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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ B ] / But now it's over

But now it's over Çeviri Fransızca

376 parallel translation
" But now it's over ;
" Mais maintenant, c'est fini ;
But that's over. It's what are we going to do now?
Qu'est-ce que nous allons faire maintenant?
I know, darling, I know. But it's all over now.
Je sais, chéri, mais c'est fini.
But it's out of my hands now, so let's get it over with as quickly as possible.
Mais ce n'est plus mon affaire, donc finissons-en le plus vite possible.
It's a great idea having the cops knock off Jones, but now that it's over...
- Voilà notre plan : maintenant qu'on a fait buter Jones... mettons les bouts!
But they're crazy about it in Harlem and now it's going over in the Bronx.
Je sais, mais ça fait fureur à Harlem et dans le Bronx.
Oh, but the double-crossing's all over now, isn't it, Shane?
Mais il n'y a plus de traîtrise qui vaille, pas vrai?
Looked bad for a minute, but it's all over now -
C'était inquiétant, mais c'est fini maintenant.
But if the police catch us now, it's all over.
Si la police nous attrape maintenant c'est la fin de tout.
You may think it's childish but here it is Now that the war is over, may i call you'father'again?
Mon commandant, maintenant que la guerre est finie, je peux de nouveau t'appeler "papa"?
But during the succeeding centuries, the boiling sulfur increased in its intensity, until now, I believe, it is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mais à travers les siècles, l'intensité du soufre a augmenté... et à présent, sa température est de 426 degrés. - Même le Romain le plus acharné... ne pourrait s'y aventurer sans se faire griller jusqu'à l'os... en quelques minutes. - Exactement.
I'm sorry there was a disturbance, folks, but it's all over now.
Navré pour ce dérangement. Tout va très bien.
I was just making myself a lonely cocktail over there, but now it looks as if a double-double might be indicated as a tribute to Revigora's improved taste.
Je me préparais un cocktail solitaire. Un double me paraît maintenant indiqué, en hommage au bon goût de Revigora!
We didn't want to bother Little Joe till he got better but it's been over a month now.
On voulait pas venir avant qu'il aille mieux, mais ça fait plus d'un mois.
Oh, but it's all over now, and I'm glad of it.
Mais c'est fini, et j'en suis content.
- Yes, but it's all over now.
- C'est fini.
But it's over now.
Mais c'est fini.
But now it's all over.
Mais c'est terminé.
I'll think it over, but I can tell you now, the answer's no.
Je vais y réfléchir, mais je sais que ce sera non.
But now it's over, right?
Mais maintenant, c'est fini, non?
I always said yes to everything you told me, but now it's over!
J'ai toujours dit oui à ce que tu m'as dit, mais là ça suffit.
But it's all over now.
Mais c'est terminé.
I've been too trusting, but now it's over.
Je t'ai fait trop confiance, mais c'est fini.
He's the only friend we have. I was so happy for you, but now it's happening all over again.
Tu as trouvé un ami en Hioki et cela m'a rendue heureuse.
But now, it's over, completely finished.
Mais maintenant, c'est fini, tout à fait fini
But it's all over now.
Mais tout est fini maintenant.
Now look, Edward, I don't know what's come over you... but Mrs. Rath was pretty confused toward the end, and you know it.
Écoutez, Edward, je ne sais pas ce que vous avez... mais Mme Rath n'avait plus les idées claires, les derniers temps.
But now it's over.
Quelle fatigue! Mais c'est fini!
- I know, but it's almost over now.
Je sais, mais tout est presque terminé.
But it's over now, finished.
Mais maintenant, c'est terminé!
But now it's all over.
Mais tout est fini.
But now that he's dead it's all over
Tout est fini quand on meurt.
Of course, sometimes it gets to boiling over mad, but most of the time it's just real lazy and slow, like now.
Parfois, il s'agite, mais il est calme et paresseux, la plupart du temps.
But Atticus, he's gone and drowned his dinner in syrup... and now he's pourin'it all over.
Mais Atticus, il a noyé son diner dans le sirop... et maintenant il en verse partout.
- How can I put it... He is a good man, of course, but now he went over there to make his own estimation on the real value of the land, you see...
Un homme tout ce qu'il y a de bien, mais il s'est mis dans la tête de vérifier le vrai prix du terrain.
Yes, but now it's over. Our tradition will always be the same, nothing we can do.
La tradition persiste, c'est comme ça.
Well, it's only natural that you should be anxious, but it's all over now.
Votre anxiété était naturelle, mais c'est fini maintenant.
But it's all over now.
Mais tout ça est passé, maintenant.
But now that you confessed, George, it's all over.
Mais maintenant que tu as avoué, tout est fini.
But it's over now?
Mais est-il plus?
Now you protest, but it's too late to start crying over spilt blood.
Vous protestez, mais c'est trop tard pour pleurer sur le sang versé.
Well, you see, the doctor is at his son's wedding, but I'm sure it's over by now.
Il marie son fils. Ça doit être terminé.
Now, I know that you're loyal, Darrin but it's time Larry turned over his surfboard to you and let a younger man ride the wave of the future.
Darrin, vous êtes un homme loyal, mais il est temps que Larry vous passe son surf et laisse un jeune homme chevaucher la vague du futur.
But now it's over.
Mais c'est fini maintenant.
But it's done, and I'm over it now.
Mais maintenant, je m'en fiche.
Now can't do anything else other than going there and telling them "we are really sorry" but the university is closed, on strike, we'll blow a whistle when it's over
Maintenant on ne peut rien faire d'autre que venir ici et leur dire "nous sommes désolés" mais l'université est fermée, en grève, on sifflera quand ce sera fini
All right, boy, it was a nightmare, but it's over now.
Bon, c'était un cauchemar, mais c'est fini maintenant.
But now it's all over. And we all live in simple peace and harmony.
Mais maintenant, tout est oublié, et nous vivons tous en parfaite harmonie.
But it's over now.
Mais c'est désormais fini.
But, it's all over now.
C'est fini, maintenant.
" lt was a fine affair But now it's over.
Ce fut grisant Mais tout n'a qu'un temps

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