Side door Çeviri Portekizce
610 parallel translation
It's been suggested that patients use the side door.
Foi sugerido que as pacientes usassem a porta lateral.
But the unmarried mothers use the side door.
Mas as mães solteiras usam essa porta.
If you're especially nice I may even lock the side door.
Você é tão agradável que eu posso fechar ate a porta lateral.
I left by the side door.
Saí pela porta lateral.
Better take the side door, Wart. Out the side door.
É melhor ir pela porta das traseiras, Artur!
That's the side door from the kitchen?
- Bom. Essa é a porta lateral da cozinha?
I think we'd better use the side door.
Será melhor usarmos a porta lateral.
We'll go in the side door here.
Entramos pela porta do lado.
Now, the side door is about 35 feet from the front door. Les, you'll come in this way.
A porta lateral está a uns 35 passos da porta da frente.
You two jump out the side door and hide.
Vocês pulam para fora pela porta do lado e se escondem.
You take this path out the side door and it leads right to it.
Saia por essa viela, e chegará lá.
She went out the side door.
Ela saiu pela porta lateral.
We left by the side door and walked to the restaurant.
Saímos pela porta lateral e fomos a pé até ao Ritz Grill.
They can let them out the side door.
Poderäo sair pela porta lateral.
- Coming out the side door.
- A sair pela porta lateral.
By the side door, if you don't mind.
Pela porta lateral, se não te importas.
So in the confusion... Fletcher and Zelig got out of the building... through a side door.
Durante a confusão, Fletcher e Zelig... saíram do prédio por uma porta lateral.
Well, I recognized in an instant the thief must have come up through the side door.
Percebi logo que o ladrão entrara pela porta lateral...
He knew that you often worked late, and he was in town having dinner with his stockbroker, as he told me. But he was free by half past 9 : 00, and called by your office, entering through the side door.
Ele sabia que costumava fazer serão e estava na cidade para jantar com o corretor, segundo me contou, mas às 21 : 30 estava despachado e foi ao seu gabinete, entrando pela porta lateral.
Come at the dead of night to the side door. Knock four times. A little trap will open in the door.
Vá pela calada da noite até à porta lateral, bata quatro vezes, uma portinha abrir-se-á na porta, pergunte pela Veronique.
Yes, Rrrené, I go to the side door of the chateau, I rrrap four times on the door, a trap will open and I request to be taken into the presence of Véronique.
Sim, René, Vou ao muro lateral do Château, bato quatro vezes à porta, abrir-se-á uma portinha, pedirei para me levarem à presença da Veronique.
I'll open the side door for you.
Vai de volta. Abro-te a outra porta.
- That door leads onto a side porch.
- Por essa porta do lado.
I dreamed that I came to offer you a candle and that I came in by the side-door using a picklock, you know, a fake key.
Eu sonhei que vim Oferecer-Te uma vela... e que vim pela porta lateral e utilizei... uma gazua, Sabes, uma chave falsa.
Yes, by the side-door.
Sim, pela porta lateral.
There's a case full of Rattlers on the other side of the door.
Tem uma caixa cheia de serpentes do outro lado da porta.
Lock the door on the other side of the stage.
Fechem a porta do outro lado do palco.
By the guard's permission the man sits down by the side of the door and there he waits.
Com a permissão dada, o homem senta ao lado da porta, e espera.
Eleanor Corbin, the defendant, was standing on the other side of that door.
Eleanor Corbin, estava de pé do outro lado da porta.
Open the door on that side.
Abra a porta oposta.
- Chief... - ( door closes )... are you absolutely sure he's on our side?
Chefe tem a certeza absoluta de que ele está do nosso lado?
- Post two guards on each side of the door.
Coloquem dois guardas em todas as portas.
Wasn't the door locked on your side of the door that communicated with Mr Ratchett's compartment?
a porta para o camarote do Sr. Ratchett estava fechada ao deitar-se?
All right, now, that's I drop you off at the small door and go around to the wharf side.
Muito bem. Pronto, então... Largo-vos aí, junto da porta pequena.
And it's covered by a door made looking exactly like the side of the mountain.
Está coberto por uma porta que não se distingue do resto da montanha.
- Where are the lasers? - Other side of the door.
Onde é que estão os lasers?
Why am I on the wrong side of this door?
Porque estou eu do lado errado desta porta?
There'll be a monster up along side your head if you don't open this door.
Vais ver o monstro se não abrires a porta. Vamos.
Even has the angels on either side of the door.
Até tem os anjos de cada lado da porta.
- Who is on the other side of the door?
- Quem está aí?
Hearing his voice from the other side of the door wondering if he knows about us!
Escutando a sua voz do outro lado da porta perguntado-me se sabe de nós.
The door is on the other side.
A porta está do outro lado.
I replaced the entire door on this side.
Substituí a porta toda deste lado.
And your evidence would have shown that the door was fastened on the inner side, the windows blocked by shutters, secured every night.
E o seu testemunho indica que a porta estaria trancada por dentro, as janelas bloqueadas pelas portadas todas as noites.
The door was locked from your side!
A porta estava trancada do vosso lado!
Remember when you move from the door to the table, stay to the right side, to the wall.
Lembra-te : quando vieres da porta para a mesa, mantém-te à direita, encostado à parede.
The side door.
- Sim.
Nice thing about these kinds of locks is that if you give them a power surge, they don't know which side of the door you're on.
O que elas têm de bom, é que basta uma boa carga eléctrica e já não sabem de que lado da porta estamos.
We checked the garage, checked next door, checked that whole side.
Verificamos a garagem, o vizinho e aquele lado todo. - E? - Nada.
Let's see if we can find an open door on the other side.
Vamos ver se há alguma porta aberta do outro lado do edifício.
Moving that New York lock from my side of the door meant I had to make an electrical device, one that had enough power to slide the lock out of position.
Tirar aquele cadeado do meu lado da porta significava ter de construir um aparelho eléctrico, que tivesse força suficiente para mover o cadeado.
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door was open 50
door slams 187
door open 23
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door was open 50
door slams 187
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
doors open 18
doorbell ringing 46
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
doors open 18
doorbell ringing 46
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door opening 118