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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ B ] / Bring him in

Bring him in translate Spanish

3,153 parallel translation
Bring him in, please.
Hágalo entrar, por favor.
We sent Harper to bring him in.
Enviamos a Harper por él.
Let's bring him in.
I'll have Ryan bring him in.
Voy a traer a Ryan.
Let's bring him in.
Vamos a traerlo.
Bring him in.
Hazlo pasar.
Whatever the reason, it's our responsability to bring him in.
Sea cuál sea la razón, es nuestra responsabilidad recuperarlo.
Bring him in for questioning.
Tráelo para interrogarlo.
So now help us bring him in.
Ahora ayúdanos a pillarlo.
If we bring him in without evidence, he may never admit to it.
Si lo atrapamos sin evidencia, él jamás lo admitirá.
Our objective is to surround the subject and bring him in alive.
Nuestro objetivo es rodear al sujeto y atraparlo con vida.
How you gonna bring him in?
¿ Cómo piensas traerlo?
They didn't bring him in.
No se lo llevaron.
Let's get a sketch artist in here, and if the guy Angela saw is a match for the victim's little brother, bring him in.
Traeremos al dibujante, y si la persona que Angela vio se parece al hermano de la víctima, traíganlo.
- Bring him in as a witness.
- Que lo traigas como testigo.
Bring him in!
We don't have to do this, you know, we could bring him in another way.
No tenemos que hacer esto, ya lo sabes, podríamos hacerlo de otro modo.
There are easier ways to get a suspect's DNA, but... they're not as much fun. ( rap music ) Should we let him shower before we bring him in?
Hay maneras mas faciles de conseguir el ADN de un sospechoso, pero... no son tan divertidas. ¿ Deberiamos dejar que se duche antes de llevarnoslo? Si, de verdad agradecemos que cooperes con nosotros para concretar quien
The idea was to bring him in alive!
La idea era traerlo vivo.
We're gonna bring him in first thing in the morning.
Lo traeremos a primera hora de la mañana.
Bring him in. We clear?
Traele aqui. ¿ Queda claro?
Coming in to Prenslo personally to bring him in.
Viene en persona a Prenslo para llevarlo.
My men will bring him in tomorrow.
Mis hombres le traerán mañana.
Bring him in. The nephew too.
Traedle, y al sobrino tambien.
- Bring him in.
- Traedle. - Vale.
Wayne. You want to bring him in?
Wayne. ¿ Quieres detenerle?
- Well, in the meantime, let's bring him in for questioning.
- Bueno, mientras tanto, vamos a traerlo para interrogarlo.
- that doesn't want to talk to us. - We bring him in, we're going to lose him.
- testigo que no quiere hablar con nosotros.
Let's bring him in, check his DNA against the blood on the gun slide.
Traigámoslo. comparemos su A.D.N. con la sangre de la pistola.
- Bring him in. I'm gonna hold the kid's dad as long as I can.
Tráelo, pero voy a mantener encerrado al padre del chico lo más que pueda.
All right, let's bring him in and sort it out.
Bien, vamos a traerlo y a solucionarlo.
After that, bring him in with or without the plutonium.
Después de eso, tráelo con o sin el plutonio.
Look, you asked me to bring him in, you didn't say anything about Bobby being here.
Mira, cuando me pediste que le trajera, no dijiste nada - Sí que no te dije nada sobre lo que es asunto mío, Noble. - de que Bobby estaría aquí.
We can't bring him in without you.
No podemos arrestarle sin ti.
It matched the hair, gave us probable cause to bring him in.
Coincidía con el pelo, nos dio una causa probable para traerle.
Bring him over, I want to look him in the eyes
Tráiganlo, quiero mirarlo a los ojos
The agency would bring him a problem- - how can we prevent country "A" from getting the bomb or cause regime change in country "B." Blakely found solutions using what he called linchpin theory.
Encontraba soluciones usando lo que él llamaba, "Teoría de la pieza clave".
Tell him he better not bring any weapons in this house again!
¡ Dile que es mejor que no lleve armas en esta casa!
Can you get him to bring in Jeannie Bale right away?
- ¿ Puede traer a Jeannie Bale? - Sí.
I told a man in Detroit that I would bring him Robert Quarles.
Llevaría a Robert Quarles con un hombre en Detroit.
One time when I was driving from Youngstown to Sugar Creek, you called this guy at a Kitty Litter Company and you asked him to bring over 900 pounds of litter, and in the background, you hear all these lions roaring, and...
Una vez estaba conduciendo desde Youngstown a Sugar Creek, llamaste a ese tío de la compañía Kitty Litter y les pediste que llevaran cerca de 400 kilos de basura, y de fondo, se escuchaban a todos esos leones rugiendo, y...
They bring him back to his house where he's now locked in a basement!
¡ Lo devolvieron a su casa donde ahora está encerrado en un sótano!
Bring Mr. Morris in. I want to have a chat with him.
Lleven ahí al Sr. Morris.
We're going to bring Lamar in, notify him in a controlled environment, and you hold off asking for help from this coach Ramirez until morning.
Vamos a traer a Lamar aquí, se lo notificaremos en un ambiente controlado, y esperarás a pedirle ayuda a ese entrenador Ramirez hasta mañana por la mañana.
Can you bring him back in?
¿ Puede traerlo de nuevo?
And then I could bring his vision down and just get into it with him in the way that we were meant to do.
Y entonces podría bajar su visión y llegar a ello con él de la manera que estábamos destinados a hacerlo.
And sir, when we do bring Brant in, I'd like five minutes alone with him in a room with no cameras.
Y señor, cuando tengamos a Brant dentro, me gustaría tener cinco minutos sola con él en una habitación sin cámaras.
Did he bring anything in with him?
¿ Introdujo algo con él?
In fact, I just asked him to bring Wilson up to my office.
De hecho, le pedí que me trajera a Wilson a mi oficina.
You came this far to bring a change in him, right?
Te alejaste de él para que cambiara, ¿ verdad?
Bring him to me in 30 minutes!
¡ Traedlo ante mí en 30 minutos!

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