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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You heard about that

You heard about that Çeviri Fransızca

760 parallel translation
You heard about that?
Alors, vous savez?
- What have you heard about that?
Que savez-vous?
It was the war! You heard about that.
On était en guerre, je te rappelle.
You heard about that, sir?
- Vous connaissez l'histoire, monsieur?
You heard about that? We rigged that up to scare Bud into going to college.
Katie et moi avons tout inventé pour que Bud aille à l'université.
He's got that, there, hotline. - You heard about that, haven't you?
Il a un téléphone rouge.
This one is growing about 20 cm a day at the moment, because of this warm weather so... and you can actually hear them growing, bamboos are the only plants I can claim to have heard growing because when it's growing that fast and you put your ear near the top
Celui-ci grandit de 20cm par jour en ce moment, à cause de ce temps chaud et... vous pouvez les entendre pousser, les bambous sont les seules plantes que je peux prétendre entendre pousser car lorsqu'ils grandissent aussi vite, et que vous mettez tendez l'oreille
I was just wondering about calling you, too... Don't worry. I heard that the Writer was critically ill.
J'allais justement vous appeler... j'ai entendu que la Scénariste était malade.
I heard all about that replanting speech you made to the Young Businessman's Club. - What?
J'ai entendu ton petit la " us au Club sur la replantation.
Because I heard your voice saying you were crazy about me and that you loved me.
J'ai entendu votre voix dire que vous étiez fou de moi, que vous m'aimiez.
You've heard a lot about the Tivoli opera house... from a bunch of mugs that never get anywhere.
Vous avez entendu parler du Tivoli par une bande d'incapables.
You heard about that?
c'est bien ça! Ah! tu...
I heard somewhere about you being mixed up with a guy. Who was that?
J'ai su que vous aviez eu quelqu'un...
That reminds me. Have you heard the latest they're telling about the Kremlin?
Au fait, tu connais la dernière histoire du Kremlin?
Hey, I heard about you stumbling onto that big field out there.
- Oui. On m'a dit que tu étais tombé sur un gros gisement, là-bas.
You used to talk about the music that you heard in the subway and in the streetcar tracks.
Tu parlais de la musique que tu entendais dans le métro et dans les tramways.
You mean, she heard all about that?
Tu veux dire qu'elle sait à propos de ça
Then I was about to say I thought you heard me say that... and were pretending you didn't.
Puis, j'allais dire que je pensais que tu m'avais entendu... mais pretendais le contraire.
You've heard about that meeting.
Vous savez comment je l'ai rencontré.
I'm so pleased that you've heard about me.
Je suis fier que vous connaissiez mon travail.
His daughter? She can tell you about things that Dr. Frankenstein did that your medical science has never heard of.
Elle peut vous dire ce que le Dr Frankenstein a fait... dont votre science médicale n'a jamais entendu parler.
I tell you he's lying. I heard him this evening talking to that stranger about insanity and murder.
Je l'ai entendu ce soir... parler ø cet étranger de démence et de meurtre.
And yet, I still have a feeling that I've seen you or heard about you.
Pourtant, je sens que votre visage ou votre nom me sont familiers.
I hopes you won't think I'm butting'in, but I been keepin mighty close touch, and when I heard tell this afternoon about that Colonel Smellett...
Pensez pas que je me mêle de vos affaires mais je prends souvent de vos nouvelles et quand j'ai appris pour le Colonel Smellett...
Craig, you said that the horror started when Eliot told about the death of a man, you'd never heard of.
Votre cauchemar devait commencer avec le récit de la mort d'un inconnu.
He somehow heard about what happened. He regrets that the sailor, a good boxer himself, lost the fight to you.
Ayant entendu l'histoire du pousse, il a regretté que le marin n'ait pas fait preuve de plus de dextérité à la boxe.
Don't think that people haven't heard about your rotten little scandals. Things get around, you know.
Les gens ont entendu parler de tes frasques sordides.
I told Keeley I hadn't seen you. I told Keeley I knew nothing about you. You heard me say that.
J'ai dit à Keeley que je ne t'avais pas vu, que je ne savais rien.
You heard the report about that car smash.
Vous avez entendu la police rapporter l'accident.
A traveling salesman and a baron's daughter. You heard about the attempt on the Emperor's life? That's the man.
Plus tard, il apparut qu'il n'avait rien d'un potentat.
Oh, my. When I think of all the wonderful things that you know about... - that I've never even heard of...
Vous savez tant de choses que moi, j'ignore.
You have already heard about that?
Vous êtes au courant?
I mean that I've heard flattering things about you for the past year.
Je voulais dire que j " avais entendu parler de vous en termes flatteurs.
I heard him tell the Lord Protector that he wishes to speak with you. ... about this Danish marriage.
Je l'ai entendu dire au Protecteur qu'il souhaitait vous parler... de ce mariage danois.
Let him think it was your idea, that you heard about the accident and came.
Qu'il croie que c'était votre idée, que vous avez su pour l'accident.
I was worried about you when I heard that man from the hospital was on the loose, so I came back.
J'étais inquiet, j'ai entendu qu'un homme s'était échappé de l'hopital.
Seems to me I've heard something like that about you.
II me semble qu'on m'a dit quelque chose comme ça à ton sujet.
Oh, uh, I took it for granted, J.J., that you heard about it around town.
Je pensais que tu aurais appris la nouvelle en ville.
You haven't heard anything about that bomb, have you?
Tu n'as rien entendu au sujet de cette bombe?
No, you forget that I had you in charge when you were a very sick man, when you raved in delirium. And I heard you talk about a hidden room.
Tu oublies que je t'ai soigné lorsque tu étais très malade... et alors que tu délirais... je t'ai entendu parler d'une chambre et d'un coffre secrets...
That's where we heard about you.
C'est là-bas qu'on nous a parlé de vous.
What qualifications do you have for a job that allows you to sit around all day and chat with the boss? I heard about your job.
Quelles qualités faut-il avoir pour rester tout le temps... à bavarder avec le patron?
- About that scream you heard on Wednesday.
- Du cri que vous avez entendu mercredi.
You should have heard the things that Lord Teale said about him, made me quite proud.
Vous et Steed, qu'essayez-vous de faire? Une carrière politique, peut-être.
I don't think that's a house you've heard much about.
Je ne crois pas que tu connaisses cette maison.
Then I heard that you were about to be born.
plus tard, j'ai appris que tu venais au monde.
- Oh, well, yes, I have heard about that. - You have.
Si, j'en ai déjà entendu parler.
And prove that every single, filthy, dirty lie that you've ever heard about me is true.
Et qu'absolument tous les horribles mensonges qu'on a dits sur moi... sont vrais.
- Mrs. Millett, please forgive my rudeness. But I've heard so much about you both in my country and abroad that I couldn't possibly let this opportunity slip by.
Pardonnez mon sans-gêne, mais j'ai tant entendu parler de vous chez moi et ailleurs que je devais vous parler.
I've already heard from Senpachi here... all about the little trap you contrived... so that the innocent Shimazo would be condemned to die.
J'ai appris de Senpachi ce que vous avez manigancé pour faire condamner à mort l'innocent Shimazo.
I've heard a lot about you, but I never expected I'd meet you. - Is that so? - Not aboard an American destroyer.
Je ne pensais pas vous rencontrer, Commodore... à bord d'un destroyer américain.

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