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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ B ] / Before i knew it

Before i knew it Çeviri Portekizce

448 parallel translation
And before I knew it, I was married... ... to this pillar of the mortgage, loan and trust.
E, antes de dar conta, estava casada com um pilar das hipotecas, dos empréstimos e dos investimentos.
I happened to mention I was a bit nervy... and before I knew it I'd agreed to spend a few days with her.
Eu disse que estava nervosa e concordei ir lá passar uns dias.
Well, anyhow, before I knew it, I lost my head.
Bem, de qualquer forma, antes que eu me desse conta, perdi a cabeça.
Before I knew it, I'd put the other kid's eye out.
Quando me dei conta, tinha cegado o miúdo.
I got in the same old routine and before I knew it I was on it again.
Comecei outra vez com as drogas e sem pensar, voltei ao mesmo.
So, before I knew it, without saying yes or no or even perhaps... there she was on stage with me.
Assim, sem me dar conta, se dizer nem sim, nem não, nem sequer possivelmente... aí estava comigo no cenário.
That was before I knew it was his aunt you were stuck on.
Isso foi antes de eu saber que você estava era interessado na tia.
Right away, the mayor gets on the phone. He wakes up the license clerk, and waives the blood tests... Before I knew it, there's Judge Blackstone... two guys holding'him up, "now pronouncing you man and wife."
O presidente da Câmara acorda o funcionário das licenças, prescinde das análises ao sangue e lá está o juiz Blackstone, com dois tipos a segurá-lo :
That was before I knew it was a hallucination... that I called the FBI.
Mas foi antes de descobrir que era uma alucinação, que liguei ao fbi.
Before I knew it, he started drinking, taking pills...
Antes que percebesse, ele começou a beber, a tomar comprimidos...
Before I knew it, my old fear of flying evaporated, and I spent all the money I had left on 24 cases of beer.
Antes que desse por isso, o meu antigo medo de voar evaporou-se, e gastei todo o dinheiro que me restava em 24 grades de cerveja.
It's supposed to be all honor and glory. But in battle, I was in the middle of hell. Before I knew it there was Charles, on his horse.
Deveria ser uma honra e uma glória mas em combate, estava no meio do lnferno.
Before I knew it, he was gone.
Antes que pudesse reagir, desapareceu.
And before I knew it, I was in his arms.
E, antes de perceber, estava nos seus braços.
Antes que desse conta, apaixonei-me.
I felt it before I knew it.
Senti-o antes de o saber.
Back before I knew it was different or even wrong.
Antes de saber que eu era diferente, ou até estava errado!
Before I Knew It, I Was Busted Down To Collecting Empty Shell Casings On The Firing Range.
Antes que me desse conta, estava limitado a recolher cápsulas de bala no campo de tiro.
- Before I knew it we were kissing.
- Antes de darmos por ela, já nos estávamos a beijar-nos.
§ Before I knew it, my mom pulled a gun
Quando dei por ela, a minha mãe puxou de uma arma
5 years passed before I knew it, and while outside the prison, everyone waited anxiously for the end of world war ii, inside, everyone was concerned with just one thing... the outcome of the inter-prison boxing championships.
Passaram cinco anos sem dar por isso. E enquanto lá fora todos aguardavam ansiosamente pelo fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, cá dentro, todos se preocupavam apenas com uma coisa : O resultado do Campeonato Inter-Prisional de Boxe.
I knew it before you even checked.
Sabia mesmo antes de me ter examinado.
Claude, I couldn't prevent it. Before I knew what was happening he was already sentenced.
Não pude evitá-lo, antes de eu saber o que se passava, já estava sentenciado.
I knew I'd seen this face before, I knew it.
Sabia que já tinha visto esta cara antes, eu sabia.
I knew I had hold of a red-hot poker... and the time to drop it was before it burned my hand off.
Fiquei com um ferro quente na mão, tinha de largá-lo antes que me queimasse.
I knew it before it was written.
Conheci-a antes de ser escrita.
I wanted to meet them before I never knew how to go about it, Thanks to you, it was quite simple.
Faz tempo que queria conhecê-los mas não sabia como... graças a ti, foi muito simples
I knew before you opened your mouth it would be my fault.
Antes de você abrir a boca, eu sabia que seria culpa minha.
It wasn't like anybody I ever knew before.
Era diferente de toda a gente que já conheci.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Queria-o dessa maneira mas quando te vi na tenda e tu tocaste-me e rezaste por mim..... senti-me mal por estar sozinho e soube que tinha que te ver de novo antes de partir para descobrir se sentia o mesmo que ontem à noite.
Yes, he was on the stage before I knew anything about it.
Sim, estava na diligência antes de que soubesse alguma coisa.
Shucks, ellen. I knew ohm's law before they even passed it.
Quê parvoíce, eu já conhecia a lei de ohm antes de a verificarem.
Before I opened it, I knew he was standing on the other side.
Antes de abri-la, sabia que ele estava parado atrás dela.
My wife and I, for three days, have been telling what we knew. We've been before every committee and commission in Washington. It's time we did something.
Durante três dias, a minha mulher e eu respondemos a todas as comissões em D. C. É altura de tomar medidas.
The knocker woke me up and I knew it was Michael even before I got downstairs.
A aldrava acordou-me e eu soube logo que era Michael mesmo antes de eu lá chegar a baixo.
I knew it before that, Jim.
Sabia antes disso, Jim.
I guess she knew it before I did.
Aposto que o descobriu antes de mim.
I couldn't call it by name before, but maybe it's been there since I first knew you.
Eu não pude identificar isso antes, mas talvez tenha estado lá desde o primeiro instante que a conheci.
Before your lips confirmed that you loved me, I knew it, I knew it.
Antes que os seus lábios me confessassem que me queria, já o sabia, já o sabia...
You knew what I was going to do before I did it.
Voce sabia o que eu ia fazer antes que eu o fizesse.
Lots of times before, if you were afraid and I never knew it.
Nunca me apercebi que tinhas medo.
- It's Geddel's enunciation about unsettelment of logical systems. - You should have said it before, I knew that.
- Já descobrimos as falhas dele.
I've never seen anything like it before, But i knew i felt something.
Nunca tinha visto nada assim antes, mas sabia que sentia algo.
I knew it was only a matter of time before those guys paid us a visit.
Sabia que era uma questão de tempo até aqueles tipos nos visitarem.
His self-management was the reason I didn't fear the vice of my husband because I knew of it before we were married.
O seu auto-controle foi o motivo por que não temí o vício no meu marido, pois sabia dele antes de nos casarmos.
It happened before I really knew you.
Aconteceu antes de te conhecer bem.
I don't know. I guess we just got to talking, and before we knew it, it was past midnight.
Não sei, suponho que começamos a conversar... e quando percebi, já passava da meia-noite.
Maybe I knew even before it happened, that I, had an appointment with destiny.
E era isso.
But then, uh, then, before i knew what was happening, she, uh, she took this scarf from around her hair, and she--she, uh, wrapped it around my wrist [chuckling] and tied me to the rail.
Mas então, antes de eu ver o que estava a acontecer, ela pegou num lenço do cabelo, e enrolou no meu pulso e amarrou-me ao corrimão.
- I knew it was no before I could ask.
Espera por mim.
- I knew I'd seen it someplace before.
- O quê?

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