We were kids Çeviri Fransızca
1,841 parallel translation
We were kids.
On était des gamins.
This idea that Eddie and I had since we were kids, right- - open a store that sold and installed windows.
Cette idée qu'Eddie et moi avions depuis qu'on était gosses, pas vrai? Ouvrir une boutique qui vend et installe des fenêtres.
Do you remember weird Mr. Boothby when we were kids?
Tu te souviens du bizarre Mr Boothby quand on était enfants?
Ed has been obsessed with the supernatural since we were kids you know, and then he meets Harry at computer camp and love at first geek.
Ed est obsédé par le surnaturel depuis qu'on est gamins. Il a rencontré Harry... MAGGIE ZEDDMORE CHERCHEUSE, ADOPTÉE... à un stage d'informatique.
This is where I lost Kyle to the machines when we were kids.
C'est ici que j'ai perdu Kyle avec les machines quand on était enfants.
We were kids.
On était gamins.
We used to go there when we were kids.
On y allait quand on était mômes.
You know, it's a good thing we didn't know each other when we were kids.
Tu sais, c'est une bonne chose que nous ne nous soyons pas connus étant enfants.
On Looking So Desperate And Needy? She's Been Like That Since We Were Kids -
Pourquoi t'obstines-tu à paraître désespéré et misérable?
- Charles Charles taught it to us when we were kids so we communicated from our windows with flashlights.
- Charles Charles nous l'a appris quand on était gosse pour qu'on puisse parler par la fenêtre avec des torches.
Used to do it all the time when we were kids.
Je le faisais tout le temps quand on était petits.
The one who died when we were kids?
Celui qui est mort quand nous étions enfants?
My friends used to call me Yoshitsune when we were kids.
Mes amis m'appelaient Yoshitsune quand nous étions enfant.
Whether it's bonding between Robb and I from since we were kids.
C'est peut-être le lien qui nous unit depuis l'enfance.
I don't recall much from when we were kids.
Je ne me souviens pas très bien de notre enfance.
You gave it to me when we were kids.
Tu me l'as donné quand on était enfants.
You remember when we would sit with Dad out here when we were kids, watch Izzy bury her bones?
Tu te rappelles quand on était jeunes et qu'on s'assoyait ici avec papa - à regarder Izzy enterrer ses os?
My father used to take my brother and me fishing there when we were kids.
Mon père nous y emmenait pêcher, mon frère et moi, quand on était petits.
He was on that's incredible once when we were kids,
Il est passé dans l'émission "Incroyable!" quand on était gosses.
Your grandpa taught me that, and then I taught it to Jack when we were kids.
Ton grand-père me l'a appris et je l'ai appris à Jack quand on était gosses.
We used to come every summer when we were kids.
On venait chaque été quand on était petits.
You know, like, uh, remember when we were kids, and we used to sit in the cheap seats at Dodger Stadium, under the Jumbotron?
Tu te souviens quand on était petits, et que l'on s'asseyait aux places pas chères du stade, celles sous l'écran géant?
Our mom kind of took off when we were kids, and he sucked at being a human being after that.
Notre mère est partie quand on était enfants, et après ça, il était plutôt mauvais dans son rôle d'être humain.
Ha ha ha ha ha! It reminded me of trick or treating with you when we were kids.
Ça me rappelle les chasses aux bonbons avec toi, quand on était gamins.
You were always bad at operation when we were kids.
Tu étais toujours mauvaise en opération quand on était gamins.
When we were kids, whatever role Deb assigned me- - Evil monster, treacherous nazi, horrible alien- - I played them to perfection.
Petit, quel que soit le rôle que Deb me donnait, monstre démoniaque, traître nazi, horrible alien, je le jouais à la perfection.
She's been able to do that since we were kids. Remember that?
Elle fait ça depuis qu'on est petits.
Blake was my cousin, and I'd hated him since we were kids.
Blake était mon cousin, et je le détestais depuis toujours.
When we were kids, I destroyed Randy's dream of becoming cheerleader, which probably kept Dad from kicking him out of the house, but I still needed to make it up to him.
Quand on était gosses, j'avais ruiné le rêve de Randy. Papa l'aurait foutu dehors s'il avait su. Mais je devais quand même me racheter.
- You've had this since we were kids.
- T'avais ça quand on était gosse.
Ugh, he sacrificed for me when we were kids.
Il s'est sacrifié pour moi quand on était gosses.
Chair model lady * * i dreamt that we were married * * and you treated me nice * * we had lots of kids * * drinkin'whiskey and rye * * but why'd you have to * * go off and die?
J'ai rêvé qu'on était mariés Et que tu prenais soin de moi On avait plein d'enfants
We were in lockdown, and I couldn't find Chase, and I was overtaken by kids and I was in no mood for drama, so I just gave her the keys.
On devait rester à l'intérieur, j'ignorais où était Chase, je devais m'occuper des enfants et je ne voulais pas de ses problèmes. Je lui ai juste remis mes clés.
We took on the local kids, there were non-stop conflicts and clashes.
Avec leurs gosses, on se battait tout le temps.
I don't think we've had a candlelit dinner since before the kids were Born.
Notre dernier dîner aux chandelles remonte à avant que les enfants soient nés.
We were just unchof stupid kids.
On n'était qu'une bande de gosses sans cervelles.
Remember, you'd always make them when we were kids?
Vous en faisiez quand on était petites.
We need to interview kids in his class, parents, teachers, find out who his friends were.
Il faut qu'on interroge ses camarades, ses parents, ses profs, qu'on trouve qui étaient ses amis.
We were the only 2 kids in our family.
Nous n'étions que deux enfants dans notre famille.
And then there's all kinds of trouble ahead'cause you have all these kids who are like you and me when we were young looking at all these people and they're perfect.
Et puis il ya toutes sortes de problèmes à venir parce que vous avez tous ces enfants qui sont comme vous et moi quand nous étions jeunes en regardant tous ces gens et ils sont parfait.
We were just innocent kids. We didn't really know what we were doing.
On était des mômes complètement insouciants.
It seems like only yesterday I was bringing you kids to the track, and we were betting the ponies.
J'ai l'impression que c'était hier que je vous emmenais aux courses pour parier.
The day after we collared him, the local detective was driving me to the airport and hears a call on his walkie of kids screaming in a house not far from where we were.
Le lendemain de son arrestation, un inspecteur me conduisait à l'aéroport quand il a reçu un message sur son talkie-walkie à propos d'enfants qui criaient, pas très loin de là où on était.
And we were just kids.
On n'était que des gosses.
I know, I know, it's kinda silly but we were- - You know, we were just a bunch of kids.
C'était idiot, mais bon, on était que des gosses.
kids, back when we were younger, your Uncle Marshall and I were really into college basketball.
Les enfants, quand on était jeunes, votre oncle Marshall et moi étions à fond dans le basket des universités.
- We were just kids then, right?
- On était des gamins, à l'époque.
As kids, we were so experimental with whatever was around.
Plus jeunes, on expérimentait tout ce qui passait.
Before Lila and I got married, we used to talk long about how many kids we were gonna have.
Avant que je me marie avec Lila, on parlait du nombre d'enfants qu'on aurait.
We know kids were here until february.
Les gamins étaient là jusqu'en février.
If they were good kids, we wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation.
Si c'était le cas, on aurait pas cette conversation.
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were friends 142
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were friends 142