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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He was just there

He was just there Çeviri Fransızca

841 parallel translation
Then there was the classic 1941 Maltese Falcon with Humphrey Bogart, and he just happened to photograph a picture called Casablanca in 1942.
Puis il y eut le classique de 1941, Le faucon maltais, avec Bogart, et il signa également la photographie d'un certain Casablanca en 1942.
Ya see, he was always very kind to animals, so I just put him there out of sentiment.
Il aimait bien les animaux et je le mets là par sentiment.
Just before he sailed for Europe, he said that, at last, there was... hope in his heart.
Avant de partir pour l'Europe, il m'a confié avoir le coeur plein ïespoir.
When we came in just now, he was there like that.
Quand on est arrivées, il était comme ça.
But there I was, with just my two hands to his four. He had a big, heavy club in each of them.
Je n'étais pas armé, il avait une massue dans chaque main.
Just... sitting there like he was waiting for somebody to come along.
Simplement assis, comme s'il attendait que quelqu'un vienne le voir.
Oh, I know that we messengers shouldn't permit our emotions to sway us... but there he was, sir, just plummeting earthward.
Bon, les messagers ne sont pas censés écouter leurs émotions, mais je l'ai vu plonger vers le sol.
- Wasn't he, Mr. Beaumont? - Yeah, but there was just one hitch. I used to have to be very careful about repeating.
L'os, c'est que je devais faire attention à ne pas repasser aux mêmes endroits.
Sometimes I think Tarzan's up there too in the clouds, just like he was in the escarpment.
et que j'aperçois un gratte-ciel, je crois voir Tarzan au sommet... près des nuages, comme sur l'escarpement.
He was there, just as you described him.
Il était exactement comme tu me l'as décrit.
I was working on him but I just touched him there, and he passed right out.
J'étais en train de le masser, je l'ai simplement touché ici et il s'est évanoui.
He's just a little Himmler if there ever was one.
Ce n'est qu'un petit Himmler en puissance.
He told me that he hadn ´ t invited anyone else... and that the white orchid and all that was just his way of getting me up there.
Il me dit qu'il n'avait invité personne d'autre et que l'orchidée blanche n'était qu'un moyen de m'attirer chez lui.
I just came up, and there he was.
Je suis monté et je l'ai trouvé là.
Then he was lying there. Looking at me, just looking at me.
Il était là, par terre, à me fixer.
He could not believe that he had made this portrait, yet there was his own name just as he had painted it.
Il ne pouvait croire qu'il avait peint cela. Pourtant, c'était signé.
Nut you can't arrest Steve just because he was there the night before.
Vous l'arrêtez car il l'a vu la veille de sa mort?
When I arrived this morning at 7.30 There he was, just lying there.
Quand je suis arrivée ce matin, vers 7h30, je l'ai trouvé étendu sur le sol.
Just a man lying there, and he was dead.
Il ne restait qu'un homme allongé par terre, mort.
It'll be simple enough to prove you're not that Nazi. We'll just find someone who was in your class at college and he'll identify you, and that's all there'll be to it.
Ce sera simple de prouver que tu n'es pas ce nazi, on trouvera un ancien étudiant de ton université.
He looks as if he just found out there was an income tax.
Il nous mijote une nouvelle taxe!
With that load on the weakened joists I bet he had to put a lally column down there for support. - I'll bet. - It was just four little flagstones...
Et du fait du surcroît de charge... refaire tout le support...
There was this one... He was just a little fella. A skinny, little runt.
Il y en avait un, un petit gars, pas bien épais.
All his life, whenever he got in a spot... he just put out his hand, and there was Ma Jarrett.
Partout où il est allé, maman Jarrett suivait.
But he was in there to win, so he just kept going.
Il est venu pour gagner, c'est tout ce qui lui importe.
Mr. Barn staple was, but when he got out, found all the people he'd been working with just lying there, well, you might say he was sort of like a machine, with no one left to press the buttons.
C'était un homme brillant en charge de la caisse. Mais quand il est sorti de la Il retrouva ses collègues, allongés juste a coté. Eh bien, il semble que comme pour une machine Le ressort ce soit cassé.
You said there was a clap of thunder just before he entered the house.
Vous avez dit qu'il y a eu un coup de tonnerre juste avant qu'il entre.
And afterwards, just as I was putting my robe on, I looked up, and there he was.
J'ai pris un bain, parce que ça m'aide à dormir, je mettais mon peignoir, j'ai levé la tête et il était là.
It's just that there's absolutely no chance he was missing.
C'est qu'il est impossible qu'il soit disparu.
When I got back, he was just laying there.
Quand je suis arrivé, il était allongé juste là.
Another man was there, but just likely he's hired by Ryker.
J'ai vu un autre type, engagé par Ryker.
She just got a divorce or something. She was married to one of his best friends, so he was going up there to keep her company.
Elle vient de divorcer de l'un de ses amis, et il allait la voir.
And if you just kick it away, it's like he never existed like there never was a Norman Maine at all.
Si tu fous ça en l'air, c'est comme s'il n'avait jamais existé! Comme s'il n'y avait jamais eu de Norman Maine!
He just appeared, and there he was.
Il est apparu, et il était là.
He found out we were being held by the police. He just called up to see if there was anything he could do.
Nous sachant retenus, il nous offrait ses services.
He was standing by the window, and he- - he was trying to get out... and that thing was all over him... and then... just dissolved while I stood there.
Je crois avoir vu le Docteur debout devant la fenêtre... Il essayait de sortir. La "chose" était tout autour de lui.
He'd just stopped in, and there was nobody there.
Il s'est arrêté. Il n'y avait personne.
If my father lived there, he'd tell them it was just two pieces of air coming together.
Papa leur expliquerait que ce sont deux masses d'air qui se rencontrent.
I think he was just standing there behind the bar.
Rien d'autre, je crois, que de se tenir là debout, derrière le bar.
Stepmother, we were there talking and he was just gone.
Il était là et brusquement, plus personne.
Well, he was out when I was there just a while ago.
Il était sorti quand j'y suis allé.
Did he bring it in person, or was it, just there, shoved under the door?
Il l'a apporté en personne, ou l'a glissé sous la porte?
Shucks, I just sat there while he was painting my picture.
Je suis restée assise pendant qu'il peignait.
Well, you see, ma'am, whilst he was painting my picture, he started talking, and the words they just kept pouring out just like berries out of a basket, and I just sat there listening.
Pendant qu'il me peignait, il s'est mis à parler, ses paroles sortaient comme des baies d'un panier, et je l'écoutais.
Well, I just came in here to give the brigadier those letters to sign, and I saw him sitting there, and at first I thought he was asleep and then I saw all this blood.
M. Young, venez vite!
- Last night? He was there just before that fella got killed, and he never went back. But...
- Qu'y a-t-il?
It was just by accident that he was staying there but it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on between us.
Il s'y trouvait par hasard. Mais il a tout de suite compris.
- Nothing. This morning when I woke up Bernard was there just looking at me. He went to get that glass of milk.
Ce matin, quand je me suis réveillée, Bernard était là à me regarder il m'a apporté un verre de lait et j'ai fait semblant de boire et de dormir.
It was just last night. He was sitting there at the supper table. I begged him not to go.
Hier soir, il dînait là.
He's just served 8 years in prison And was released from there, only today..
Il vient de passer huit ans en prison et n'a été libéré qu'hier.
He didn't even hit me in the face, he just shoved his thumb in my eye, it hurt like hell... It was a violent punch, there isn't anybody who doesn't feel a punch in the eye.
Il ne m'a même pas frappé au visage, il m'a mis le pouce dans l'œil et moi, tourmenté - ça a été un coup violent et tout le monde sait ce que c'est - je me suis agenouillé, je voulais le laisser compter jusqu'à huit

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