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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / Hold on to that

Hold on to that Çeviri Fransızca

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We have to hold on to that if nothing else.
C'est notre seule ressource.
Here. Hold on to that.
Tiens, garde-les.
Maybe I should just hold on to that and give the show a rave.
Dois-je le porter aux nues?
Hold on to that ammo. You're no good to me dead.
Un soldat mort ne sert à rien.
I think I can hold on to that feeling.
Je crois qu'ici, je pourrai éprouver la même chose.
Hold on to that.
Ce sera vite fait.
In some kinds of people, some tenderer feelings have had a little beginning that we must make grow and cling to and hold as our flag in this march toward whatever it is we're approaching.
Quelques sentiments plus doux ont su naître chez certains! Et il faut qu'ils s'épanouissent! On doit se cramponner à cette bannière jusqu'au bout du tunnel.
But, you and I know that a single girl has got to keep a firm hold on her emotions or she'll be lost.
Mais vous savez bien qu'une jeune femme, seule au monde, doit contrôler ses sentiments pour ne pas se perdre.
Hold on. You need to read that letter straightaway.
Lisez-la maintrenant.
Some folks are gonna hold you to blame for lettin'that jumper get away.
On va te blâmer pour avoir laissé ce voleur s'enfuir.
That's why you hang on to me. You know if you can't hold someone like me, you'll never hold any woman!
Si tu ne peux me garder, tu ne garderas jamais une femme!
- Look, to get a second degree like that, he'd have had to hold his hand on a burner a couple of seconds, at least.
- Pour avoir une telle brulure, la main est restée sur un brûleur plusieurs secondes au moins.
Look, there was a time when people thought the earth was a level plane between two mountains that were set there to hold up the sky... and that the stars were lamps hung from that sky.
Écoutez, autrefois on croyait que la Terre était une plaine... entre deux montagnes dressées pour soutenir le ciel... et que les étoiles étaient des lampes suspendues au firmament.
Why do you think I pulled that stickup on the road to San Diego? That was a red herring so as we could double back and shack up with old Stevie and his missus.
On a fait des hold-ups du côté de San Diego pour brouiller les pistes et revenir se planquer chez toi.
You know, much as I hate to give Thomas J. Doyle too much credit, he might have gotten a hold of something when he said that was pretty private stuff going on out there.
Même si je n'aime pas attribuer trop de mérite à Thomas J. Doyle, il n'avait peut-être pas tort quand il a dit que tout ça était privé.
From them canyon down across the river bed. We figure to hold that grass and keep it for winter feed.
On veut garder ce fourrage pour l'hiver.
Although'tis fit that Cassio have his place, yet, if you please to hold him off awhile, note if your lady strain his entertainment... with any strong or vehement importunity.
Il est sans doute à propos de rendre à Cassio sa place, cependant, s'il vous plaît, de le tenir éloigné quelque temps. Remarquez si Desdémona presse son rétablissement avec beaucoup d'instances : on verra bien des choses.
Listen, we ain't got nothing to hold that old boy on.
On n'a pas de quoi l'arrêter.
Thinkin'of the day that I'd get out And hold you close to me
Quand on me libérera... je te serrerai contre moi
Thinkin'of the day that I'd get out And hold you close to me
Le jour où on me libérera... je te serrerai contre moi
Now, um, I... I want you two to go home and dig into your memories and into any records you may have and discover exactly where you were and what you were doing on these two key dates, the dates that the insurance company was held up.
Maintenant... rentrez chez vous... et faites un effort pour essayer de vous rappeler exactement... où vous vous trouviez pendant ces deux jours... où eurent lieu les hold-up.
Now, if'n the typewriters was to start singing today, and if'n the medicals were medicking today, and my ships arrived on time, and I was to get a hold of the boys, say, tomorrow, of course, that's a lot of if'n but if'n I did, then, whammy!
Si les machines à écrire se mettent à chanter aujourd'hui, si les médecins s'activent aujourd'hui, si mes bateaux arrivent aujourd'hui, et si j'ai ces gars demain, bien sûr, ça fait beaucoup de si!
When they go out, it is not reasonable to expect that we can hold the hill.
Quand ils vont attaquer, il ne faut pas croire qu'on pourra tenir la colline.
You gonna hold me to some damn fool promise that I made to you on the night he was born?
Jamais le toucher. Je dois tenir une promesse que j'ai faite quand il est né?
Huh? Look, Seven, if we run into that Hanley bunch, don't try too hard to hold on to me.
Sept, si nous tombons sur Hanley, n'essaie pas de résister.
Keep the deck. Hold that beacon in your port bow... till I give the order to come about. Hold this.
Guidez-vous sur cette balise jusqu'à ce qu'on vire de bord.
[They had built it there, convinced that St. Lucius... ] [... to avoid getting his feet wet, would hold the waters at bay.]
On l'avait bâtie afin que saint Lucio retienne les eaux pour ne pas se mouiller les pieds.
jules'hidden qualities and how he'd felt from the start that... jules couldn't hold on to Catherine.
Il dit les trésors cachés en Jules et comment il avait pressenti dès le début que Jules ne pourrait pas garder Catherine.
Now, in your case, miss grep, it seems that you can't hold on to a job.
Du thé? - Nous allons attaquer ce problème en...
Do you want to hold on to life so much that you're willing to make your lord a laughing stock?
Si j'ai bien compris, ta vie est plus importante, que la honte de ton maître.
Now, I happen to know that Johnny North was in on a big mail robbery in California. Supposed to have gotten away with over a million bucks, left the other guys holding the bag.
On dit qu'il a participé à un hold-up d'un million de dollars.
And I stand here now to tell you one and all that I've never been offered a better piece of collateral than I hold in my hand right now. Chair.
Et je vous dis à tous qu'on ne m'a jamais offert de meilleur nantissement que celui que je tiens dans ma main.
Oh, honey, that's a hell of a way to hold on to a man.
C'est une drôle de façon de s'accrocher à un homme, trésor.
Hold his arms or he's going to dance the twist. We don't need that.
Tiens-lui les bras, sinon, il va nous danser le twist, on n'a pas besoin
I'm really not qualified to hold forth on these matters. That material's not covered in my course.
Je ne suis pas qualifié pour l'expliquer, ce n'est pas ma matière.
General Leclerc asks me to tell you that they're on the march... to hold fast!
Le général Leclerc dit : "Nous arrivons, tenez bon."
Somehow we've got to get a hold of that machine!
C'est urgent. - On doit s'emparer de cette machine.
I had to hit down on the ball, give it plenty of backspin so it would hold the green, yet I had to clear that tree.
J'ai frappé sous la balle pour donner un effet rétro et pour qu'elle reste bien sur le green.
As soon as we get well, we're going to hold up that bank. We're going to take it!
Dês qu'on ira mieux, on va la cambrioler, cette banque.
Thank you, but in that case I prefer to hold on.
Je vous remercie. Je peux me retenir encore.
That part of us was too weak to hold on.
Cette partie de nous était trop faible pour survivre.
The longer we can hold back that fear, the longer we have to get that thing out.
Plus on repoussera la peur, plus on aura le temps de la chasser.
We've got to hold that hurricane in the Pacific.
On doit retenir cet ouragan dans le Pacifique.
This is Sunday. I'm going to hold that writ until we come to work Monday morning.
On est dimanche, je vais bloquer l'assignation jusqu'à demain.
It's my neck if I'm wrong, but I won't take you in... on condition that you hold your job - that you phone in to me every single day, you understand?
Je prends le risque, mais tu dois garder ton travail et m'appeler tous les jours. Compris?
So, is it there that you'd like to put me? Hold on.
- Vous voulez me mettre ici?
We've got to hold that piece in place.
On doit tenir ce bout en place.
Captain, without phasers, and until we're able to communicate with the ship, it is illogical to assume that we can hold out against the entire military force of this planet.
Tant qu'on n'aura pas établi le contact avec le vaisseau, on ne pourra pas résister à toute l'armée de cette planète.
Now hold on, T.J. You don't think I had anything to do with that?
Ça suffit! Tu me crois mêlé à ça?
Every night when we bed down next to each other I think of you that way and I want to reach out and touch you and hold you and feel you.
Chaque soir, quand on se couche, je repense à ça et j'ai envie de vous toucher, de vous enlacer et de vous sentir.
We'll have to get them first, get into that house, grab Ketcham, and use him to hold the rest off.
D'abord on s'occupe d'eux, puis on entre dans la maison, on attrape Ketcham et on se sert de lui comme bouclier.

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