And who was that translate Turkish
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And who was that?
O kimdi?
And who was that?
Kimmiş bu kadın?
And need I remind you that you... Are the one who told us that she was a thief?
Ve onun hırsız olduğunu bize söyleyen kişinin sen olduğunu hatırlatmama gerek var mı?
You needed constant reminders that there's a man walking this earth who was- - is- - and will continue to be superior to you in every way.
Size sizden daha üstün bir adamın bu dünyada yaşadığını ve yaşamaya devam edeceğini hatırlatmaları gerekirdi.
And what was that smoke? Who did this?
- Ya o duman neyin nesiydi?
What was the nature of that work and who paid for it?
Bu işin özü neydi ve ödemeyi kim yaptı?
According to the documents that have survived, and they're only fragmentary, he was always described as someone with great powers, who had the capacity of flight and who had incredible knowledge about the universe.
Bolon Yokte, muhteşem güçleri olan, uçabilen, evrenle ilgili bilgi sahibi biri olarak tanımlanıyor.
But he was chasing that kid for a reason, and the sooner we get the word out that we're questioning the boy who killed Anthony Lewis, the less likely there will be any kind of gang retaliation.
Ama o çocuğu boş yere kovalamıyordu. Çocuğu sorgulayıp Anthony Lewis'in katilini ne kadar çabuk öğrenebilirsek çetelerin misilleme yapma olasılığı o kadar azalır.
Like when Heath was coming after us in that stupid Halloween costume. You didn't know who it was, but you pulled out your knife, and you pushed me behind you.
Heath o aptal Halloween kostümüyle peşimizden geldiğinde sen onun kim olduğunu bilmiyordun ama bıçağını çıkardın ve beni arkana çektin.
The person who made a rumor of her adultery with a music department professor, and had her ousted out of the music circle, that was you, right?
O alt devrenin profesörle zina yaptığını yayıp müzik sektöründen atılmasına neden olan kişi sendin değil mi?
That woman who was here earlier... Who gave you that case... She's wanted by the police for murder and kidnapping.
Daha önce burada olan kadın var ya, hani sana çantayı veren cinayet ve adam kaçırmadan dolayı polis tarafından aranıyor.
Cho and the accountants have found evidence in Castro's accounts that it was Marx who stole money.
Cho ve diğerleri, Castro'nun hesabında görünen çalıntı işlemlerini Marx'ın yaptığını gösteren deliller buldular.
I know you were close to Mr. McTierney. And I was hoping one of you could tell me who wrote this letter that we found.
Bay McTierney ile yakın olduğunuzu biliyorum ve umuyorum ki bana bulduğumuz bu mektubu kimin yazdığını söyleyebilirsiniz.
There's me and the guy who was seconds away from executing me in that warehouse.
Ben ve o depoda beni neredeyse infaz edecek olan adam var.
And someone who I look up to so much, hearing that from them was the best.
Cidden çok sevdiğim birinden, özellikle bu sözleri duymak beni çok etkiledi.
- And Max, I thought, was sweet, but I think that there are so many other people in the competition who are just more interesting to us.
- ve Max... Bence Max yetenekli ama bu yarışmada ondan çok daha iyileri de var.
No. But since I found out who he was and what he did, I've been thinking about that.
Ama kim olduğunu ve ne yaptığını anladığımdan beri ben de bunu düşünüyorum.
And do you know who that aide was?
Bu bakan yardımcısının kim olduğunu biliyor musun?
Knowing that it was a cane and knowing that I wanted someone who could walk down those halls and hold the center, you know, height became important, and physicality became important.
Bir baston olacağını biliyordum ve bastonla birinin koridorda, ortalıkta dolaşmasını istediğimi biliyordum. biliyorsunuz ki boy önemliydi, fizikselliği önemliydi.
So they asked me to come down to- - you know, just to make sure that it was really him and that it wasn't somebody who had stolen his wallet or something.
Gelip teşhis etmemi istediler. Emin olmak için. Cüzdanını çalan biri değil de gerçekten o olduğundan emin olmak adına.
Well, I'm trying to expose the truth about the fact that Brittany might have had a daughter when she was a teenager who's now 10 possibly and being taken care of by her mother.
Şey, ben Britanny'nin şimdi 10 yaşında olan ve büyük ihtimalle annesi tarafından bakılan kızını henüz daha bir ergen kızken doğurmuş olabileceği gerçeğini ifşa etmeye çalışıyorum.
We had a president who was behind us and said you're gonna do it. I look at those people from the Apollo era as heroes, not just the astronauts that went, but the hundred thousand people on the ground that made it possible. DAVID MORRISON :
Ben Apollo döneminin insanlarını kahraman ilan ediyorum.Sadece astronotları değil.
And he was right about that, too - - at least about the ones who work.
Ve bunda da haklıydı. En azından çalıştıkları konusunda.
So we figure that they found out who he was and confronted him in his darkroom.
Bizim tahminimiz onun kim olduğunu buldular ve onun karanlık odasına gittiler.
He was a Living with a Whole Sort of Community of People Who Were very much Believing acid CAN Release you and, you know, Get to the Truth and All That stuff,... and He took too much.
O gerçeğe ulaşmak ve diğer şeyler için asit'in insanı rahatlattığına inanan bir insan topluluğuyla birlikte, yaşıyordu.,... ve o çok fazla kullandı.
My Memory is That I Came in to the Studio and there was this Guy Standing there in a Gabardine raincoat, and a large, large bloke, and I HAD no idea Who was IT.
Hatırladığım, stüdyoya geldiğimde orada ayakta bir adam vardı Gabardin yağmurluklu, büyük kocaman bir adam ve kim olduğu hakkında hiç bir fikrim yoktu.
And there was only one other person who had access to that boat, right?
Ve o tekneye giriş imkanı olan tek bir kişi daha var, değil mi?
Basically said there was nothing to worry about and, as you said, mentioned that one of the people who notified the police was a Muslim.
Kısaca endişelenecek bir durum olmadığı söylendi ve senin de söylediğin gibi, polise haber verenlerden birinin Müslüman olduğundan bahsedildi.
- Yeah? Everyone's reporting that it was a T-shirt vendor named Lance Orton who spotted the smoking car and called 911.
Herkes, dumanı tüten arabayı görüp 911'i arayanın Lance Orton adındaki tişört satıcısı olduğunu söylüyor.
What happened was I was with a guy for a long time who wasn't half the man that Will is and he dumped me.
Ne oldu bak, uzun süre boyunca Will'in yarısı kadar bile adam demeyeceğin biriyle birlikteydim ve terk edildim.
I told that booth over there that I was the chef here, and then I can't remember who it was, but I told someone in here that I'm a surgeon.
Oradaki birine buranın şefi olduğumu söyledim, ve sonra bunu kime söylediğimi hatırlayamadım ve başka birine de cerrah olduğumu söyledim.
I know that everyone who was supposed to take care of you in your life let you down, but now, I'm gonna take care of you and you're gonna let me.
Biliyorum hayatında sana destek olması gereken herkes seni hayal kırıklığına uğrattı ama ben bunu yapacağım sen de izin vereceksin.
And if you know who I am, then you know who my father was, and you would know that the real worth of those earrings is priceless!
Ve eğer benim kim olduğumu biliyorsan, babamı da biliyorsundur,... yani o küpelerin ne kadar değerli olduğunu da bilmen gerekir. Paha biçilemez!
You were sitting right over there, and you said that Kyle was so excited because he had sold his car to a couple who lives in Galveston.
Sen tam şurada oturuyordun ve Kyle'ın çok heyecanlı olduğunu çünkü arabasını Galvestonda'da yaşayan bir çifte sattığını söylemiştin.
That was just a joke, because I was saying that there was no more date rape, because they figured out who it was who was doing it, and it was you.
Şaka yapmıştım, çünkü artık randevu sonrası tecavüz olayı yaşanmıyormuş kim olduğunu bulmuşlar ve yapan senmişsin, mahiyetinde bir espri.
You know, there was the DUI, the assault on that paparazzi douchebag, stealing that taxi, which was just awesome, by the way, and who could forget peeing on the cop?
Sıralayalım, madde alıp araç kullanmak, paparazzi şerefsizine gününü göstermek taksi çalmak ki en güzeli oydu, her neyse ve polisin üzerine işemek, bunu kim unutabilir ki?
And that boy who was arrested...
Ve o çocuk tutuklandı...
You didn't answerthe phone first, and now who was that?
Telefona ilk cevap veren sen değildin, o kimdi?
I missed Ingmar's daily presence... but I knew I had his friendship... and it was up to me, who at that time needed it most... to find a new point of contact... at which we both could meet.
Ingmar'ın günlük varlığını özlemiştim ama onun dostluğuna sahip olduğumu biliyordum ve ikimizin de temas ettiği yeni bir nokta bulmak için en çok ihtiyaç duyduğum zamanda yanımdaydı.
You married a woman who was executed and you never thought that was worth sharing with me?
İdam edilen bir kadınla evlendin ve bunu bana söylemek aklına gelmedi mi?
And who was responsible for that car?
- Arabadan kim sorumluydu?
I told you it was because you were newly sober and you needed to figure out who you are, and that was part of it, but...
Kim olduğunu anlaman gerektiğini ve biraz zamana ihtiyacın olduğunu söyledim ama...
And who on earth was that young lady?
O genç hanım kimdi?
And her roommate told the Santa Monica police that the day before Anna vanished, she was approached while shopping by a professional photographer who offered her free headshots if she posed for his portfolio.
Oda arkadaşının Santa Monica polisine dediğine göre Anna'nın kaybolduğu gün eğer kataloğu için poz verirse bedava portre fotoğraflarını çekmeyi teklif eden bir profesyonel fotoğrafçı yanaşmış.
Told her who I was late for Sunday dinner with, and said I would ask the bunch of you to make sure that justice was served.
Pazar yemeğine geç kaldığımı adaletin yerini bulduğundan emin olmanı sağlamak için bir kaç soru sordum.
Detective Bell and the others- - they told you that the man who took you seven years ago was a bad man, that he hurt you, abused you.
Dedektif Bell ve diğerleri seni yedi yıl önce kaçıran adamın kötü biri olduğunu sana zarar verdiğini ve seni taciz ettiğini söylediler.
You're the one who sent him on that mission and then turned your back on him after he was captured.
Bu göreve onu gönderen sendin. Esir alındıktan sonra da adama sırtını döndün.
And the truth was that it was her husband who was just below my feet, who was dead. A new husband at that, they had only been married a week.
Gerçek şu ki, ayağımın altında ölü olan kişi onun kocasıydı hatta yeni kocasıydı, evleneli henüz bir hafta olmuştu.
He was being supported by two friends and if ever I thought, at the very moment in my atheistic kind of mind, that I was looking at something purely religious, was of this man, who looked like Jesus Christ being taken down from the cross.
İki arkadaşı ona yardım ediyordu. Ve eğer o anda tüm ateist düşüncelerime rağmen saf dinsel bir şeye baktığımı düşündüm. İsa'ya benzeyen bu adam haçtan mı indirilmişti?
And I've just had an exhibition and the exhibition was mostly attended by very young people and judging by the letters that I have received, which were many, the people who wrote to me were very young people
Bir sergi açtım ve sergiye daha çok genç insanlar geldi. Çok fazla mektup alıyorum ve bana yazanlar daha çok genç insanlar.
And the security guy who was, like, this bossy know-it-all, he gave me a lecture, and he made me give him the key that my friend had left me.
Ve güvenlikçi,.. ... o buyurgan ukalâ, bana bir nutuk çekti..... ve benden arkadaşımın bana verdiği anahtarları aldı.
and who is she 20
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who is he 36
and who is that 45
and who's that 72
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who is he 36
and who is that 45
and who's that 72
and who's this 56
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who might that be 34
and who 69
and who would that be 36
and who do we have here 19
who was that 1077
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who might that be 34
and who 69
and who would that be 36
and who do we have here 19
who was that 1077