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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You holding up

You holding up Çeviri Fransızca

1,632 parallel translation
How are you holding up?
Comment tenez-vous le coup?
- So you holding up okay?
- Alors, tu tiens le coup?
- How you holding up?
- Tu tiens le coup?
How you holding up, Burton?
Comment ça va, Burton?
So, how you holding up?
Comment tu t'en sors?
How are you holding up?
Tu tiens le coup?
You holding up okay?
Vous allez bien?
- How are you holding up?
Vous tenez le coup?
- How are you holding up?
Comment tu tiens le coup?
How you holding up, sam?
Tu tiens le coup, Sam?
How you holding up?
Ça boume?
How you holding up, nancy?
Comment vous tenez le coup, Nancy?
How you holding up, guys? We're good.
Ça gaze, les mecs?
How you holding up?
Alors, tu tiens le coup, Scott? - Ouais...
- You holding up all right?
- Tu vas bien?
- How you holding up?
Tu tiens le coup?
How're you holding up in here, John?
Tu tiens le coup, John?
How you holding up in there, partner?
Alors comment ça va, c'est pas trop dur?
How you holding up?
Tu tiens le coup?
- How you holding up, Walt?
- Vous tenez le choc, Walt?
How you holding up?
Comment allez-vous?
- How are you holding up?
- Comment vous sentez-vous?
How are you holding up, beside being sleep-deprived?
- Comment vous débrouillez-vous? - À part le manque de sommeil.
- How're you holding up?
- Comment ça va?
Hello, josie. How are you holding up?
Ça va Josie?
- How are you holding up there, Ricardo?
- Vous tenez le coup, Ricardo?
You holding up OK?
Tu tiens le coup?
How are you holding up?
Vous tenez le coup?
How you holding up?
Vous tenez le coup?
Baum. How you holding up?
Tu tiens le coup?
- How are you holding up?
- Comment ça va là-dedans?
How you holding up?
Comment tu tiens le coup?
How you holding up, Stewie? Um...
Bonjour, nouveaux voisins.
Your palms up, like you're holding a pizza.
Paumes vers le haut, comme si vous teniez une pizza.
Just wanted to see how you're holding up.
Alors, vous tenez le coup?
Because you look like you're late and I'm holding you up.
- Non. Parce que j'ai l'impression de retenir la.
Then you should have no problem holding the bag while I scoop up the dead animal.
Alors tu devrais avoir aucun problème à tenir le sac poubelle Pendant que je récupère l'animal mort.
You seem to be holding up just fine.
Tu as l'air de bien tenir le coup.
Um, they told me to tell you you're holding the whole shoot up.
On m'a dit de te dire que tu faisais prendre du retard.
Sir, are you all right? Is your body armor holding up?
Monsieur, votre armure tient le coup?
we planned to eat every piece of food in the place Cause the chemo's gonna make me ralph it back up anyway, And you're totally holding my hair back when I do.
On avait prévu de prendre d'assaut le buffet vu que la chimio va me faire tout vomir, de toutes façons, et tu devras tenir mes cheveux en arrière quand ça arrivera.
More than holding our own, but you could pick up the pace.
On se débrouille très bien. Mais dépêchez-vous.
- You holding up?
- Tu tiens le coup?
You're holding up the line, Frannie.
Tu bloques la file, Frannie.
Say, Simpson, would you mind holding one end of this banner while I put it up?
Simpson, ça te dérangerait de tenir un côté de cette banderole pendant que je l'accroche?
What do you think was holding them up there, you muppet?
- Elles tenaient comment à ton avis?
Just wanted to see how you were holding up.
Je voulais juste voir si vous teniez le coup.
You're going to end up humiliated, holding her purse and going home to sleep on a new mattress you hate.
Tu vas finir humilié, à tenir son sac à main, pour dormir sur un matelas que tu détesteras.
Thanks, Lafayette. I appreciate you holding down the fort. No worries, boyfriend.'Cause I'm gonna hit your ass up for a raise, soon as they pull them stitches out your forehead.
J'apprécie que tu tiennes la barre. dès que t'auras réglé toutes tes merdes.
Hey. how are you holding up?
Tu tiens le coup?
Oh, yeah, then you end up lying in bed holding them while they say,
Oh, ouais, alors tu finis par simuler, pendant qu'ils te disent :

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