Next thing i knew Çeviri Portekizce
296 parallel translation
And the next thing I knew, some guy came up and tripped me.
E a próxima coisa de que me lembro, é que veio um sujeito e tropeçou em mim.
Next thing I knew, we were in a ditch, the car rolled over a couple of times, and, uh... well, that's about the whole story.
Caímos numa vala, o carro rolou umas vezes... e foi tudo o que aconteceu.
The next thing I knew, she married her rich suitor... and we were all living in great style on his estate in Long Island.
Depois, eu soube que ela se casou com um pretendente rico, e fomos todos morar em grande estilo na sua casa, em Long Island.
The next thing I knew, I was out in the cold, hard snow in my bare little soul.
Quando dei por mim estava ao relento, a neve fria na minha pobre alma nua.
Nunca ficaste K.O., Bolie.
And the next thing I knew, Papa was in the room... standin'over me, hollerin'...
Quando dei por mim, o meu pai estava ao pé de mim... debruçado sobre mim...
The next thing I knew was a few minutes ago when you reactivated my main power unit.
A última coisa que me lembro foi aqui à poucos minutos ter reactivado as baterias.
Next thing I knew, I was in the Mediterranean.
Quando eu vi, estava no meio do Mediterrâneo.
So we decided to take them over to the livery stable... got about a block or so... and there was this Indian riding toward us... and then, all of a sudden, there was a whole bunch of shooting... and the next thing I knew the Indian was off his horse... and lying there, dead.
Então resolvemos levá-los para o estábulo de aluguer... e depois de mais ou menos um quarteirão... lá estava o índio vindo na nossa direção... e então, de repente, houve um grande tiroteio... e logo a seguir o índio tinha caído do cavalo... e estava lá estirado, morto.
And the next thing I knew, I was sitting in a car between two men.
E quando dei por mim, estava sentado num carro entre dois homens.
The next thing I knew, I was in the water.
Quando dei por mim, estava na água.
Next thing I knew, you moved out of New York.
A seguir, ouvi dizer que tinhas saído de Nova Iorque.
But she wouldn't listen.... and next thing I knew was that she has bought these instruments for her.
Eu disse a ela, o que está dizendo. Não posso prever o meu pão de cada dia onde posso gastar em música? Isso a fez enervar-se.
Everything turned bright red, there was this roaring sound, next thing I knew, I came to under a mountain of sand.
Mas já lhe contei... Ficou tudo vermelho, ouvi um som ensurdecedor e sei que acordei num monte de areia.
And the next thing I knew, you'd been hurt, almost killed, and when I saw you in the hospital so helpless- -
Quando dei por mim, tu ficaste ferido, quase morreste. Quando te vi no hospital, tão indefeso...
The next thing I knew, Ramon had me under lock and key... and the ransom demand went out.
Quando dei por mim, o Ramon tinha-me trancado e tinham feito um pedido de resgate.
Next thing I knew, he'd entered this race, like he was driven by speed demons.
Pouco depois, ele voltou às corridas como se fosse comandado por demónios da velocidade.
The next thing I knew... I jumped on top of him and started wailing on him.
A próxima coisa que eu soube... é que pulei pra perto dele e comecei a tirar com a cara dele.
The next thing I knew, I was in the middle of some big battle, somewhere.
A próxima coisa soube era que estava no meio de uma grande batalha algures.
And the next thing I knew...
E quando dei por mim...
The next thing I knew, we were in bed.
Quando me dei conta, estávamos na cama.
A próxima coisa que eu vi foi...
E em pouco tempo, transformou-se na quarta Sra. Fielding.
Anyway, the next thing I knew, I was insane.
De qualquer forma, quando dou por ela, estava louco.
The next thing I knew it was dawn.
Quando dei por mim, era já de manhã.
The next thing I knew, will Smith... recklessly sideswiped my sole means of transportation.
e logo a seguir, Will Smith... agrediu o meu meio de transporte.
Next thing I knew I was in the back of the class with a guy who ate paste.
Quando dei por mim, estava ao fundo da turma com um tipo que comia cola.
I saw a sign that said "Dip" so naturally I looked at Bud the next thing I knew, we were airborne.
Vi um sinal que dizia "Baixar" por isso olhei para o Bud, quando dei por mim, íamos pelos ares.
And then... And-And then, the next thing I knew, I was singing, "Knick knack paddy whack" song.
E depois, a próxima coisa que eu sei, eu estava a cantar a música "Knick Knack Paddy Whack".
The next thing I knew, my son had walked into the room... and he was kicking me on the soles of my feet.
Acordei com o meu filho, que entrou no quarto... e começou a chutar as solas dos meus pés.
And the next thing I knew... ( Stone ) Call Briscoe.
Quando dei por mim... Liga ao Briscoe.
The next thing I knew, I was upside down.
Quando dei por mim, estava de pernas para o ar.
Next thing I knew he was on his way and now I'm stuck with him.
Depois ele foi-se embora e agora estou presa a ele.
The next thing I knew his knife was at my throat.
Quando dei por mim, tinha a faca na garganta.
The next thing I knew we were attacked by the mountain lion.
Quando dei por mim, fomos atacados pelo puma.
Next thing I knew, we were driving through town.
Quando acordei, estávamos no carro.
Next thing I knew, I was running down the street in my damn drawers.
Quando dei por mim, estava a correr na rua de cuecas.
The next thing I knew, my car, it slams right into a giant iceberg... oh-hh...
Quando dou por ela, o meu carro, espatifa-se contra um iceberg gigante... oh-hh...
Like, I saw it in his arm, and then the next thing I knew... it had started to transform into this huge thing - this - this thing that - this alien thing.
A primeira vez que notei, vi-o no braço dele, e logo a seguir... tinha começado a transformar-se numa coisa enorme, numa coisa que... Numa coisa extraterrestre.
And the next thing I knew, I was shot in the arm.
De repente, eu tinha levado um tiro no braço.
One second, I was working the plasma relays, and the next thing I knew, I was ejecting the warp core.
Num segundo, estava a trabalhar nos retransmissores de plasma, e a ultima coisa de que me lembro é de ter ejectado o núcleo warp.
The next thing I knew, they were waking me up in some kind of laboratory.
A próxima coisa de que me lembro,... foi estarem a acordar-me numa espécie de laboratório.
Next thing I knew, I was lying on the deck with blood pouring down my face.
A próxima coisa que me lembro, é de estar deitado no convés. Com o sangue a escorrer pela minha cara.
I came into this room and the next thing I knew I was stuck in the kitchen wall for... Well, how long have I been dead?
Entrei neste quarto... e a próxima coisa que me lembro... foi de estar metida na parede da cozinha por...
The next thing I knew, I woke up here.
A outra coisa de que me lembro, foi de acordar aqui.
The next thing I knew the ball was sailing into their goal.
Quando dei por ela, a bola ia na direção da baliza deles.
Then they must have drugged me because the next thing I knew, I woke up at the bottom of the chute to that welcoming party.
Eles devem ter me drogado por que a última coisa que me lembro, é de ter acordado no fundo de uma rampa para receber aquela festa de boas vindas.
The next thing I knew, I was standing on the transporter pad as you see me now.
A próxima coisa de que me lembro, é que eu estava parado no bloco de transporte como você me vê agora.
... and then, the next thing I knew, it was just gone.
E então a próxima coisa que soube, foi que tinha desaparecido.
The next thing I knew, the ship was calling me.
Quando dei por mim, a nave chamou-me.
And then the next thing we knew, he was gone. I don't know where.
E então, de repente, desapareceu, e não sabemos para onde.
next thing you know 288
next thing 83
next thing i know 298
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
next thing 83
next thing i know 298
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew you'd come 123
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew that 414
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you would come 37
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew that 414
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you would come 37