We were attacked Çeviri Fransızca
319 parallel translation
We were attacked by killer lions.
Des lions nous ont attaqués.
Last month we were attacked here and there.
Le mois passé, nous avons été attaqués ici et là.
- We were attacked.
- Nous avons été attaqués.
We were attacked.
Nous avons ete attaques.
We were attacked by soldiers.
Les soldats nous ont attaqué.
We took refuge in your tunnel because we were attacked by savages.
Nous avons trouvé refuge dans le tunnel pour échapper aux sauvages.
We were attacked by weird creatures!
- D'affreuses créatures nous attaquent!
We were attacked!
La femme...
Returning one night from maneuvers... we were attacked with hand grenades.
- En rentrant, un soir de manoeuvres, un attentat à la grenade.
Anyway, on the way home, we were attacked by two masked bandits knocked unconscious and shipped to the casbah.
Au retour, deux bandits masqués nous ont attaquées, assommées et expédiées dans la casbah.
Say we were attacked and held.
Nous dirons qu'on nous a attaqués et capturés.
- We were attacked.
- On a êtê attaqués.
- We were attacked!
- C'est un attentat.
We were attacked!
Qui est-ce qui a pu faire ça?
You were on the bridge when we were attacked.
Vous étiez sur la passerelle au moment de l'attaque.
We were attacked, captain.
- Rapport. On a été attaqués.
Most interesting. We were attacked by a thermonuclear missile from a planet which should have no such weapon.
Nous avons été attaqués par un missile thermonucléaire provenant d'une planète qui n'aurait pas dû avoir cette arme.
It was terrible! We were attacked by vampires!
Nous avons été attaqués par des vampires.
We were attacked by a mob of ronin.
Des samurai en rébellion nous attaquèrent.
We were attacked by Tsurugi.
Tsurugi... Il nous a attaqués.
According to the radio, we were attacked by the French air force.
D'après la radio, c'était les Français.
We took to the streets again. On the way back we were attacked again by the fascists and the militia in Omonia Square.
On est redescendu dans les rues et, au retour, on a été à nouveau attaqué par les miliciens et les monarchistes sur la place Omonia.
Let's assume we were attacked... by a death squad or something... and the person you have chosen... could decide which of us eight should survive.
Supposons que nous soyons attaqués. Par un commando de la mort. Et cette personne que vous avez désignée pourrait décider qui de nous huit reste en vie.
If we were attacked... without being able to recall our warriors... we wouldn't have a chance.
Si nous étions attaqués... sans pouvoir rappeler nos combattants... nous n'aurions aucune chance.
We were attacked, laughed at and finally imprisoned.
- On nous a attaqué, ridiculisé et ensuite jeté en prison.
We were attacked by bees.
Des abeilles nous ont attaqués.
We were attacked by cannibal.
On en a tué deux, mais on a perdu deux porteurs.
We were attacked by thugs in the forest.
Nous avons été attaqués par des bandits dans la forêt.
- We were attacked by a werewolf.
- On a été attaqués par un loup-garou.
We were attacked by a lycanthrope.
On a été attaqués par un lycanthrope.
Several months ago we were attacked. I urgently need to return to Europe but unfortunately I have no funds.
Je dois rentrer d'urgence en Europe... mais je n'ai malheureusement pas d'argent.
I should have guessed when we were attacked by those uniformed policemen.
J'aurais dû m'en douter quand nous avons été attaqués par ces personnes en uniforme de policiers.
We were attacked without warning by a Ferengi cruiser.
Un navire Ferengi nous a attaqués par surprise.
We were attacked by some big-ass mother bat.
On s'est fait attaquer par des chauves-souris.
We were attacked in the hospital.
Nous avons été attaqués à l'hôpital.
Out of the darkness we were attacked by a naked maniac.
Un toubib a été attaqué par un fou furieux.
- We were attacked.
On a été attaqués!
However, this afternoon we were attacked by a gang ofjuvenile delinquents.
Cet après-midi, nous avons été attaqués par une bande de délinquants juvéniles.
Come bustin'in here, you'd think we were being attacked!
J'ai cru qu'on nous attaquait.
We know that the boy and girl were attacked here at 10 : 00. Of course.
Nous savons qu'il a attaqué ces jeunes à 10h00.
But we thought we were being attacked.
Nous pensions être attaqués.
When we were seeking for a place for our base an unidentified submarine attacked us.
Alors que nous cherchions un endroit pour notre base un sous-marin inconnu nous a attaqué.
We could have turned and gone away but we were afraid that we would be attacked.
Nous aurions pu faire demi-tour et partir, mais nous craignions de nous faire attaquer.
We were walking along the road, when a man attacked us.
On marchait paisiblement quand brusquement, on nous a attaqués.
When the Germans attacked, we were in a hopeless position.
Quand les Germains ont attaqué, la situation était désespérée.
They attacked Roger Grimes when we were out fishing.
Ils ont attaqué Roger quand on était à la pêche.
Yesterday we came across a group of natives and were attacked... quite successfully.
Hier, rencontre d'un groupe de natifs qui n'ont ont attaqués... avec grand succès
I was all right when we were moving up, or attacked, or anything like that, but when we'd get pinned down, I'd start thinking about him laying back there.
Tout allait bien quand c'était nous... qui avancions ou attaquions... mais, quand on nous a coincé, je me suis mis... à le visualiser, étendu par terre.
We were attempting to trace the malfunction when it attacked me.
Elle m'a attaqué alors que je remontais à la source du dérèglement.
We are here because our outposts, which border on the Neutral Zone, were also attacked.
Nous sommes ici parce que nos avant-postes de la Zone Neutre ont eux aussi été attaqués.
We were afraid the Federation had been attacked.
Nous craignions que la Fédération ait été attaquée.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were together 65
we weren't 120
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we were together 65
we weren't 120
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were young 47
we were here first 26