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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ L ] / Leave him to me

Leave him to me Çeviri Fransızca

586 parallel translation
You just leave him to me.
Je m'en occupe.
You leave him to me.
Leave him to me. Leave him to me.
Je m'en occupe.
Leave him to me.
Je me charge de lui.
Leave him to me, Dad.
Compte sur moi, papa.
Never mind, Mr. Brewster. Leave him to me.
Je me charge de lui.
You better just leave him to me and stay away from him.
Laisse-moi faire et ne t'approche pas de lui.
Leave him to me!
Laissez-le moi! Lâche-moi! Lâche-moi!
If you refuse to leave him to me, I shall free him!
Si vous refusez de me le laisser, Je le relâche!
Leave him to me.
Je m'en occupe.
He'll pay you and you'll leave him to me!
Il vous paie et vous me le laissez!
Why don't you just leave him to me?
Laisse-moi m'occuper de lui.
I asked her what right she had to take him away from me, to shatter our existence. I wanted her to promise to leave him alone, but she just laughed.
Je lui ai demandé de quel droit elle faisait ça, prendre ce qui était dans ma vie, briser notre existence.
He needs me now, and I'd be selfish to leave him.
Il a besoin de moi, ce serait égoïste de le quitter.
Harris to get a good price, but can not come get him. Leave it in the ordinance of Piccadilly Circus...
Harry s'en occupera en me faisant un bon prix, mais il ne peut pas venir la chercher.
I told him he could have your contract for nothing... if you wanted to leave me.
II peut avoir votre contrat gratuitement si vous voulez partir.
I told him I had to leave, and he gave it to me for taxi fare.
Je lui ai dit que je partais et il me l'a donné pour le taxi.
And, when I tell him to leave my apples alone... he's a telling me "chase himself".
Et quand j'y demande de laicher mes pommes, y m'dit d'aller me faire voir!
Esteban is urging me to leave my husband and go to Spain with him.
Esteban m'exhorte à quitter mon mari et à le suivre en Espagne.
I'll leave him on that island to starve the way he left me
Je le laisserai mourir de faim sur cette île comme il m'a laissé.
- You know Mr. Norten told me not to leave him, not even for a minute.
M. Norton ne veut pas que je le quitte des yeux.
Better leave him up to me.
Mieux voudrait me le laisser.
You ought to leave him here with me.
Tu devrais le laisser ici.
- I don't know. The cops told me to leave him alone.
Les flics ont éveillé ma curiosité à son sujet.
Alec had to leave the keys in Stephen Lynn's flat... and suggested I came up with him.
Alec devait laisser les clefs de la voiture chez Stephen Lynn. Il me suggéra de monter avec lui à l'appartement.
And he'd do it again to see me hanged. But no sneaking rat like him's going to make me leave my boy.
Mais ce rat ne me fera pas quitter mon fils.
It couldn't have hurt her to have asked him. - Leave that to me.
Elle aurait pu inviter Elliott.
I wanted to yell at him and get up and leave.
Je voulais me lever et m'en aller.
He was going to leave me, and I killed him!
Il allait m'abandonner et je l'ai tué.
I had to bring him with me. I had nowhere to leave him.
Je ne veux pas le quitter, je m'appelle Andreina.
Well, ah, leave word for him to call me When he comes back.
Qu'il m'appelle dès qu'il revient.
You may refuse to see me again, but I'm going to leave him.
Même si vous refusez de me revoir, je le quitterai.
You want him to leave me! Me!
Il devrait me quitter!
Leave me, someone has to tell him the truth
Faut tout lui dire...
Give him a chance to look. Leave me room to reach that switch.
Libérez l'accès à l'interrupteur.
I can't say good-bye to him, or he won't let me leave.
Si je lui dis au revoir, il ne me laissera pas partir.
Tell him to leave me alone! Tell him I saw nothing!
Dites-lui de me laisser tranquille, que je n'ai rien vu...
She didn't leave me a penny... and since the funeral was expensive, and my mother was only a concubine, he says I must sleep with him to repay it.
Comme elle n'a pas laissé un sou... et comme les funérailles ont coûté cher, il me dit de me vendre... pour le rembourser, puisque ma mère n'était qu'une concubine.
I am no orator, as Brutus is, but, as you know me all, a plain blunt man that loved my friend, and that they know full well that gave me public leave to speak of him.
Je ne suis pas aussi bon orateur que Brutus. Vous le savez tous, je suis simple, direct. J'aime mon ami.
Leave me alone. I'm going to greet him.
Je vais le recevoir.
You don't have to see me again or even speak to me again, but... save yourself, leave him.
Je ne vous demande pas de me revoir. Mais sauvez-vous. Quittez-le.
I'd sleep better if you'd leave him to Joe and me.
Je dormirais mieux si tu les laissais à Joe et à moi.
So I called Peterson and told him I'd not be home for dinner... but to leave some cold supper out for me in case I was hungry later on.
J'appelai Peterson et je lui dis de préparer un souper froid au cas où j'aurais faim plus tard.
Tell him to leave me alone.
Qu'il me laisse tranquille.
Tell him to leave me. I'm not talking to him.
Ramu, dis-lui de me laisser tranquille.
Phuong, are you going to leave me for him?
Vas-tu me laisser pour lui?
If I had to leave him, I don't know.
Si je devais le quitter, je préférerais me jeter dans l'océan.
You are to leave me alone with him.
Tu peux me laisser seule avec lui.
Well, leave him to me.
Et son père?
Why in the devil didn't he come to me with this or to you? Somebody? - Did you leave word for him to call here?
Pourquoi n'est-il pas venu m'en parler?
Say hello to him, get your stuff and leave with me.
Salue-les, prends tes trucs et viens avec moi!

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