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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He can't speak

He can't speak Çeviri Fransızca

189 parallel translation
What's he doing? Can't he speak?
Ne sait-il pas parler?
But if we speak loudly enough, perhaps he can hear us.
Mais si nous parlons assez fort, peut-être nous entendra-t-il.
He can ´ t speak English.
Il ne parle pas anglais.
He can't even speak politely.
Il n'est même pas poli.
- He can speak, but he won't.
- Il peut parler, mais il ne le fera pas.
I can't make any headway with him, but I'm sure he must speak some language.
Je n'arrive pas à avancer avec lui, il doit pourtant bien parler une langue.
- He can't speak, sir.
- Il ne peut pas, monsieur.
He'd better have it cut out if he can't speak in a lower tone.
Qu'on la lui coupe s'il ne sait pas parler plus bas.
That's manifestly absurd. He can't speak.
C'est absurde, il ne parle pas.
He can't speak for himself.
Il ne peut pas donner son avis.
I have dared to disturb you because I want to speak to the mayor about the nursery school, but he can't give me an answer because his mouth's too full.
Je me permets de vous déranger pour parler hospice avec M. le maire, mais pourra-t-il le faire la bouche pleine?
He can't speak. He was born without voice.
Il ne peut pas parler.
There's no point shouting. If he doesn't speak German, he can't understand.
Pas la peine de crier, il ne comprend pas l'allemand.
Why can't he speak for himself?
Il sait se défendre.
If he won't speak up, at least we can say something.
Puisqu'il ne dit rien, parlez, vous!
Can he speak, transmit,... can he communicate?
Parle-t-il, envoie-t-il des messages, communique-t-il?
He can't speak.
VICKI : Il ne peut pas parler.
Well, can't he speak?
Ne peut-il parler? ULYSSE :
But he can't speak. He's too excited.
Il peut pas parler, il est ému.
- He can speak. They couldn't before.
- Ils étaient incapables de parler.
Can't he speak for himself?
Ne peut-il le dire lui-même?
He can't think or speak in anything but Italian.
Il ne peut que parler ou penser en italien.
- He can't speak.
- Il ne peut pas parler!
He can't speak French.
Il parle pas français.
He told me he can't speak any Spanish.
Il ne parle pas espagnol, je lui ai demandé.
He doesn't speak because we can't understand his logic.
Lui ne parle pas, sa logique est si différente que nous ne comprendrions pas
He is stupid, old, and sick, and he can't speak.
Il est bête, vieux, malade et ne sait pas parler.
A poor deaf-mute, he can't hear or speak.
Un pauvre sourd-muet. Il n'entend pas et il ne parle pas.
However, suppose he can speak but won't?
- Et s'il refuse de parler?
Man, here we are on the brink of the apocalypse... the eve of destruction, so to speak... and I can't think of anything to do.
Hé, mec... nous sommes à l'aube de l'apocalypse à la veille de la destruction, disons... et je ne sais pas quoi faire.
He can't even speak!
Il ne peut même pas parler!
He said he's returning home because he can't speak Italian.
Il a dit en sarde qu'il veut repartir. Ici, tous parlent l'italien et lui pas.
He cooks like this and he can't even speak French?
Un cuisinier pareil qui parle pas français?
I shouted so much last night, I can't speak.
Hé, t'entends? J'ai tellement gueulé hier que je peux plus parler.
He still can't speak.
Il ne peut toujours pas parler.
- He can't speak. It's forbidden.
Il lui est interdit de parler.
He is the Kwan Gong spirit in that costume, therefore he can't speak or else there will be consequences.
L'esprit du Général est en lui et ce dieu garde le silence avant le spectacle.
He doesn't speak English and I can't understand his instructions without her.
Il ne parle que le japonais. Je ne le comprends pas sans elle. C'est la traductrice.
Can't speak until spoken to, don't sit until he does, all that crap.
Ne parler que si on lui parle... ne s'asseoir qu'après son mari. Toutes ces conneries, quoi!
That doesn't mean he can't speak to a pump attendant.
Ça doit pas l'empêcher de parler à un pompiste.
Now he can't speak English.
Ça y est, il ne parle plus l'anglais.
And better now that he still can't speak.
Fais-le tant qu'il ne parle pas
He can't speak.
Il ne peut pas parler.
Because he's on a ventilator, you've got a tube down your throat... and therefore you can't speak, just for that reason.
Cette assistance respiratoire impliquait un tuyau dans la gorge qui l'empêchait de parler, forcément.
Now he scrapes rust. Can't speak a word.
Il est comme la ferraille, il peut plus dire un mot.
It is heard that people who got hit by the 7 Ultimate Fists will have disease in his eyes Then he'll become dumb After that he can't speak properly
D'abord, le "Poing de Kunlun" fait loucher, puis on devient sourd, on n'arrive plus à articuler un mot.
Numata can't gossip if he's unable to speak.
Numata ne pourra pas le répéter, s'il est incapable de parler.
He can't even speak properly. What?
Il sait même pas parler!
Can he speak to me?
Va-t-il me parler?
He can " t speak right now.
Il ne peut pas vous parler pour le moment.
- Can't he speak?
- Il ne sait pas parler?

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