see other people and that's how you tried to tell me by asking if it was cool if you screwed Michelle.
Et tu as essayé de me le dire... en me demandant si ça me dérangeait que tu baises Michelle.
Is this the part where you go back to heaven or wherever and you and your dead guy friends talk about how great it was that you gave me this last night together?
C'est là que tu retournes au paradis, ou de là où tu viens, et toi et tes copains morts discutez de combien c'était super que tu me donnes cette dernière nuit ensemble?
" I was gonna tell him how far he's come and how proud I was of him for that. You're supposed to get tomorrow, you know?
" j'allais lui dire à quel point il revient de loin et comme je suis fer de lui pour ca tu es censé avoir un lendemain tu sais
And that was how I, citizen Lev Kaludov Zheliazkov, walked out to my freedom.
Et c'est ainsi que moi, Lev Kaludov Zheliazkov, ai retrouvé la liberté.
See, I envisioned the courts recognizing how ridiculous it was that my son of a bitch, asshole mother didn't leave me anything and then I did some good deeds and boom, I'm rich.
J'ai imaginé que le tribunal reconnaisse la dérision de ma connasse de salope de mère ne m'ait rien légué. Et j'ai fais quelques bonnes actions.
So we don't even really understand everything that was going on back then and how they used reverbs, analog reverb units, echoplexes and things like that.
On ne comprend pas tout ce qu'ils faisaient à l'époque, comment ils utilisaient la réverbe, les modules de réverbe analogue, les Echoplexes et ce genre de trucs.
How long was that? Two minutes and 15 seconds.
- 2 minutes et 15 secondes.
I was a project last year, and we all know how that turned out. What?
J'étais un projet l'an dernier et on sait tous ce qu'il en est ressorti.
And i was like, how did that happen?
Et j'étais genre, comment c'est arrivé?
I was just thinking about how rad it would be to bend you over that balcony and scream,
Je me disais que ce serait dément de te baiser au balcon en criant :
We're giving all to take this shown and shown speech ; so was embarrassing... how to come back to that hell hole?
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } On leur a dit d'aller se faire mettre. C'est embarrassant. J'y retourne pas.
My dad,.. he was great he taught me how to use the shotgun and all that.
Mon papa... il était épatant... Il m'a appris à utiliser le fusil de chasse et tout ça.
So, that's how I was outfoxed by a little girl and her half-wit companion when my beautiful stadium was declared a bee sanctuary, and I had to take a third-quarter write down of $ 804 million.
UN AN PLUS TARD Voilà comment une petite fille et son stupide camarade m'ont eu, quand mon stade fut déclaré sanctuaire pour abeilles, j'ai eu un déficit de 804 millions de dollars au 3ème trimestre.
And I didn't want to hurt his, but then you kept repeating how much you loved it, and then I was worried that I didn't know you as well as I thought I did.
Et moi les siens, mais tu n'as alors pas cessé de répéter à quel point tu l'aimais, et j'ai donc été inquiet de ne pas te connaître comme je le pensais.
So if all that much energy came off the Empire State Building and caused all this damage- - how come our vic was the only casualty?
State Building et provoque autant de dégâts... Comment ça se fait que notre victime soit le seul blessé?
We have the resources and technology to enable this at a minimum along with the ability to raise the standards of living so high that people in the future will look back at our civilisation now and gawk how primitive and immature our society was.
Nous avons les ressources et la technologie le permettant au minimum avec la possibilité d'élever les standards de vie si haut que les gens dans le future regarderont en arrière notre civilisation d'aujourd'hui et seront bouche bée de voir à quel point notre société était primitive et immature.
How was I supposed to know that you like scented markers and that your favourite flavour is strawberry?
Qui aurait su que tu aimais les marqueurs parfumés et que ton arôme préféré était la fraise?
And it was very interesting, at that distance, to see how the Portuguese'slang'survives even more than the standard Portuguese.
Et il a été très intéressant, à cette distance, de nous apercevoir comment l'argot portugais survie encore mieux que le portugais officielle.
And Alex, he wrote this essay to get in, this moving, beautiful essay about how his grades weren't that good. He was suffering from testicular cancer. Ow!
Et Alex a écrit une composition très touchante pour être admis, disant que ses notes n'étaient pas bonnes à cause d'un cancer des testicules.
and how old are you 36
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how are you 102
and how are you today 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how is that 29
and how was it 20
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how are you going to do that 19
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how was it 20
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how would you know 23
and how are you going to do that 19
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17