But to you Çeviri Fransızca
150,082 parallel translation
I thought I made the same thing pretty clear to you, but here you are.
Je pensais te l'avoir bien fait comprendre aussi, mais tu es là.
Look... we're probably not gonna ever see eye to eye on this... but I want to support you.
Écoute... On ne sera sûrement jamais d'accord là-dessus, mais je veux te soutenir.
Look, Colt, appreciate what you're trying to do, but...
J'apprécie ce que t'essaies de faire, mais...
You always hear about these things happening to other people... but you never think it'll happen to you.
On sait que ce genre de choses arrivent aux autres... sans penser que ça peut nous arriver.
Now, I'm sure you were hoping for something better, but try to keep an open mind.
Je suis sûr que vous vous attendiez à mieux, mais il faut garder l'esprit ouvert.
I don't have a lot of positive male role models in my life, and... you don't have to say yes... but I was wondering if you'd be the baby's godfather.
Je n'ai pas de modèle masculin positif dans ma vie, et... vous n'êtes pas obligé... Je me demandais si vous voudriez être le parrain du bébé.
Listen, it's not always gonna be easy, but... I wanna do whatever I can to be there for you and the baby.
Ça ne va pas être simple tous les jours, mais... je veux être là pour toi et le bébé.
Look, Rooster... I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you're fired.
Navré de te dire ça, mais tu es viré.
I expect those assholes to second-guess everything I do, but not you guys.
Je m'attends à ce qu'ils critiquent tout ce que je fais, mais pas vous.
Rooster, I'd love to help you, but I can't.
Rooster, j'adorerais t'aider, mais je peux pas.
I'd play you something, but I think my guitar is in a snowbank somewhere on the way to Denver.
Je jouerais bien, mais ma guitare doit être sur la route de Denver.
Most kids you had to shove into a locker, but he'd just fold right up.
On bourrait les gosses pour les rentrer dans le casier. Lui, il se pliait.
Uh, Dale, I think Charlene's callin'you. Yeah, I heard her, but, uh... she don't need to know that. Oh.
- Je crois que Charlene vous appelle.
Look, Colt, I'd do the same for you, but you don't need a job or a place to live.
Colt, je ferais pareil pour toi, mais tu n'as ni besoin d'un boulot ni d'un endroit pour vivre.
But I'm sure you'll be able to fix it.
Mais tu pourras le réparer.
I'd love to help you two out, but... all I can spare is a couple hundred bucks right now.
J'adorerais vous aider, mais... j'arrive juste à économiser 200 $.
But you don't want your pig to graze next to your horse and your cows.
Mais tes cochons ne doivent pas être à côté des chevaux et des vaches.
But why would you have to turn around during sex?
Pourquoi tu devrais te tourner en baisant?
Aw, you don't know how sweet that is to hear, but I...
Ça me touche beaucoup, mais...
Pretty sure you're thinking about sex, but I'm afraid it's one of them situations where I say, "Sex," and then you say, "Is everything about sex to you?"
Je suis sûr que tu penses au sexe, mais si je dis ça, j'ai peur que tu dises que je pense qu'à ça.
I tried to get you to go with me last time, but you didn't want to leave.
Je t'ai demandé de venir avec moi, mais t'as pas voulu.
No, I heard you, but I don't have to like it.
Oui, mais ça me plaît pas pour autant.
But, sir, With all due respect, I just don't see. How you're going to repurpose.
Mais, monsieur, avec tout le respect que je vous dois, ne ne vois pas comment vous allez réutiliser
But I've spent the whole day getting to know you.
Mais j'ai passée toute la journée à apprendre à te connaitre.
Well, I asked the boss what he wanted us to do with you, but he answered in the form of a riddle.
J'ai demandé au boss ce qu'il voulait qu'on fasse, mais il a répondu avec une énigme.
A strike to the ankle won't kill you, but it'll open the door. And Death himself will step through that door.
Un coup dans la cheville ne tue pas, mais c'est une porte ouverte dans laquelle peut s'engouffrer la mort.
King Guthred may consider you a friend, but the men close to him do not.
Les proches du roi Guthred ne sont pas tes amis.
I could have killed both, but I wish to serve you.
J'aurais pu les tuer sinon.
But in helping to free you, did he not also act for himself?
Mais en vous libérant, n'a-t-il pas servi son propre intérêt?
Yes, but you cannot be a friend to all men.
- Oui. Mais vous ne pouvez être l'ami de tous.
It would be better to kill me, but you lack the courage.
Mieux vaudrait me tuer. Mais vous êtes un poltron.
I wish I could tell you exactly what was stolen, but from what I've been told, it could be some time before it's deemed safe to go in.
J'aimerais vous dire exactement ce qui a été volé mais comme je vous l'ai dit, ça pourrait prendre du temps avant que ce soit sans danger de venir ici.
Well, I'm glad that you find my intimate recollections so engrossing, but I was under the impression that you came here to help pack.
Je suis heureux que tu trouves mes souvenirs intimes si captivants, mais j'avais l'impression que tu étais là pour m'aider à faire mes cartons.
Well, I'm sorry to disturb you, but if you're not gonna help me pack my belongings, could I at least ask you to try to stay out of my way?
Je suis désolé de te déranger, mais si tu ne m'aides pas à emballer mes affaires, pourrais-je te demander d'essayer de rester hors de mon chemin?
If it were up to me, I would let you, but my client doesn't want to involve the authorities.
Si ça tenais qu'à moi, je vous laisserais, mais mon client ne veut pas impliquer les autorités.
But there's something I've been dying to ask you.
Mais il y a quelque chose que je meurs d'envie de vous demander.
It isn't easy for you, but you're going to have to get past that.
C'est difficile pour toi. mais il va falloir que tu passes à autre chose.
We already have you on obstruction of justice, and now possible accessory to murder, but you already know that, right?
On vous tiens déjà pour obstruction à la justice, maintenant pour possible complicité de meurtre, mais vous le savez déjà, n'est-ce pas?
This might be a surprise to you, but I always considered you as something of a role model.
Ça pourrait être une surprise pour toi, mais je t'ai toujours considéré comme une sorte de modèle.
I know a part of you will always belong to Chicago, but Hawaii has claimed you as one of its sons, and I truly believe that the islands are a better place because you are here.
Je sais qu'une part de toi est toujours à Chicago, mais Hawaï te voit comme l'un de ses fils, et je crois vraiment que cette île est un meilleur endroit parce que tu es ici.
But opportunity does not shine equally for all, but you can't believe you have the misfortune to be a woman.
Mais tous n'ont pas les mêmes chances, en particulier quand on a le malheur d'être une femme.
Turenne will retain command but you are to take charge of the assault on Maastricht.
Turenne sera aux commandes, mais ce sera toi qui mèneras l'attaque de Maastricht.
But you have to. It's in the contract.
C'est dans leur contrat.
And we know it's against Wockee code to talk, but we just wanted to come give you a quick Jabba bow to pay our respects.
On sait que vous refusez de parler, mais on voulait vous saluer façon JabbaBow.
So we talk about your shit, but when I need a friend to give me a second opinion on a vacuum, you bail?
On parle de toi, et dès que j'ai besoin de l'avis d'un pote, tu te tires?
Um... I can't believe you guys would want to work with me for seven seasons, and it seems like a tremendous opportunity, but I...
J'en reviens pas que vous me vouliez pour sept saisons.
- I... I'm sorry, man, to bail on you so last-minute like this, but it's best for both of us, believe me.
Désolé de vous planter à la dernière minute comme ça, mais... ça vaut mieux pour nous deux.
But you ain't got to worry about me and pregnancy.
Et tu n'as pas à t'en faire avec ça.
If you want to bring your friend over here, that's fine, but don't be making eyes and rubbing backs and getting all fresh.
Tu invites ton amie, pas de souci. Mais je ne veux pas d'œillades, de frotti-frotta et tout ça.
Look, you can be lesbian if you want to, but when you come up in here, you gonna respect my house.
Écoute, tu peux être lesbienne si tu veux. Mais quand tu es là, tu dois respecter ma maison.
But then you agreed it'd be good to check out the vibe.
Tu as accepté de voir ce qu'il en est.
but today 329
but tomorrow 92
but to be honest 96
but to me 124
but to no avail 30
but tonight 202
but to what end 17
but together 52
but to 17
but to do so 26
but tomorrow 92
but to be honest 96
but to me 124
but to no avail 30
but tonight 202
but to what end 17
but together 52
but to 17
but to do so 26
but to be fair 33
but to do that 43
but to keep them all together 37
but to tell you the truth 23
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
but to do that 43
but to keep them all together 37
but to tell you the truth 23
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423