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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Have something to eat

Have something to eat Çeviri Fransızca

489 parallel translation
Come and have something to eat.
Allons manger une bouchée.
You sit here and have something to eat. No, thanks.
Assieds-toi ici et mange quelque chose.
You must have something to eat.
Vous devriez manger.
Would you like to have something to eat now?
Aimeriez-vous manger quelque chose?
Think I'll have something to eat.
Je pense que je vais manger un morceau.
- Won't you have something to eat?
Ne voulez-vous pas manger?
Why don't you try a nice fat, juicy steak? That would make you feel better, if you have something to eat.
Mange un bon steak bien saignant.
- We's got to have something to eat.
- Faut qu'on mange! - Assez!
So we'll pick up where we left off, only first I'll have something to eat.
On va reprendre où on s'est arrêtés, mais je dois manger.
Oh, say, maybe we ought to have something to eat, huh?
On devrait manger quelque chose, hein?
I said, can I have something to eat?
Je demande si on mange.
I'm going to have something to eat now.
Il faut que je mange en vitesse.
I thought maybe we'd have something to eat or something.
On pourrait aller manger quelque chose?
Won't you stay and have something to eat with us?
Vous mangez avec nous?
Have something to eat first.
Mangeons d'abord.
Will you have something to eat?
Mangerez-vous quelque chose?
- Did you have something to eat?
- As-tu mangé? - Oui.
- we should have something to eat
- On va aller manger quelque chose.
So am I. All right, let's have something to eat.
Moi aussi. Bon, vous tous. Allons manger.
Will you have something to eat?
Voulez-vous manger quelque chose?
Won't you have something to eat with us, Dr. Mclver?
Partagez notre repas. Il a dit non.
Come, friend, we'll have something to eat, get warm, rest up.
Venez, l'ami, nous pourrons manger, nous réchauffer et nous reposer.
have something to eat, Mike.
Mange, Mike.
Come, everyone, have something to eat.
Mangez un petit quelque chose.
- So you won't have something to eat?
- Alors, vous ne mangez pas, général?
- Have something to eat.
- Mangez, mon enfant.
I asked Mother Mathilde to let the operating sister... have something to eat before she came in the morning, but she won't.
J'ai demandé à mère Mathilde si l'infirmière pouvait manger avant de venir travailler, mais elle a refusé,
Did you have something to eat?
Tu as mangé?
But, Mom I'm hungry and I've got to have something to eat.
J'ai faim moi!
Let's have something to eat here. I'll explain to you.
Allons au Cormoran et je vous raconte tout.
Could I possibly have something to eat?
- Elizabeth Fuller.
Stay and have something to eat before you start back.
Mangez quelque chose avant de partir.
We could have something to eat and drink..
Nous pourrions manger et boire.
Have something to eat.
Viens boulotter.
- Sit down, have something to eat.
Mangez quelque chose.
At least we slept in barns and didn't have to stand in line to get something to eat.
On dormait dans des granges, et on ne faisait pas la queue pour manger.
Would you like to have something cool to eat?
Voulez-vous quelque chose de frais?
Nightingales must have something solid to eat if they are to sing.
Les rossignols doivent bien manger si elles espèrent chanter.
Darling, you have to eat something.
Viens manger.
Order me a cup of coffee, will you? Do you want something to eat? I have seen the most un-American and uncanny conduct in this place tonight, you wouldn't believe it.
Je n'ai jamais entendu un discours aussi anti-américain que ce soir!
We have to get him something to eat. Can't you help? Tell me what I should do.
Il faut le soigner, vous pouvez m'aider?
Who do you have to know to get something to eat?
Où puis-je trouver à manger?
Something to eat? I have some sandwiches.
Il me reste des sandwiches.
Well, have you had something to eat?
- Vous avez mangé?
You have to eat something before leaving.
Mangez quelque chose avant de sortir.
- Can we have something to eat?
On peut manger?
Come with me, you'll have a home and something to eat.
Viens chez moi, tu auras un toit et de quoi manger.
Now, we'll go back, we have a glass of wine... something to eat, and we start again.
Nous allons rentrer, boire un verre de vin, manger quelque chose et on repart de zéro.
- You have to eat something too.
- Vous mangerez bien vous aussi.
Oh, I have to give you something to eat.
Maintenant il faut bien que je te fasse manger...
I've just had an idea, as long as we have him in our hands, anything can happen to such cat, he can eat something terrible for example, or...
Sait-on tout ce qui peut arriver à un tel chat... S'il mangeait quelque chose de mauvais par exemple.

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