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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You heard wrong

You heard wrong Çeviri Fransızca

174 parallel translation
Well, you heard wrong.
On t'a mal renseigné.
You heard wrong.
Pas du tout. Je suis parti.
You heard wrong. Chop suey's American, chow mein is Chinese.
C'est le chop suey qui est américain, le chow mein est chinois.
Well, you heard wrong.
On se trompe.
You heard wrong.
On se trompe.
WEll, then you heard Wrong, sammy Jo.
Tu as mal entendu.
You heard wrong.
Tu as mal compris.
You heard wrong.
T'as mal entendu.
You heard wrong.
Tu fais erreur.
- You heard wrong.
- On t'a mal renseignée.
Tu as mal entendu.
You heard wrong, mister.
- On vous a mal renseigné.
Well, you heard wrong.
- Je croyais que vous étiez malade.
You heard wrong.
Tu as mal entendu.
You heard wrong, Willy.
Tu as mal compris, Willy.
Well you heard wrong hippy! Ladies and gentlemen, good citizens of Colorado, it's my pleasure to be the first person to wish you all a Happy 4th of July!
Mmes et MM., c'est un plaisir pour moi d'être la 1re à vous souhaiter un joyeux 4 juillet.
- I heard different. - You heard wrong.
- On ne m'a pas dit ça.
Well, you heard wrong.
La plus sensass, la plus formid', la plus bath des fêtes de l'été.
- You heard wrong.
- Tu crois mal.
Well, you heard wrong.
Tu croyais mal.
- You heard wrong.
- T'es mal informé.
Well, I guess you heard wrong.
Vous avez mal compris.
I heard you talking and wondered if anything was wrong.
Je vous ai entendus, j'ai craint un ennui.
I heard you all right. I repeated it wrong.
C'est ce que je voulais dire.
You can't go wrong with this one, sir. I've never heard a sweeter warbler.
Je n'ai jamais entendu plus joli siffleur.
I've heard all about you, John, and you're wrong, so wrong.
Je sais tout et tu as tort, John, tellement tort!
- You heard wrong.
- Non.
But you heard Peter and Paul speak. Did you hear anything that was ugly or wrong?
Tu as entendu Paul et Pierre, ont-ils dit des choses erronées?
What if I said I had seen him do you wrong? Or heard him say - the knave!
Que serait-ce si je disais l'avoir vu vous faire outrage, lui avoir entendu dire...?
Wrong by a hundred. To be exact you heard 130.
Il y en avait exactement 130.
~ You must have heard wrong, Grandma ~
Vous vous trompez,
Miss, uh, Sandy Sandstone... you just must've been wrong in your assumptions, weren't you? I mean, surely, you've heard the expression...
Miss, euh, Sandy Sandstone... vous vous étes trompée c'est tout, vous connaissez l'expression...
You have heard wrong!
Tes renseignements sont périmés!
You heard it, didn't you? Something was wrong.
Tu as entendu le moteur dérailler, hein?
- You heard wrong.
T'as mal entendu.
What's wrong with you? I heard you run up the stairs like a phantom! And throwing up all the place?
Je t'ai entendue monter en courant et vomir partout.
I heard what you said, I can't be tasty - it's the wrong word, but you could say my food's tasty.
- Je n'ai rien dit. J'ai entendu. Tu as dit "morceau de choix", au lieu de : "c'est un régal".
Well, the thing is that we heard this crazy rumor that you said... and this is probably all wrong... but that you said something about us being "unacceptable" parents.
On a entendu cette rumeur incroyable, qui d'ailleurs est probablement fausse, mais comme quoi vous auriez dit qu'on est des parents inacceptables.
I must have heard you wrong.
- J'ai dû mal entendre!
I heard you boys were the heavy hitters in town. I guess I was wrong.
J'avais cru comprendre que vous étiez les gros joueurs en ville.
Haven't you heard of the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong,.,
Un philosophe a dit que dès qu'un homme reconnaît ses torts il est absous sur-le-champ, tu sais pas ça?
You heard me wrong.
Vous aviez mal compris!
Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for your work, but I gotta tell you... I'm doubtful about some of the things I've heard about you.
J'ai le plus grand respect pour votre travail, mais je dois vous dire que certaines choses que j'ai entendues sur vous me font douter.
I have not reason to say that. You must have heard me wrong.
J'ai aucune raison de dire ça, tu as dû mal comprendre.
Well, you heard way wrong, then.
C'est une fausse rumeur.
- You must have heard him wrong.
- Tu as mal entendu.
Excuse me, professor, perhaps I heard you wrong.
Pardon, professeur, peut-être ai-je mal compris.
I've heard otherwise. You've heard wrong.
- J'ai entendu le contraire.
- Maybe you've heard wrong.
- Peut-être que tu as mal entendu.
I think you need to tell him who you heard it from, otherwise he could think the wrong person told you,
Tu devrais lui dire qu'il ne se trompe pas de personne,
You probably just heard him wrong.
Tu as dû mal entendre.

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