He looked at me Çeviri Fransızca
700 parallel translation
Did you notice the way he looked at me?
Tu as vu comment il m'a regardé?
But I knew he was somebody the way he looked at me.
Mais j "ai tout de suite vu que c" était quelqu " un.
Well, he looked at me and smiled.
Il m'a regardée puis a souri.
You should have seen how he looked at me in Conliffe's shop. Like a wild animal with murder in his eyes. Sh!
Vous auriez vu la façon dont il m'a regardée dans le magasin de Conliffe- - comme un animal sauvage, avec le meurtre dans les yeux.
We dove into a hole and he looked at me and said :
On s'est abrités dans un fossé et il m'a dit :
He looked at me for a minute in his blind way, and then burst out with it.
Il s'est tourné vers moi un instant, comme s'il me regardait. Et ensuite il a explosé.
- He looked at me funny. What are you doin here anyway?
Tu devrais pas être à l'école toi, d'abord?
He looked at me laying there on the ground, and he looked at the Bible sticking out of my pocket.
Il me regarda, étendu sur le sol, et il a vu la Bible qui dépassait de ma poche.
Then he looked at me.
et il m'a regardé.
He looked at me.
II me regardait.
He looked at me strangely.
Il me regardait singulièrement.
When he looked at me it was as if he didn't see me.
Il n "avait jamais I" air de me voir.
- He looked at me like I was a dead man!
- Il m'a regardé comme si j'étais mort!
When he looked at me and laughed.
Il m'a regardé en riant.
Oh, the way he looked at me!
Oh, la façon dont il m'a regardé.
There, just then when he looked at me, his eyes almost had fire in them.
A l'instant meme, il y avait presque une flamme dans son regard.
- Well. he looked at me and I looked at him.
- On s'est regardés.
And I could tell by the way he looked at me if I had been any other kind of girl it would've been the start of a very beautiful romance.
Il n'y avait pas á s'y tromper. Si je n'avais pas été celle que je suis, un bel et grand amour serait né.
That first night, when he was here we went into the garden and he looked at me, and he said :
Le premier soir où il est venu, on est allés dans le jardin, il m'a regardée, et il m'a dit :
You know, I saw the way he looked at you back there. And I also saw the way he looked at me.
J'ai vu comment il t'a regardée et aussi comment il m'a regardé.
He looked at me, as if to say, " Can't you tell?
Il me regarde comme pour me dire : " Tu sais pas?
And he looked at me and he said, "Tammy, this is sure dancing country."
Il m'a regardée et a dit : "Tammy, on dirait un pays dansant."
And then after another little while, we come upon another house, and the other house was all lit up with dancing and music and lots of merriment, and he looked at me and he said,
Peu après, on a passé devant une autre maison, qui était illuminée par la danse, la musique et la joie, il m'a regardée et a dit :
And then after another while, we come upon the third house and it was lighted up from top to toe to the bottom with dancing and music and merriment and he looked at me and he said,
Ensuite, peu après, on a passé devant une troisième maison, et elle était tout illuminée par la danse, la musique et la joie, et il m'a dit :
Every time I looked at Gregor, my own brother, he seemed to expect me to kill him.
Chaque fois que je regardais Grégor, il semblait attendre la mort.
I didn't like the way he looked at me.
- Je n'ai pas aimé son regard.
He stopped and looked at me.
Il s'est arrêté pour me regarder.
Eugene never would have looked at me even if he had never seen Isabel.
Eugène ne m'aurait jamais regardée, même sans connaître Isabelle!
I looked up at the windows and wondered if he were there... or if something awful had happened.
Je levai les yeux vers les fenêtres me demandant ce qui l'avait empêché de venir.
Prince looked at me 3 times, he smiled once...
Maman... le Prince m'a regardé trois fois, il m'a souri une fois.
He hasn't even looked at me.
Il ne m'a meme pas regardée.
I don't like the way he looked at me.
Je n'aime pas la façon dont il m'a fixé.
I used to turn weak whenever he touched me or looked at me or even came into the room.
Je fondais quand il me touchait ou me regardait... ou entrait dans une pièce.
He looked at my wonderment and said : " Do not be afraid.
Il vit mon étonnement et me dit de ne pas avoir peur.
He was looking at her first then looked over at me.
II l'a d'abord regardée, elle... puis moi.
He looked up at me and said :
Il me vit et dit :
He stopped here and looked at me.
Il s'est arrêté et m'a regardé.
Il me regardait.
C'était évident qu'il m'a regardé directement.
What happened was that Mr. Murdock looked at me funny... and then he told me he was falling in love with me.
M. Murdock m'a regardée et m'a dit qu'il m'aimait.
Curly looked at me, and he says, "Lonesome the family that prays together stays together."
"Lonesome, la famille qui prie ensemble reste unie!"
He just looked at me and smiled.
Mais il m'a regardée en souriant.
He just looked at me and said "If you don't wanna go to the Point, don't go."
Il m'a regardé et il a dit : "Si tu ne veux plus entrer à West Point, tant pis."
He just said it cool and hard, and looked right at me.
Il avait un ton froid et il me regardait en face.
He wasn't, but his father looked down his imperious nose at me.
Non, mais son pere m'a fait comprendre que ça le dérangeait.
My father gave me his hand. He looked at the doll in the window.
Papa s'est arrêté devant cette poupée dans une vitrine.
As we left, he took off his coat and put it around my shoulders and then I looked at him.
Une fois dehors, il ôta son pardessus et me le posa sur les épaules. Alors, je le regardai...
He's the only person who looked at me and didn't see a cripple.
C'est le seul être au monde qui n'ait pas vu un infirme, en moi.
And then I fell asleep because the next thing I remember was awakening and I looked up, and there was Morton looking down at me, and he was yelling.
Je me suis endormi et je me souviens de m'être réveillé et d'avoir vu Morton au-dessus de moi me hurler dessus.
- His eyes glittered when he looked at you! - He despised me.
Ses yeux brillaient quand il te regardait.
Nobody ever looked at me like that before, Mama. As though he didn't care what my name was.
Il a eu des histoires avec toutes les femmes d'ici à un moment ou à un autre.
he looked 18
at me 65
he looks just like you 33
he looks like you 29
he looks like me 17
he loves me not 34
he loves you 282
he looks 48
he looks familiar 43
he looks happy 19
at me 65
he looks just like you 33
he looks like you 29
he looks like me 17
he loves me not 34
he loves you 282
he looks 48
he looks familiar 43
he looks happy 19