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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You see that guy

You see that guy Çeviri Fransızca

650 parallel translation
You see that guy?
Vous voyez ce gars? Bon vieux Baldy.
- Look. You see that guy over there?
- Vous voyez ce type là-bas?
You see that guy over there?
Tu vois ce type?
Rusty, you see that guy?
Tu as vu ce type?
Did you see that guy from the accident?
As-tu vu avec quoi il roulait?
Did you see that guy?
Tu as vu ce mec?
You see that guy over there?
T'as vu le gars là-bas?
Did you see that guy?
Vous avez vu ce type?
Hey, you see that guy?
Tu l'as vu ce type? Ouais.
- Did you see that guy come through?
- Vous avez vu ce mec? - C'est bon.
You see that guy Harry, he can't keep time.
Harry est incapable de garder le rythme.
Did you see that guy at that poker table in the back giving me the eye?
T'as raison. T'as vu le type qui m'a fait de l'oeil?
You see that guy?
Regardez, vous voyez ce type là-bas?
You want to be free and you see that guy!
Tu veux être libre, mais tu t'intéresses à ce type.
Do you see that guy across the gate? The little guy?
Tu vois ce mec, derrière la grille?
I wonder how you could get in to see a guy like that.
Je me demande comment on peut arriver à voir un type comme celui-là.
But if the guy dies, you'll never see that deputy again.
Mais si le type meurt, vous n'êtes pas prêts de le revoir.
You see... I'm the guy that knocked out your pop with a gas bomb and then... carried him off to New York in chains.
Vois-tu, c'est moi qui ai assommé ton père afin de l'enchaîner pour l'emmener à New York.
- You see, Benoît, that guy, I really can't stand him.
- Benoît, ce gars, je peux pas le blairer.
- What do you see in that guy?
- Mais que vois-tu en lui?
That's a fine way to treat a guy who just flew all the way across the Atlantic to see you.
Ce n'est pas gentil de rabrouer un gars qui a survolé l'Atlantique pour te voir.
You see, it's not just the type of song that a guy would...
Ce n'est pas le type de chanson que les gens achètent....
It's terrible when you see a guy like you that had to sacrifice himself.
C'est terrible de voir des jeunes gens se sacrifier. Et tout ça pour quoi?
I want the affidavit that Meta put in Eels'safe when she took the files out. A lie that somebody put on paper that I killed a guy named Jack Fisher. Because, you see, I only buried him.
Je veux la déposition m'accusant d'avoir tué Fisher.
Boy, am I glad to see you. Will you go over and talk to that guy?
Qu'est-ce que je suis content de te voir!
I asked you not to see that guy again.
Je t'ai supplié de pas revoir au ce monsieur.
Don't you see that one word from him would get Guy out of this dreadful situation?
Un seul mot de lui... peut tirer Guy de là.
Will you tell Guy that I would like to see him?
Que vous annonciez ma visite à Guy.
We see you week after week killing off this guy and that guy, capturing that bushwhacker and that rustler.
On a organisé des élections. Ils m'ont choisi pour descendre et te montrer comment c'était vraiment.
That guy was so in love with you he couldn't see straight.
Il t'aimait tant qu'il ne voyait pas clair.
You know, I hate to see a guy depend on his wife like that.
Je déteste qu'un type dépende autant de sa femme.
And they ´ re running right towards that guy, you see, right that...
Ils vont dans cette direction, là. Tu vois là, il y a un homme.
You're a pretty straight guy, I can see that.
Tu es honnête, ça se voit.
But when you're standing there, looking at something that's your life, and everything you've got is invested in that thing, and you love that thing better than anything in the world, and you see a guy kick it, you know who he is. You're gonna get him. And you know what?
Mais quand vous avez une chose qui est toute votre vie, dans laquelle vous avez tout investi, que vous aimez plus que tout au monde, et qu'un type démolit cette chose, vous voulez sa peau.
That guy, you see, is called Zatoichi, and his head is worth 100-ryo.
Son nom est Zatoichi. Sa tête vaut 100 ryos.
And I'm lookin'for something... anything... that'll have me figure out who this "Mac" guy is, you see, uh...
Je cherche quelque chose qui m'aide à comprendre qui est "Mac". C'est ça, mon problème.
You see, I found out that almost nobody liked this guy Jerry Parks.
J'ai découvert que presque personne n'aimait Jerry Parks.
You see, that guy now lays in, uh, St. Lucy's Cemetery.
Vous savez, ce type repose maintenant, euh, au cimetière Ste Lucy.
Now, put that down, get on the street and see if you can find this guy.
Posez ça, remuez-vous et trouvez-moi ce type.
Even a blind guy can see that you can't escape doom.
Même un aveugle peut voir que tu es cuit.
And so, just like that, after twenty years of free service Some guy says, "Serafino, see you later and thanks!"
C'est ainsi, après vingt ans de service..... sans voir une seule Lire, on me dit..... " Serafino, au revoir et merci
You're a rough guy, Frank. Anyone can see that.
Tu es un dur à cuire, ça se voit.
It's not that often you see a guy that green have the blues that bad.
Pour un gars aussi vert, il a vraiment peu d'espoir.
You see what they did with that guy there.
Regardez ce qu'ils ont fait de cet homme!
I see. Are you that way too, maybe? Like the guy in the magazine?
Alors, toi aussi, tu as le genre d'histoire décrite là?
He's not the right guy for you. Any fool could see that.
- Il n'est pas fait pour toi.
As you can see, the weather conditions that we faced were absolutely atrocious and we went across with a very small crew under the leadership of a chap, a guy called Malcolm Gerrie who's been a lifelong friend of mine.
Comme vous pouvez le voir, les conditions climatiques étaient absolument déplorables, et nous nous sommes rendus sur place avec une toute petite équipe dirigée par Malcolm Gerrie, un ami de longue date.
If I see this guy and he tells me that I'm happy and well-adjusted, which he will, if the quack has a brain, would you all please leave me alone?
Si je vais voir ce type et qu'il me dit que je suis heureux et équilibré, chose qu'il fera, s'il a un cerveau, me laisserez-vous tranquille?
Now that I see you, I'm the wrong guy to be the beard.
Je ne suis pas fait pour jouer l'homme de paille.
And if this guy can't see in you all the beautiful and wonderful things that I see, then he's got the problem.
Si ce gars ne voit pas en toi toutes les choses merveilleuses que je vois... alors c'est lui qui a un probleme.
You see, Cody, I do things for her. Things that a guy like you could never do.
Tu vois, je fais des choses pour elle que tu ne pourrais jamais faire.

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