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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ M ] / Move it back

Move it back Çeviri Fransızca

414 parallel translation
If you move it back four feet, I'll be able to get out.
Reculez que je puisse sortir.
I said if you move it back about four feet, I'll be able to get out.
Reculez un peu, que je puisse sortir d'ici.
Just move it back again.
Remets-les dans ma cabine.
Move it back on the down jiggle.
Reculez quand je pousse.
Just move it back slowly.
Reculez doucement.
Move it back.
Faites place.
All right, move it back there! McMurphy, get your ass over here, and bring Dracula with you.
McMurphy, amène-toi... avec Dracula.
- All right, move it back!
- Allez, marche arrière!
OK, guys, show's over. Move it back over here, alright?
Il n'y a rien à voir.
Come on, you all, let's move it back.
Allez, vous autres, reculez.
We can move it back a little if you like.
On peut le reculer si tu veux.
So then I'm going front, back, front, back... and it's all dirty in the back, so when I move it to the front, then that gets all dirty.
Je vais devant, derrière, devant, derrière... et c'est tout sale derrière, alors quand j'ai l'ai avancé, j'ai tout sali.
- Back. Move it on those two sides.
- Allons, plus vite.
Stop it. Move back.
Dégage-toi de là!
No, Monsieur, we have to move the piano and put it back in place.
- Il faut mettre le piano debout.
Come on, break it up, break it up. Move back a little bit, please.
Reculez, bougez-vous.
Move back! Cut it over!
Laissez passer!
When you reach it, move fast. That plane's liable to come back any minute.
Quand ce sera à vous, faites vite.
- It's easier for you to move back with your car
- Reculez avec la voiture.
What, are you trying to back over the gutter? Move it!
Que fais-tu...?
Take the order that everyone should move from the two back fortresses to the front line. I want to time it!
Prends ordre que tous doivent se reculer de 2 forts de la ligne de front je veux choisir mon moment!
- Look this way. - All right, cool it, move back.
- Regardez par ici.
Move them back, damn it.
Ecartez-vous, bon sang.
We've been ordered back to map reference 473, so let's move it!
Nous nous replions sur la position 4-7-3... Grouillons!
Move it, get back!
A l'intérieur!
Remmy, you come back for me. Now move it!
Remmy, tu viens me chercher.
I'll move the car, we'll put it round the back.
Je vais déplacer la voiture, je vais le mettre derrière.
Now can you back this up and move it down the hill?
Maintenant, reculez.
We can save ourselves considerable hardship if we just back water, talk it out before we make our move.
On peut se simplifier la vie en pagayant en arrière... et en annonçant la man œ uvre.
I won't move if you don't give it back!
Je ne bougerai pas si tu ne me la rends pas!
We'll connect the battery igniter, move back and then blow it.
Connectons ça à la batterie et faisons tout péter.
Bessinger hasn't made his move yet and I don't think he's gonna make it while I pick up my food and come back.
Bessinger n'a pas encore bougé... et je ne pense pas qu'il le fera pendant que je vais chercher mon plat.
write me a letter send it by mail let's move these people back in their shacks.
Écris-moi une lettre Envoie-la par la poste Faisons retourner ces gens dans leurs cabanes.
It's all right. We'll leave this party now and we'll move farther back in time.
Nous allons quitter cette fête et remonter dans le temps.
He didn't expect us to find it. All right, move back.
Il ne pensait pas qu'on la trouverait.
Back up there into position. Move it!
Ils arrivent!
Now, why move it back eight feet to commit suicide?
Pourquoi la reculer pour se suicider?
- Is it okay if I move back in with you?
- Je peux revenir ici, les potes?
Come on! Go back to your rooms! Come on, move it!
Allez, retournez dans vos chambres!
Move it. You're supposed to be in the back there.
Tu dois aller derrière.
Later on, of course, I'll fill in the top and it'll move on back all over.
Je remplirai le sommet petit à petit et on coiffera tout vers l'arriére.
It's a downer about a couple that move back to Love Canal.
C'est déprimant l'histoire de ce couple qui revient à Love Canal.
From here on, it was easy does it. If you move too sudden, or worse, try jumping on her back, and you might just as well strap yourself to a... well, to a rocket.
Jusque là c'était facile, mais bougez trop vite, ou pire, montez lui sur le dos, autant vous accrochez, bien, à une fusée.
Let's move. - Let's close it up back there.
Fermez-la derrière.
Shut your mouth! In the back! Move it!
Tu parles pour rien dire.
It is blocked up there. Move back.
C'est bloqué.
I saw it move, too. Get in the back.
Je l'ai vu bouger.
I wanna move those 50 keys as bad as you, but it won't happen unless the Bolivian gets his property back.
Je veux faire ce deal aussi mais il veut récupérer ses affaires.
Please, will you just move your truck forward and back it into the van when I get behind you?
Je vous en prie, avancez votre camion et reculez quand j'aurais mis la camionnette derrière.

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