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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / She was all right

She was all right Çeviri Fransızca

454 parallel translation
She was all right. She seemed happy.
Elle allait bien, semblait heureuse.
She was all right when I left.
- Ça allait quand je l'ai quittée.
She was all right.
Elle est pas mal.
It said nothing except that she was all right.
Juste pour dire qu'elle allait bien.
I wanted to know if she was all right.
Je voulais savoir si elle allait bien.
- She was all right.
- Très bien.
Maybe she was all right and maybe Christmas comes in July. But I didn't believe it.
Dans le fond, c'était peut-être une chic fille... mais je n'y croyais pas trop.
She never forgot her children. She was all right.
Elle n'a jamais oublié ses enfants Elle était quelqu'un de bien
It was stupid of me to meet her so near home, but I'd got to see she was all right.
C'était stupide de ma part, mais il fallait que je vois Julie.
Then the ranger turned to Lulu To make sure she was all right
Le ranger regarda Lulu Pour s'assurer qu'elle allait bien
I wanted to be sure she was all right.
Je m'assurais qu'elle allait bien.
If she knew she was gonna have you with her... everything would be all right.
Si elle savait que vous serez là, tout irait bien.
Well, I suppose if she pulled you first, it was all right.
Si c'est elle qui a commencé, alors ça va.
She was all right. I had my eye on her just like a hawk.
Pas du tout, elle a été parfaite.
She was connected with it, all right.
Elle est impliquée.
How was she? Was she all right?
- Comment allait-elle?
Will she really be all right, just as she was before?
Sera-t-elle vraiment comme avant?
She was yare, all right.
Il était vraiment "yar"!
I'll bet she was surprised when they told her I would. I'll see her, all right.
Elle a dû être bien surprise.
It was too hot. " But the wee, small bear's porridge was just right, so she ate it all up.
Mais le tout petit bol de porridge était parfait, et elle le mangea.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before? Before my father died?
Alors, parce qu'il vient ici et qu'on les voit ensemble, on se permet de dire qu'elle l'aimait avant la mort de Père?
He was all right till she married him and tried to make him swim out of his depth.
C'était un type bien avant qu'il l'épouse et qu'elle tente de le sortir de son confort.
She was a little confused, but she's all right now.
Elle était un peu perdue, mais elle s'est remise.
It was all right, and when it come time for them to cut the cake, the band played "Kiss me Again", she put her arms around him and boy did he look scared.
Au moment de couper le gâteau, elle a embrassé son mari. Il a eu l'air terrifié!
All right, she was blackmailing me.
D'accord, elle me faisait chanter.
She was doing all right until you came here.
Elle s'en sortait bien avant votre arrivée.
She was sweet, all right.
En effet.
She wrote and said everything was all right.
Elle me l'avait écrit.
There he was on his knees, I had all that dough right in my hand... - and she has to go and blow her top.
Il était déjà à genoux, et la voilà qui craque.
They were bathing her and she was perfectly all right...'til she saw another dog, a small dachshund.
Brusquement, elle vit un chien! Elle se mit à hurler.
She was perfectly all right until she saw your dog...
Votre chien a tout gâché.
No, no, Gus, she was real enough all right.
Non, Gus, elle était réelle.
Well, she was pretty, all right. Tall and willowy,
Elle était très belle, grande et mince.
Oh, I guess she was telling the truth, all right. Married 20 years, consorting with a woman young enough to be his granddaughter.
Une fille dont il pourrait être le grand-père!
She was perfectly all right the next day.
Elle allait parfaitement bien le lendemain.
She's all right, but the man was killed. The police are here. Don't laugh.
Elle va bien, mais l'homme a été tué.
I had no idea that she was... - All right, Doctor.
J'ignorais totalement qu'elle était...
Ladies and gentlemen on behalf of Gladys Glover, she just wants me to say that, well she was a little overwhelmed, but she's all right now.
Mesdames et messieurs... au nom de Gladys Glover, je suis chargé de vous dire que... elle était un peu stressée, mais maintenant, ça va bien.
She was smart, all right.
Elle a compris.
All right, she found out, but why tell her it was you?
Elle le sait. Pourquoi lui dire que c'est toi?
She was high all right.
Elle était gaie.
I'm sure she'll be all right, but I wish there was something I could do for Mary.
Je suis sûr qu'elle va aller mieux. Je voudrais tant me rendre utile.
I was wondering if she's all right.
Je veux savoir si elle va bien.
All right, who was she?
C'était qui, cette femme?
All right. She was of use temporarily, but she's served her purpose.
Elle a servi momentanément, mais plus maintenant.
Was she, uh, all right?
Elle va bien?
But she was all right a minute ago.
Elle allait très bien il y a une minute.
Was she all right?
Comment va-t-elle?
And she... And the body was found right by me, all right. But I didn't kill her.
Et elle... le corps était près de moi, mais je ne l'ai pas tuée.
You realise she came to look for me, to see if I was all right?
Steven secoue la tête avec tristesse. Vous rendez-vous compte qu'elle est venue me chercher, voir si j'allais bien, hum?
She was physical, all right. She was too physical.
Pour être physique, elle l'était!

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