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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Detective bell

Detective bell Çeviri Portekizce

180 parallel translation
Hi, I'm Detective Edwards, L.A.P.D. This is Detective Bell.
Olá, sou o Detective Edwards. Este é o Detective Bell.
I'm detective Bell.
Sou o detective Bell.
Dr. Hunt, detective Bell and Lopez are here for Patrick Deline's autopsy.
Dra. Hunt, os detectives Bell e Lopez chegaram para a autópsia do P. Deline.
Holmes, Ms. Watson, meet Detective Bell- - another one of my best guys.
Holmes, Mna. Watson, este é o detective Bell, outro dos meus melhores. - Olá.
Detective Bell!
Detective Bell!
If, per Detective Bell's theory, the burglar was startled by the victim's unexpected return, why was he sitting down?
Se, pela teoria do Detective Bell, o raptor assustou-se com o regresso inesperado da vítima, porque é que estava sentado?
So Detective Bell was right.
Então o Detective Bell estava certo, isso é assim tão...
Detective Bell found the right face, but the wrong girl.
O Detective Bell encontrou a cara certa, mas a rapariga errada.
Well, is it possible that Detective Bell was right and that the neighbor was lying about seeing the woman on the stairs?
Bem, é possível que o Detective Bell estivesse certo, e que o vizinho estivesse a mentir sobre ver a mulher nas escadas. Encontrei uma coisa no armário do corredor, no outro dia.
Mike, this is Detective Bell,
Mike, este é o Detective Bell, a Mna.
It's in your desk, perhaps? Tell us what we need to know right now, and I won't start throwing your drawers open in front of Captain Gregson and Detective Bell.
Diga o que precisamos de saber agora mesmo, e não vou começar a abrir as suas gavetas em frente do Capitão Gregson e do Detective Bell.
I then "assaulted" Detective Bell so the good doctor would think that I, the only apparent threat to his and Yvette's plan, was in jail for the night, allowing them a very crucial window of opportunity.
E, em seguida, "agredi" o detective Bell, para que o bom doutor pensasse que eu, a única ameaça ao plano dele e da Yvette, passava a noite na prisão permitindo-lhes uma oportunidade única.
Means it's brown now, but was originally painted white and blue- - a very distinctive white and blue as a matter of fact.
O que significa que agora é castanha, mas antes era azul e branca... Um azul e branco muito distintos. Detective Bell!
The people who were here earlier- - Detective Bell and the others- - they told you that the man who took you seven years ago was a bad man, that he hurt you, abused you.
As pessoas que aqui estiveram antes, o Detective Bell e outros... disseram-te que o homem que te levou há 7 anos era um homem mau, que te magoou, abusou de ti...
23 suspects is a lot- - how long do you think it's gonna take you and Detective Bell to interview them?
23 suspeitos são muitos... Quanto tempo acha que vai levar a interrogá-los com o Detective Bell?
Detective Bell, NYPD.
Detective Bell, NYPD.
Detective Bell?
Detective Bell?
Detective Bell, a word, if you please? Why'd he hit me?
Detective Bell, posso dar-lhe uma palavra?
Detective Bell? Têm um momento?
Have you not been to my home yet, Detective Bell?
Ainda não esteve na minha casa, Detective Bell?
Now, Detective Bell and the Questioned Documents Unit have just matched it to a handwriting sample you gave us when you signed your consent form.
O Detective Bell e a unidade de análise de documentos acabaram de a comparar com a amostra de caligrafia que nos deu quando assinou o consentimento.
Detective Bell, the honor is all yours.
Detective Bell, a honra é toda sua.
Detective Bell has extended an invitation. Tea will have to wait.
O Detective Bell fez-me um convite.
Well, Detective Bell has managed to acquire the addresses of three different gambling parlors.
O detective Bell conseguiu as moradas de três salões de jogos.
Detective Bell, I give you Trent Annunzio's murderer.
Detective Bell, apresento-lhe o assassino do Trent Annunzio.
As Detective Bell suggested. If Teri Purcell ran afoul of the working girls in her establishment, it may well have led to her death.
Como sugeriu o detective Bell, se a Teri Purcell geria um grupo de acompanhantes no hotel, isso poderá ter conduzido à sua morte.
Do you mind if I pull it up so I can show Detective Bell?
Importa-se que a procure para mostrar ao Detective Bell?
You know, if I need you, I will use the radio that Detective Bell left for me.
- Um preto? Se precisar de vós, uso o rádio que o detective Bell me deixou.
Detective Bell, how can I help?
Detective Bell, como posso ajudá-lo?
Detective Bell.
Detective Bell.
Well, do you think we should dive back into the files and get more specific about who was trying to compliment Detective Bell last night?
Acha que devemos investigar a fundo os ficheiros e tentar saber quem estava a tentar elogiar o detective Bell a noite passada?
When Detective Bell said that Curtis Bradshaw was smarter than the average thug, he was putting it mildly.
Quando o detective Bell disse que o Curtis Bradshaw era mais esperto do que o criminoso comum, estava a usar um eufemismo.
Detective Bell.
O detective Bell.
They think this is retribution for the attack on Detective Bell.
Eles pensam que isto é retaliação pelo ataque ao detective Bell.
I'm afraid I found evidence that would suggest that Detective Bell did this.
Receio ter encontrado evidências que sugerem que foi o detective Bell.
We were in Detective Bell's apartment for four hours this afternoon. I saw nothing that would indicate he had a brother.
Esta tarde, estivemos 4 horas na casa do detective Bell e não vi nada que indicasse que tinha um irmão.
I mean, whoever tried to frame Detective Bell clearly had the same idea here.
Quem quer que tenha tentado incriminar o detective Bell, teve a mesma ideia aqui.
Detective Bell's sibling lost consciousness, but before he did, he makes a valiant attempt to make sure that he doesn't end up a prop in that masquerade.
O irmão do detective Bell perdeu a consciência, mas antes disso tentou corajosamente que o Bell não continuasse a ser um alvo desta fantochada.
If that's not another partial Pergotti footprint meant to implicate Detective Bell, I'll stop throwing tennis balls at you.
Se aquilo não for uma impressão parcial de uma Pergotti para incriminar o Bell, paro de lhe atirar bolas de ténis.
I see, sir. I forget that you're a detective. By the way he rang his bell, sir.
Esquecia que é detective... pela maneira de tocar.
- It's Detective Chief Inspector Bell.
- É inspector chefe Bell.
Detective Chief Inspector Bell.
O inspector chefe Bell.
Present, Detective Chief Inspector William Bell and Detective Sergeant Mark Cheweski
Presentes, o Detective Chefe Inspector William Bell e o Detective Sargento Mark Cheweski.
- These names ring a bell, Detective?
- Conhece estes nomes, detective?
Detective Bell.
Com licença.
- Detective Arthur Bell.
- Inspetor Arthur Bell.
Detective Arthur Bell, official statement.
Inspetor Arthur Bell. Depoimento oficial.
Detective Mark Bell.
Inspetor Art Bell.
Detective Art Bell.
- Detective Art Bell.
Detective Marcus Bell.
O detective Marcus Bell.
This is Detective Marcus Bell, badge number 42819.
Fala o detective Marcus Bell, distintivo número 42819.

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