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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He was just leaving

He was just leaving Çeviri Fransızca

88 parallel translation
No, he was just leaving.
Non, il partait.
He was just leaving.
Il partait justement.
- He was just leaving his hotel.
Il quittait son hôtel.
What is this? No, he was just leaving.
Danny, ce soir, c'est toi et moi!
... and he was just leaving.
Il allait partir.
He was just leaving.
Il se préparait à partir.
- He's a salesman and he was just leaving. - Uh...
- C'est un représentant, il allait partir.
- He was just leaving.
- Il s'en allait.
- No, he's just a friend, he was just leaving
C'est un ami, il partait.
The pastor came to see us, and he was just leaving
Il est passé nous voir.
This is- - This is Mike, my law clerk, and he was just leaving.
Voici Mike, un collègue du cabinet.
He was just leaving the parking garage and he pulled over to meet me.
Il sortait du parking et s'est arrêté en me voyant.
Anyway, he was just leaving so he said he'd bring me.
Il a proposé de m'emmener.
- He was just leaving.
- Il allait...
He was just leaving.
Il s'en allait justement.
It's okay, he was just leaving.
C'est bon, il partait.
He doesn't get a vote, and he was just leaving.
Il n'a pas son mot à dire, il allait partir.
He was just leaving.
Il s'en allait.
- He was just leaving.
- Il allait partir.
He was just leaving.
Il partait.
And he was just leaving.
Et il allait partir.
And this is my friend Jacob. He was just leaving.
Mon ami Jacob allait partir.
And, oddly, he was just leaving.
Et, étrangement il allait partir.
He's grand, Connor. He was just leaving.
C'est bon, Connor.
We grabbed the kid just as he was leaving the hotel.
On l'a arrêté alors qu'il quittait l'hôtel.
Yeah. I thought it was kind of funny. We'd been going together about a month or so, and then one afternoon, he came in and said he was leaving town just like that.
On sortait ensemble depuis un mois... et il me dit qu'il quitte la ville juste comme ça.
Just that he was leaving.
Qu'il partait.
We've got here just as he was leaving.
On arrive à temps, le voilà qui sort.
Yes, just now as he was leaving. - He did not say a word. He seemed...
Oui, il sortait d'ici mais il ne m'a dit mot.
It's very hard to say anything about him because he was... The time I was with him, just prior to leaving him, he was right into it.
C'est très difficile à dire, parce que, encore au moment où je suis parti, il avait la forme.
He was just leaving.
Il allait partir.
He was just saying that we'll be leaving in a couple of seconds, so put your seatbelt on, make sure they're tight.
Il a dit qu'on allait décoller dans quelques secondes. donc mets ta ceinture et vérifie qu'elle soit bien serrée.
Just that he was leaving town.
Je sais juste qu'il quittait la ville.
He was leaving Logan's retreat just before 1 : 00.
Il a quitté la retraite de Logan un peu avant 1h00. Lancez le réseau parallèle des satellites de la NSA et faites un scan radial par secteur de 5km en partant de la retraite... D'accord.
He was leaving when I got there, so I followed him, just to talk to him.
Il partait quand j'y suis arrivé, alors je l'ai suivi, juste pour parler.
Did he just say he was leaving?
Il vient de dire qu'il partait?
It just got buried deeper... leaving him tormented about who he was until finally he put a bullet... house!
Mais elle était de plus en plus profonde... il ne savait pas qui il était jusqu'à ce qu'il prit une balle...
He's a messenger, who was just leaving.
C'est le coursier qui était sur le point de partir.
He was actually, um, just leaving.
Il allait... Partir.
He came to visit and as he was leaving, he picked up a guitar and he started just playing by the front door, like E major, and we just jammed on that one chord for about 20 minutes.
J'avais à peine appris 3 ou 4 accords. Il était venu me voir et en partant, il a pris une des guitares et s'est mis à jouer devant l'entrée.
Just as I was leaving with the fruit, he goes :
Alors que je sortais avec les fruits, il m'a dit
And just like that, he was blissfully f to his next heartbreak, leaving us to deal with the mess he left behind.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Et juste comme ça, il se dirigeait paisiblement vers sa prochaine rupture, { \ pos ( 192,210 ) } nous laissant gérer les dégâts qu'il avait causés. { \ pos ( 192,210 ) }
He was just leaving. No, no, there's no problem.
- Il allait partir.
No. No, I was just leaving a message on Robert's phone which is ridiculous because he hasn't got his phone with him.
Non, non, je laissais juste un message sur le téléphone de Robert ce qui est ridicule parce qu'il n'a pas eu son téléphone avec lui.
Bill divorced the other two just before their prenups expired, leaving them without a dime, and get this, he was about to do the same to Tonya.
Il a divorcé des autres avant terme du contrat nuptial, il les a laissées sans un sou. Il allait faire de même pour Tonya.
I just caught the owner as he was leaving.
J'ai croisé mon boss qui s'en allait.
{ \ cHFFFFFF } { \ cH00FF00 } Just as he was leaving.
Au moment de partir.
I remember seeing him just as he was leaving school.
Je me souviens l'avoir vu quand il quittait l'école.
No, no, no, he just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order.
Non, non, non. Il n'a fait que mentionner qu'il s'en allait le jour où il est venu placer sa commande.
He just looked at me and told me he was leaving that he met a woman, that he didn't love my mother anymore, and that I was going to have to take care of her and my sister.
Il m'a regardé et il m'a dit qu'il partait qu'il avait rencontré une femme, qu'il n'aimait plus ma mère, et que j'allais devoir prendre soin d'elle et de ma sœur.
Seriously, what was he thinking, just leaving you there with this thing?
Non, mais quelle idée de te confier à cette chose!

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