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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You heard of him

You heard of him Çeviri Fransızca

492 parallel translation
- Have you heard of him?
- Tu en as entendu parler?
You've all heard of the water that they named after him...
Vous connaissez tous le nom qu'on a donné à l'eau :
You've heard of him.
Tu sais.
You have heard of him?
Vous connaissez, non?
He heard what you did about your breakfast and sent me a nice note saying he hoped I'd allow him to express his friendly feeling toward my children and send them a few trifles in honor of the day.
Il a su, pour le déjeuner. Il m'a envoyé un mot... en m'exprimant sa sympathie pour mes enfants... par ce petit cadeau de Noël.
You've heard of W.E. Talbert, the Chow-Chow King they call him?
Vous connaissez W. E. Talbert, le roi de la gelée?
Harold's Uncle Bean, you've heard us speak of him, passed away this morning.
L'oncle d'Harold, Bean... Vous savez qui il est... - Oh, oui.
- If you haven't heard of him... I suppose it doesn't worry you much if he's likely to be assassinated.
Alors, peu vous importe de savoir qu'on cherche à l'assassiner.
- I've always heard you speak highly of him.
Vous avez toujours dit le plus grand bien de lui.
It's a head I did of Dr. Hudson. You may have heard of him,.
Oui, c'est un buste du Dr Hudson.
I shall tell him I think you're the kindest man I ever heard of, and that you're always thinking of other people and making them happy and... and that I hope when I grow up I shall be just like you!
Que vous êtes l'homme le plus gentil que je connaisse. Et que vous ne pensez qu'au bonheur des autres. Et qu'en grandissant, j'espère devenir comme vous.
You must've heard of him.
Vous avez dû entendre parler de Iui.
You've heard of him, haven't you?
Vous avez entendu parler de lui?
Those of you who have never seen her famous partner have at least heard of him... Quite a bit lately.
Avec un partenaire célèbre... dont on a beaucoup parlé, ces derniers temps.
- You've heard of him, then?
- Vous en avez entendu parler?
- I've got a letter of introduction to him. - Fremont? I guess you've heard of him.
J'ai une lettre d'introduction pour M. Fremont.
Now you heard me, we gotta get him out of here right away.
J'ai dit non. On s'en débarrasse maintenant.
You've heard of him, haven't you?
- Vous avez entendu parler de lui?
If it is a question of my social standing, my father was Sir George Crew. You've heard of him, perhaps?
Si c'est une question de statut social, sachez que mon père était George Crewe.
You heard him, members of the jury.
Vous l'avez écouté, membres du jury.
- Youve heard of him, aintt you? - What about him?
T " en as entendu parler?
You may have heard me speak of him.
Vous en avez entendu parler.
You've heard of him, haven't you?
Vous avez entendu parler de lui, non?
You never heard a squawk out of him. Mm-mmm.
Il ne se plaint jamais.
I expect you have heard of him.
Je pense que vous avez entendu parler de lui.
- You never heard of him?
- Je connais pas!
Perhaps you've heard of him... Colonel Haki.
Il s'appelle colonel Haki.
Of course, you've heard of him?
- Vous connaissez?
- You've probably heard of him?
Vous connaissez?
I just heard they let George Claws out of the penitentiary... and you can tell him if he sets foot on the Topaz Ranch...
Il paraît que George Clews a été relâché. Dites-lui que s'il met les pieds au ranch Topaz, je tirerai à vue.
Look, you brought him up. I never even heard of the guy.
C'est vous qui en avez parlé la première.
- You've heard of him.
- Vous avez entendu parler de lui.
Oh, of course, I've heard him speak of you.
Voyons voir. Évidemment.
So pretend that you've heard of him. That's too much.
Fais semblant de connaître son nom.
You've probably heard of him.
Vous devez savoir qui c'est.
- I tell you, I heard him running ahead of me! - Yes, yes, yes.
- Il courait devant moi!
You may have heard of him?
Vous le connaissez?
We want to convict him of every known crime in the books, All of which he's committed and some even you, even I, never heard of.
Je veux tous ces méfaits, même ceux que vous ignorez encore!
You speak of him with a warmth I have not heard in your voice... since you left your father's house.
Vous en parlez avec une chaleur qui m'était inconnue depuis la mort de votre père.
You've heard of him, haven't you, Marina?
Vous en avez entendu parler, Marina?
- Do you know him? - I've heard of him.
- Vous le connaissez?
You must have heard of him.
Néron. Vous connaissez sûrement.
But after what you've heard this morning... I see no further need of trying to protect him.
Mais après ce que tu as entendu ce matin je ne vois pas l'utilité de le protéger.
To watch him, you'd think he'd never heard of one. Yes, he must have asked me 100 times
A l'entendre, on a l'impression qu'il ne sait pas ce que ça veut dire.
Of course you heard about him, he's the one who beat me to the draw!
Pour sûr, c'est lui qui a réussi à m'avoir.
I heard you and him pulled out of there, on a raft.
On m'a dit que vous étiez partis sur un radeau.
He was left holding his 3 tons of endives. You should have heard him.
Il était en carafe avec ses 3 tonnes d'endives, j'aurais voulu que tu l'entendes.
So he got out, and you heard the last of him.
Et il est parti en t'abandonnant.
I heard you beat up that poor little boy in the woods... and it took all three of the Fern sisters to pull you off him.
Vous avez battu le petit Daigle! Il a fallu l'arracher de vos mains!
But you must have heard of him.
Mais vous devez le connaître.
Let me go. Are you sure you don't know Louis Bernard? I've never heard of him.
Vous ne connaissez pas Louis Bernard?

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