You loved her Çeviri Fransızca
849 parallel translation
How long have you loved her, if I'm not too inquisitive?
Depuis quand l'aimez-vous, si je peux me permettre?
- I thought you loved her!
- Je pensais que vous l'aimiez!
Ashley, you should've told me years ago that you loved her and not me. And not left me dangling with your talk of honor.
Il fallait me dire que vous l'aimiez... au lieu de me parler d'honneur!
- You loved her, didn't you?
- Tu l'aimais, hein?
Did you ever tell her that you loved her?
Tu lui as dit que tu l'aimais?
Then, it was because you loved her?
Vous l'aimiez donc.
- Yes. You loved her in July.
Vous l'aimiez.
You loved her! But that's all passed now.
C'est du passé.
You loved her!
Tu l'aimais, elle.
I would imagine you loved her very much.
J'imagine que vous l'aimez beaucoup.
- Caroline told me you loved her very much.
- Caroline me l'a dit.
- You loved her that much?
- Tu l'aimais tant? - Ah non!
You loved her. You could've been jealous.
L'amour peut rendre très jaloux.
You say you loved her. In the same breath, you say you killed her.
Tu dis que tu l'aimais comme tu dis que tu l'as tuée.
Well, maybe you killed someone because you loved her so much.
Tu l'as peut-être tuée parce que tu l'aimais trop.
And you loved her?
Et toi, tu l'aimais?
- But I thought you said you loved her.
Mais je croyais vous avoir entendu dire que vous l'aimiez.
" "l couldn't do otherwise because I loved her..." ", then I must hate you, I must curse you since you took from a miserable one like me what he possessed, and you destroyed it.
" "je n'ai pu m'en empêcher, parce que je l'aimais..." " Je ne pourrai que te haïr et te maudire, parce que ce qu'un pauvre homme comme moi possédait, tu l'as pris et détruit.
Say, if I loved a girl like you do Queenie I'd fight for her.
Si j'aimais une fille comme tu l'aimes, je me battrais pour elle.
Bred in the gentle surroundings of a pure home... such as you would choose for your own daughters... this innocent girl, bereft by death of her loved ones... was left alone in the world.
Élevée au sein d'un foyer aimant et honnête que vous souhaiteriez à vos propres filles, cette fille innocente, accablée par la mort des siens, s'est retrouvée seule au monde.
There was a young girl once who came up those stairs... who loved you with all her heart, all her soul.
Il était une fois une jeune fille qui a monté cet escalier... et qui t'aimait de tout son cœur, de toute son âme.
§ But she said if I loved her half as much as I love you §
Mais elle a dit que si je l'aimais la moitié commeje t'aime
You see, she devoted her life to looking after her invalid father... whom she loved very dearly.
Elle a consacré sa vie à s'occuper de son père invalide, qu'elle aimait énormément.
Well, you used to like her. She loved him just the same.
Mais elle aime son amant.
But I loved her, René, I loved her more than you, I loved her as much as you.
Mais je l'aimais, René! Je l'aimais plus que toi! Je l'aimais autant que toi!
I loved her, you know.
Je l'aimais, tu sais.
You know how I loved her, really.
Je l'aimais tant!
No. Do you think if I had loved her... I would've tried to exploit her the way I did?
Non, si je l'avais aimé je ne l'aurais pas exploité comme je l'ai fait.
You are a man. If someone loved you very much so that your happiness was the only thing she wantod in the world and she did a bad thing to make certain of it could you forgive her?
Vous qui êtes un homme... si quelqu'un vous aimait beaucoup... si elle voulait vous rendre l'homme le plus heureux du monde... si elle faisait quelque chose de mal pour lui... vous lui pardonneriez?
If you really loved Rusty, you'd let her go.
Si tu l'aimais vraiment, tu la laisserais partir.
And then when you... came to tell me that it was her mind you loved.
Et alors quand vous... m'avez dit que c'était son être que vous aimiez
You loved Anastasia, Ivan took her.
Tu aimais Anastasia, c'est Ivan qui l'a prise.
- You and I have always loved her.
Nous l'avons toujours aimée.
I knew her before you, loved her before you, but I wasn't as lucky as you.
Je l'ai aimée avant vous, mais je n'ai pas eu votre chance.
I loved her so much, I tell you, I would have died for her!
Je l'aimais tant! J'aurais pu mourir pour elle!
But bill always loved you, never her.
Mais c'est vous que Bill a toujours aimée.
Must have been very uncomfortable for her. Oh, she loved it... she would have... There's no reason why this should happen to you.
Une ribambelle de garçons, ça n'a pas dû être facile pour elle.
When you told me the story, you said you still loved her.
Quand tu t'es confié, tu as dit l'aimer encore.
You loved her.
Tu l'aimais.
You really loved her.
Tu l'aimais vraiment.
You must have loved her very much to be hurt so deeply, to be so afraid of someone, even yourself.
Vous deviez l'aimer beaucoup pour souffrir autant. Pour... redouter tout le monde, y compris vous.
Only a few moments ago, she told me how wonderful you were, how much you loved me. Do you need her reassurance?
Elle disait combien vous êtes rare et combien vous m'aimez.
You left behind, didn't you, the girl you loved, and with her, your hopes, your ambitions, your dreams?
Vous avez quitté celle que vous aimiez, et avec elle, vos espoirs, vos ambitions, vos rêves.
She did deceive her father, marrying you. And when she seemed to shake and fear your looks, she loved them most.
Elle trompa son père pour vous, feignant la peur pour masquer son amour.
And after having been deceived and humiliated in love... did you ever lower yourself to find her again... the woman you loved?
Une fois rejeté et humilié t'es-tu rabaissé pour la reconquérir, - la femme que tu aimais?
Stop her! That's the girl whose voice you heard and loved.
C'est la voix de cette jeune fille qui vous a enchantés.
For her, it was shameful to be loved by me. She changed places with you and sacrificed herself.
Voyant sur son destin l'ombre de mon amour... elle a pris votre couche.
Because I'm like my mother... and you never forgave yourself for having loved her.
Je suis comme ma mère. Tu ne te pardonnais pas de l'avoir aimée.
She did deceive her father, marrying you. And when she seem'd to shake and fear your looks, she loved them most.
Elle a trompé son père en vous épousant, et quand elle repoussait vos regards c'était alors qu'elle les aimait le plus.
I never loved her like I love you.
Je ne l'ai jamais aimé comme Je t'aime.
All of this to keep me from killing a man who ran out on you. A woman loved me that much, I'd never leave her.
Et tout ça pour m'empêcher de tuer l'homme qui vous a lâchée!
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