I told him no Çeviri Portekizce
811 parallel translation
I told him nothing on the plane.
Não lhe disse nada no avião.
- I told him no.
... não é para a mulher do chefe, mas sim para mim.
I told him not to eat from other people's plates.
Por Deus, eu disse que aquele homem errou... em meter as mãos no prato dos outros.
I told him no.
Disse que não.
The minute he put his hand up my shirt, I told him no way.
Assim que ele pôs a mão dentro da minha saia, disse-lhe para parar.
No, I didn't tell him that. I told him the truth.
Não, não lhe disse isso. Contei-lhe a verdade.
I felt so rotten after the rehearsal, I went to Dobosh and told him... when he advertises the new play to put your name first.
Senti - me tão mal depois do ensaio que pedi a Dobosh que no anúncio da nova peça colocasse o seu nome primeiro.
I told him that you'd understand how it is, getting to a strange town when you've been away at sea.
Disse-lhe que entendia como é chegar a uma cidade estranha quando se esteve no mar.
dear. I told you about him.
Ele veio aqui no dia em que casámos.
I told him about my temporary job, and he doesn't like it. What with the murder and all. You know, madam.
Falei-lhe no meu trabalho temporário e ele não gostou, por causa da história do homicídio.
I told him that she'd show what she can do at the audition
Eu disse-lhe que ela no teste mostraria o que sabe fazer.
I told him it was no good anymore.
Disse-lhe que já não era agradável.
I told him there wasn't nobody else on the lake.
Disse-lhe que não havia mais ninguém no lago.
I told him what i thought, and told no more than what he found himself was apt and true.
Disse-lhe o que pensava, sem que houvesse contado nada... além do que ele próprio julgava verdadeiro.
After I told him that he had no need to lie to me.
Depois de lhe ter dito que não precisava de mentir-me.
I told him I was in love with another man and all of a sudden, for no reason at all...
Eu disse a ele que estava apaixonada por outro homem e de repente, sem nenhum motivo...
I told him, and I'll tell you, Ben... I'll stand for no trouble.
Eu disse-lhe a ele, e digo a você, Ben, não quero problemas.
I told him we'd be staying, no need to get it all in one day.
Disse-lhe que íamos ficar, que não era necessário tirar tudo num dia.
I told him straight that he was too big and every sentry in the camp was gunning for him, that he hadn't a hope of getting past the guards, and he agreed.
Disse-lhe directamente que ele era demasiado alto. Disse-lhe que todos os sentinelas no Campo o descobririam. Que ele não tivesse esperança de passar pelos guardas.
I thought perhaps if you talked to Mother... told her how well he's doing at the lab, what a wonderful future you see ahead for him... well, she might forget that his father manufactures overalls.
Diga à minha mãe que ele tem feito um bom trabalho no laboratório e tem um futuro promissor, e ela talvez esqueça que o pai dele fabrica macacões.
I told him it was no cinch, this business.
Disse-lhe que este ramo não era fácil.
I've told him he's not supposed to be called on my telephone. But, if it's important I
Já lhe disse que não deve receber chamadas no meu telefone, mas se for importante...
I told him that we were in no shape for combat.
Disse-lhe que não estávamos capazes de combater.
No, he didn't. He didn't seem to care when I told him... that the man said he had something very important to talk to him about.
Não pareceu lhe importar quando lhe disse... que o homem disse que tinha que lhe falar de algo muito importante.
I've told you a dozen times, I never saw Ockham... until I saw him at the morgue yesterday.
Já lhe disse que não tinha visto o Ockham... - até que o vi no necrotério ontem.
I told him I'd run away with him, I wanted to live with him, because without him, life had no meaning.
Disse-lhe que queria fugir com ele... que queria viver com ele... porque sem ele, a vida não valia mais nada.
And I don't want Sixpence ever to tell you what I told him the day I left him.
E eu não quero que "Meio-shilling" alguma vez lhe diga o que eu lhe disse no dia que parti.
I told him I didn't want to swim in it but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the water all the way in and I came out looking naked.
Eu disse que näo queria nadar mas ele agarrou-me no braço e arrastou-me para a àgua até ao pescoço e quando saí parecia que estava nua.
- No, I told him the truth. - And that was a mistake.
Não, disse-lhe a verdade e isso foi um engano.
In the hospital when he was conscious and out of danger when they told him his father was dead he began to laugh, I have been told.
No hospital, quando estava consciente e fora de perigo, quando lhe disseram que o pai estava morto, ele começou a rir-se. Foi o que me contaram.
- No. I already told him to go. - All right.
Eu já lhe disse para se ir embora.
Like I told ya, them mangy monkeys carried him off!
Já te disse, os macacos tinhosos levaram-no!
I had told him one night so tenderly
Disse-lhe no momento mais doce
I'm afraid I told him that he was on the second floor.
Desculpe, mas disse-lhe que estava no segundo andar.
I told him there's no stopping here.
Eu disse-lhe que não há paragens aqui.
I told him I didn't think it was good for you, but I couldn't say no.
Disse-lhe que não achava que fosse bom para ti. Não pude dizer que não.
I told him you no gangster. That you private cops workin'for the Department of the Justice.
Disse-lhe que não eram mafiosos, mas agentes especiais encarregados de um inquérito.
I crossed myself and told him : "shut up, you devil, or you'll end up in hell".
Eu benzia-me e dizia-lhe : "Cala-te demónio! Assim vais acabar no inferno!"
I married him because they told me you died in the Chateau D'if shortly after your arrest.
Casei-me com ele porque me disseram que você tinha morrido no Castelo D'if pouco depois da sua detenção.
Jonathan told me that you people were no better than animals, and I should've listened to him.
O Jonathan disse-me que vocês eram piores que animais... e eu devia ter-lhe dado ouvidos.
I had him torture Gaetulicus to get some information out of him, and we got no information and he died under torture, and one of the guards told me that Cassius wept.
Mandei-o torturar Getúlico para lhe tirar informações, mas não conseguiu tirar informações nenhumas e ele morreu sob tortura. E um dos guardas contou-me que o viu chorar.
My brother told me not to go into this business. Parking lots, he says. I told him he was crazy!
O meu irmão dizia : "No estacionamento está o futuro!" Eu chamei-lhe parvo.
I told him to attack, he told me no.
Disse-Ihe para atacar, ele disse-me que não.
I told him I didn't have no daddy.
Eu disse-lhe que não tinha nenhum pai.
No, if I told him, I wouldn't have been able to keep him from my side.
Se eu lhe contasse, não conseguiria mantê-lo longe de mim.
And when I telephoned him the next day, they told me he was dead.
E quando lhe liguei no dia seguinte, disseram que tinha morrido.
I told you all about him out in the desert :
Falei dele no deserto.
I caught someone smoking, and I told him a man in my condition shouldn't even be around smoke.
Apanhei alguém a fumar, e disse que um homem no meu estado não devia estar perto de fumo.
- I've told him he no longer has anyone to fear.
- Que não tem ninguém a temer.
I told him it was ludicrous to get involved in an activity he had no interest in... where he would be bored to tears... so I enjoined him to try for a competitiove exam with me... to be economics teachers.
Disse-lhe que achava ridículo fazer uma coisa que não o interessava, onde se ia aborrecer, e propus-lhe fazer comigo uma preparação para um concurso para sermos professores de Ciências Económicas.
No, I done already told him he'd get his beef.
Não, eu já lhe disse que ele ia ter o que queria.
i told him not to 24
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you to go 23
i told you everything i know 35
i told you 7735
i told you yesterday 20
i told you so 405
i told you before 196
i told you that in confidence 28
i told you to shut up 41
i told you to stay in the car 34
i told you to go 23
i told you everything i know 35
i told you i would 20
i told you already 105
i told you about it 24
i told you no 25
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you the truth 55
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you everything 52
i told you guys 40
i told you already 105
i told you about it 24
i told you no 25
i told you to stop 35
i told you not to do that 20
i told you the truth 55
i told you a thousand times 24
i told you everything 52
i told you guys 40