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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He was a cop

He was a cop Çeviri Fransızca

528 parallel translation
I kicked a guy in the face once because he was a cop.
J'ai cassé la gueule à un flic, une fois.
Oh, nonsense. He signed thousands of traffic tickets when he was a cop.
Voyons, il a signé des milliers de contraventions en tant que policier.
When I found out he was a cop, I lost interest.
Un flic, ça ne m'intéressait pas.
When I saw him going through my bag, I thought sure he was a cop till you told me different.
Il fouillait mon sac. J'étais sûre que c'était un flic.
He was a cop.
C'était un flic.
My old man, boy, he was a cop, boy.
Mon vieux, c'était un flic.
Well, he came in and wanted to know what I was doing and when he said he was a cop, I got scared. So I said I was waiting for my uncle and then you came in.
II voulait savoir ce que je faisais ici, c'était un flic et j'ai eu peur, alors j'ai dit que j'attendais mon oncle.
He was a cop, and said if he sees us here again he will put us in jail.
Si on reste ici, il nous boucle. Viens, on va dans les beaux quartiers.
Okay, so he was a cop!
D'accord, c'était un flic!
He was a cop.
Il était flic.
Now he was a cop for 32 years and he finally lost his sense of humor.
Il a été flic pendant 32 ans et il a finalement perdu son sens de l'humour.
I suppose he's some underworld character that Tom met when he was a cop.
J'imagine que c'est un type du milieu que Tom a connu quand il était flic.
I bet you thought he was a cop.
Tu l'as pris pour un flic, hein?
State threw the book at him because he was a cop.
L'État l'a enfoncé parce que c'était un flic.
Mr. Tsou, how can you be sure that he was a cop?
T'es sur qu'il était policier?
He was a cop from the South Side.
Un flic des quartiers sud.
- The shooters probably didn't even know he was a cop.
Personne ne savait qu'il était flic.
Did you know he was a cop?
Tu savais qu'il était flic?
He was a cop, killed on duty.
Il était flic. Tué en service.
I told a cop how it was when he traced me to Brooklyn.
Je l'ai dit au policier, à Brooklyn.
Yes, he was picked up earlier in the day by a Cop in the Moron Hunt.
Il a été arrêté par un policier.
Listen, there was a state cop outside and he saw the stepladder.
Il y avait un flic qui a vu l'échelle.
I told you he was a smart cop.
- C'est un bon flic.
He was a hungry cop. I'll say that much.
Je dirais même que c'était un flic affamé.
He acted like a cop, I was told. A tough cop with bad manners, like you.
Il paraît que c'était un flic, un sale flic dans votre genre...
He was on probation when he shot the cop. Yeah, I know.
Il était en conditionnelle quand il a tiré.
I've had a crush on him since I was eight years old and he was the cop on the beat.
J'ai le béguin pour lui depuis mes huit ans. C'était le policier du quartier.
He was no two-bottle boy on a binge. He was a government cop.
Ce n'était pas un fêtard, c'était un policier.
He was told by a nurse who works at the Georgia Street Receiving Hospital, who got it from a cop who was there.
Une infirmière de l'Hôpital de Georgia Street lui a dit qu'un flic lui avait dit...
Maybe you thought he was a Mexican cop.
Vous pensiez peut-être qu'il était Vargas.
You were a cop, and so was your father... until he leaned on the wrong politician.
Vous étiez flic ainsi que votre père jusqu'à ce qu'il couvre un politicien véreux.
He got back and saw the cop. There was nothing he could do.
II a vu le flic, il ne pouvait rien faire!
I turned him on when he was nothing but a rookie cop.
Je l'ai formé quand il n'était qu'un flic débutant.
Almost like he was showing it to a traffic cop.
Comme s'il avait à faire à un flic.
- Was this cop a person-Was he being paid off?
- Est-ce que ce flic était acheté?
He was a federal cop.
C'était un flic fédéral.
When they sent a cop to chase him away, he said it was his constitutional right.
Quand ils ont envoyé un agent pour le faire partir il a dit qu'il était dans son droit.
He thought being a cop was the greatest.
Être flic, il n'y avait rien de mieux.
The look on Ruby Solenko's face when he found out Helen was a cop.
Solenko était abasourdi d'apprendre qu'elle était flic.
He was a very good cop for a very long time.
C'était un très bon flic, et il l'a été très longtemps.
The big-shot cop who beat me up at the station and I didn't even know why he was hitting me.
C'est ce fils de pute qui m'a cogné au commissariat. Il m'a tabassé et je savais pas pourquoi.
We'll be late. He jumped over a cop car. That was a big jump.
Tu l'as vu bondir par-dessus la voiture d'un flic!
He was supposed to kill an American cop, but he failed.
Il était censé tuer un policier américain, mais il a échoué.
He was a New York cop, and he was my partner.
C'est un flic de New York. C'était mon équipier.
He was a good cop. Also a good man.
C'était un bon flic et un type bien.
He was the first one to become a cop.
Le premier flic de la famille.
When my dad was a cop he used to say, "EI, never go out with a cop."
Quand mon père était policier, il disait "El, ne sors jamais avec un policier".
He was a good vice cop.
Il était chez nous.
He was still a cop.
Il était flic.
Briggs will be the same way he was before he died... A good cop.
Briggs sera toujours le même... un bon flic.
He was a brilliant young cop, but I misjudged his ability to work with other people.
C'était un super flic, mais pas fait pour le travail d'équipe.

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