She was right Çeviri Fransızca
3,068 parallel translation
The substance in Brenda's lungs is an exact match to the dust that we found at their workshop, which confirms she was right there right before she died.
La substance dans les poumons de Brenda correspond parfaitement à la poussière trouvée dans leur atelier. ce qui confirme qu'elle y était juste avant de mourir.
She was right there.
Elle était là.
She was right behind us.
Elle était juste derrière nous.
She was right.
Elle avait raison.
And she was right.
Et elle avait raison.
I'll see you. What if she was right?
On se voit plus tard et si elle avait raison?
She used to tell me I had no business being a mother, and s... she was right.
Elle avait l'habitude de me dire que je n'avais pas la capacité d'être une mère, et e... elle avait raison.
She was right there, of course putting wet washcloths on my forehead.
Elle était là, évidemment. Elle me mettait des linges humides sur le front.
- She was right behind me.
- Où est Maggie?
She was right in front of him.
Elle était en face de lui.
Now, let's see, if she was right-handed, she bent down over here, she'd probably throw it as far away from the bar as she could...
Maintenant, voyons voir, si elle était droitière, elle s'est penchée par là, elle l'a jeté loin le plus loin du bar qu'elle pouvait...
She was right, you know.
Elle avait raison, tu sais
She was right, the little freak.
Elle avait raison, le petit monstre.
Ah, she was right.
Ah, elle a raison.
I guess maybe she was right.
Elle devait avoir raison.
Meaning that she was probably right here in your shop just minutes before she died.
Ce qui veut dire qu'elle était probablement dans votre magasin quelques minutes avant sa mort.
S-she started yelling at me and, you know, saying that Katie wasn't my child and that I had no right to make decisions for her, and she threatened me that she was gonna call family services and tell them that I was controlling my kids,
Elle a commencé à me crier dessus et... à dire que Katie n'était pas ma fille et que je n'avais pas le droit de prendre des décisions pour elle, et elle m'a menacée d'appeler les services sociaux
She was run over right here.
Elle a été écrasée juste là.
Corwin had contact with an NSA analyst named Peck right before she was killed.
Corwin était en contact avec un analyste à la sécurité nationale, un dénommé Peck. Juste avant qu'elle soit tuée.
It is right in her wheelhouse. But when it came to the video, she was the only one that didn't create any kind of a character.
Mais quand se fut le moment de la vidéo, elle était la seule qui n'avait créé un genre à son personnage.
You do think she was just kidnapped, right?
Dis moi que tu penses qu'elle a juste été enlevé.
All right, let's canvass the area around the party venue, see if she was being followed.
Bien, bouclons la zone autour du lieu de la fête, voir si elle était suivie.
All right, you referred to her as your ex-girlfriend when she was actually your ex-Beyonce.
Tu parle d'elle comme ton ex copine alors que c'est ton ex-beyonce.
She was just always so needy and clingy, and then her grandfather died, and I wanted to make her feel better, but I panicked, so I... All right? Proposed to her at the funeral.
Mais elle était si dépendante et pot de colle et puis son grand père est mort, et je voulais l'aider à aller mieux mais j'ai paniqué, donc j'ai... je l'ai demandé en marriage aux funérailles.
It's crazy, right? It's just, when she said she was leaving...
Quand elle a dit qu'elle partait...
Now you're so sure that she's right, that you not only think that this painting is a fake, but every other Mettier that was in the house, the entire collection, is also fake?
Spencer a un hacker dans son équipe. Bougez! Dégagez!
Oh, how right she was.
Comme elle avait raison.
She said the computer was necessary for her to conduct her business, right?
Elle a dit que l'ordinateur était nécessaire pour qu'elle mène son activité, n'est-ce pas?
How was she shot on the right while she was sitting here?
Comment a-t-elle pu être touchée sur la droite en étant assise ici?
She was definitely home, right?
Elle était certainement chez elle, non?
She was totally right in calling me out for lying this morning.
Elle avait totalement raison de m'appeler pour mentir ce matin.
And she made out with her in the pool and looked right at me, and was like... you're on your own and... if she could push me off a cliff and nobody knew about it,
Et elle a conclu avec elle dans la piscine et m'a fixé c'était du style... tu es toute seule et... si elle pouvait me jeter du haut de la falaise et que personne ne le sache,
She... she was all right. It was just a little cut.
C'était une petite coupure.
She was the one to say, "it's all right, Mickey, it's all right."
Elle était la seule à dire, ça va Mickey, tout va bien.
You know the one I was gonna phase out right after the wedding- - She just came down with food poisoning.
Que j'allais zapper après le mariage. Elle a été victime d'une intoxication alimentaire.
I asked Kate to go to a movie and she said because it was right after sex that I had feelings for her.
J'ai demandé à Kate d'aller voir un film et comme c'était juste après le sexe, elle dit que j'ai des sentiments pour elle.
I knew right away that she was going to steal my heart.
J'ai directement su qu'elle allait me voler mon coeur.
I think that it's what mom was trying to tell us the night she died, right before...
Je pense que c'est ce que maman a essayé de nous dire la nuit où elle est morte, juste avant...
She would sit on the floor right there, she would dissect a chicken, and pretend she was saving someone's life.
Elle s'asseyait sur le sol juste là, elle disséquait un poulet, et prétendais qu'elle avait sauvé la vie de quelqu'un
After several attempts to drain fluid and repair the collapsed right lung, she underwent a partial pneumonectomy in which half of it was removed.
Aprés plusieurs tentatives de drainage et de réparation du pneumothorax droit, elle a subi une pneumectomie partielle avec ablation de la moitié du poumon.
Of course, it was okay when you two were stealing from investors together - - just not when she was doing it on her own, right?
bien sur, c'était ok quand vous voliez les investisseurs ensemble Juste quand elle ne le faisait pas seule, pas vrais?
You... you want her to be the way she was, right?
Vous... vous voulez qu'elle reste comme elle est ou quoi?
It's like, just a little, like, turn to the right, maybe, and th, she was like, oh, bam, and so it's like the finishing...
C'est genre, juste un petit peu, genre, tourne vers la droite peut-être, et puis, elle était comme, oh, bam, et donc c'est genre la fin...
But she was, right?
Mais elle était, non? Ouais.
Oh, hey, Rossi, I meant to ask you, what did Helen mean at the end when she said "daddy was right"?
Oh, hey, Rossi je voulais vous demander, qu'est-ce que Helen voulait dire à la fin quand elle a dit "papa a raison"?
Based on the height of the building and how far into the street she landed, understudy was right about something.
Si on se base sur la hauteur de l'immeuble et où elle a atterri, la doublure avait raison sur un point.
I know but- - it's crazy, Burke,'cause for a minute I thought she was the right person.
Je sais mais, c'est fou, Burke, car pendant une minute j'ai pensé que c'était la bonne personne.
That's why she was at the park. The Environmental Protection Agency's right around the corner.
L'unité de Protection de l'Environnement est tout près du parc.
- She asked what a Grimm was. So right away, I knew she didn't know.
J'ai compris qu'elle savait rien.
This is about Jackie, all right, and the people that she was in business with.
Cela concerne Jackie, d'accord? et les gens avec qui elle était en affaires.
I wish she was here right now. "
J'aimerais qu'elle soit la maintenant. "
she was right here 23
she was right there 25
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was scared 61
she was right there 25
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144
she was alive 27
she was a 51
she was great 60
she was my best friend 53
she was there 166
she was crying 60
she was murdered 156
she was pregnant 85
she was gone 144
she was alive 27
she was a 51
she was great 60
she was my best friend 53
she was there 166
she was crying 60
she was murdered 156
she was pregnant 85