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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / She was afraid

She was afraid Çeviri Fransızca

743 parallel translation
When she screamed, I realized she was afraid of the knife.
Comment expliquez-vous alors? Elle a crié, et j'ai compris qu'elle avait peur du poignard.
She was afraid of you.
Elle avait peur de vous.
She was afraid of Montgomery and myself.
Elle avait peur de Montgomery et de moi
She was afraid a grown daughter would hurt her career.
Elle avait peur qu'avoir une grande fille ferait tord à sa carrière.
I told you that she was afraid of you.
Vous voyez, elle a peur.
Miss Julia came in on the stage last night but she was afraid to come here, so she sent me.
Mlle Julia est arrivée hier soir, mais elle a peur de venir ici, alors elle m'envoie.
You know, Ma once said she felt she shouldn't have let me come to Dragonwyck... that she was afraid.
Ma mère m'a dit un jour que je n'aurais jamais dû venir à Dragonwyck. Elle avait peur.
She was afraid I'd forget.
- Bon, très bien. Elle vous a dit aussi pour le dîner?
She was afraid there might be trouble.
Elle s'inquiétait.
- She was afraid.
- Elle avait peur.
Some say she did it because he was the enemy. Some say she was afraid of herself, for she too, was falling in love.
Certains disent que c'est parce que c'était l'ennemi, d'autres disent qu'elle craignait de s'éprendre de lui.
Elle avait peur de perdre son gagne-pain.
The plain fact was she was afraid of that world outside. Afraid it would remind her that time had passed.
En réalité, elle avait peur du monde extérieur, peur qu'il lui rappelle que le temps avait passé.
There was something she was afraid of.
Il y avait quelque chose dont elle avait peur.
If you knew, you'd be afraid, like she was afraid.
Si vous saviez, vous auriez peur comme elle.
She was afraid to go out.
Elle avait peur de sortir.
Later on, when it was too late to do anything... she was afraid to admit what had happened.
Alors il était trop tard et Rhoda n'a pas osé avouer la vérité!
Yeah, she was afraid you were sore at me, so she had me rush the growler.
Elle avait peur que vous soyez fâchée Elle m'a envoyé au distributeur
She was afraid of you.
elle avait peur de toi.
She was afraid of the people's fury.
elle a peur de Ia coIére du peuple.
Why did she always enact the very same thing she was most afraid she would do?
Elle a toujours décrété la même chose : elle faisait les choses qui la terrifiaient le plus...
I was afraid old hatchet-face would see us. You sap. She'll be in here to see if we're in bed.
Il est 1 h30, j'avais peur que la vieille chouette nous voie idiote Tu veux qu'elle débarque pour voir si on est couchées?
I'm afraid she was, Phil, but there's one thing she shan't do.
J'ai peur que oui, Phil, mais il y a une chose qu'elle ne fera pas.
I was afraid she wouldn't last long enough to get here.
J'avais peur qu'elle meure avant d'arriver.
I was afraid there might be trouble, so I wrote Mother. She always understands.
Je craignais qu'il y ait un problème, alors j'ai écrit à mère.
She got tired of waiting, was afraid she'd be an old maid and...
Elle s'est lassée d'attendre.
She may think that I was afraid.
Elle a pu croire que j'ai eu peur.
In the excitement, she forgot about the letter and then later on was afraid to say she'd made a mistake.
Elle ne pensait plus à cette lettre et ensuite, elle a eu peur.
She was guilty and afraid.
Elle était coupable et effrayée.
I was afraid she'd been unhappy.
J'avais peur qu'elle ait été malheureuse.
What was she afraid of?
Pourquoi cette peur?
Well, I'm afraid your Aunt Fanny's heart was stirred by ancient recollections, Georgie. You mean she used to be silly about him?
Je crains que le coeur de ta tante Fanny ne soit troublé par des souvenirs
Well, she intimated one day that she was afraid it might even happen that she wouldn't get to see him again.
Je crois qu'elle craint de ne plus jamais le revoir
A little girl, Tina who was afraid, because she thought she was alone.
Une petite fille, Tina... qui avait peur parce qu'elle se croyait seule.
In fact, I'm afraid she didn't know what the truth was.
En fait... elle ne savait pas ce qu'était la vérité.
He was afraid she might get into trouble, so he did it anonymously.
Il avait peur de l'impliquer et l'a fait anonymement.
I was afraid she might go to pieces a little, now that we had done it. But she was perfect.
Je craignais qu'elle ne s'effondre après coup, mais elle a été parfaite.
She was desperately afraid of the bombing, and I left her to face it alone.
Les bombes la terrifiaient, et je l'ai abandonnée.
- She was afraid of him.
- Elle était effrayée.
I'm afraid it's pretty obvious, Doctor. She was lying.
C'est clair, docteur, elle mentait.
And I was afraid she might try to have the baby without telling you.
J'avais peur qu'elle ait ce bébé sans rien vous dire.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
C'était encore plus difficile avec sa surveillance constante, sa crainte de me voir abîmer sa précieuse création.
I'm afraid that Mother wasn't very much help, was she?
Maman n'a pas été d'un grand secours, n'est-ce pas?
Do you know that at night I went to listen to your door because I was afraid that she was there?
Sais-tu qu'un soir, je suis allée écouter à ta porte parce que j'avais peur qu'elle soit chez toi?
She was always afraid it would come to her in her hands.
Elle craignait pour ses mains.
I was afraid she'd think bad things of me if I told her I had the medal.
J'ai eu peur qu'elle ne me juge mal si je lui disais la vérité.
She was even afraid of men.
Les hommes lui faisaient peur.
- I was afraid she'd lose interest.
- De peur de la perdre.
I am afraid so, she was terribly mutilated.
On ne l'a trouvée qu'au matin?
It was almost as though she were afraid of him.
Elle le craignait presque.
was she afraid of him, too?
Elle aussi avait peur de lui?

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