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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Did you tell her

Did you tell her translate Spanish

2,185 parallel translation
Why did you tell her?
¿ Por qué se lo has contado?
What else did you tell her not to say?
¿ Qué más le has dicho que no dijera?
Chuck, did you tell her how you feel?
Chuck, ¿ le dijiste cómo te sientes?
What did you tell her, you vondruke?
¿ Qué le dijiste, estupida?
Did you tell her what for?
- ¿ Le dijo para qué eran?
Did you tell her that it was my thing?
¿ Le has dicho a ella que era mío?
Did you tell her we were going to the movies?
¿ Le dijiste que íbamos a ir al cine?
Did you tell her about Katherine?
¿ Le dijiste sobre Katherine?
Did you tell her you're gonna be huge in pinapin?
¿ Le decías que vas a estar inmenso metiendo la pata?
And what did you tell her?
¿ Y qué le has dicho?
Did you tell her that Payson doesn't want to do it.
¿ Le dijiste que Payson no quería hacerlo?
Did you tell her any of your dumb jokes?
¿ Le contaste alguno de tus chistes tontos?
At one point, did you tell her to buck up and stop whining?
¿ Llegó un momento en que le dijo que levantara el ánimo y no se quejara?
What did you tell her?
¿ Y qué le dijiste?
And did you tell her that you'd made the appointment for the test?
¿ Y le contaste que habías concertado una cita para la prueba?
did you tell her That you'd made an appointment with me?
le dijiste que has concertado una cita conmigo?
And what did you tell her about your father?
¿ Y qué le dijiste de tu padre?
Did you tell her that I came in?
¿ Le contaste que vine a verte?
Why did you tell her she can come along?
¿ Por qué le dijiste que podía ir con nosotros?
Did you tell her to sit back?
¿ Le dijiste que se sentara atrás?
Did you tell her that we're gonna need to talk to Carter Again tomorrow?
¿ Le ha dicho que tendremos que hablar con Carter otra vez mañana?
- What did you tell her?
- ¿ Qué le dijiste?
Did you tell her?
¿ Se lo dijiste?
- Did you tell her that?
le dijiste eso a ella?
[Neighing ] Did you tell her that the other mare meant nothing to me? [ Neighing] He told me everything.
¿ Le dijiste que la otra yegua no significaba nada para mi?
- Did you tell her I was dead?
- ¿ Le dijiste que había muerto?
What did you tell her?
¿ Qué le dijiste?
Well, did she tell you about her little plan to seduce damien - And have jenny walk in on it?
Bueno, ¿ te ha contado su pequeño plan de seducir a Damien y hacer que Jenny lo vea?
- What did you tell her?
- ¿ Qué le respondió?
Allison, did you tell that girl that you thought her brother killed Keelin McKinney?
Allison, ¿ le contaste a esa chica que creías que su hermano mató a Keelin McKinney?
Did she tell you of her broken engagement?
¿ Te contó que había roto su compromiso?
But it did happen, and until you tell me about it, I will be at your house, your office, the gym where you work out and the bars- - it was her, all right?
Pero sí ocurrió, y hasta que no me lo cuentes me apareceré en tu casa, en tu oficina en el gimnasio donde ejercitas y en los bares- -
You could tell her I tried harder than I did.
Podrías decirle que lo intenté más de lo que hice en verdad.
Did you tell cirie in any way that i said or that i don't trust her?
¿ Le dijiste de algún modo a Cirie qué dije que no confió en ella?
This woman, when she asks you what you did to be with her again what will you tell her?
Esta mujer cuando te pregunte qué hiciste para estar con ella de nuevo, ¿ qué le dirás?
Yeah. Did you talk to her, tell her about it, or just decide to stand her up, never speak to her again?
¿ Hablaste con ella, le contaste lo sucedido o simplemente decidiste plantarla y no volver a hablar con ella?
Did she tell you I found a letter my father wrote, begging her to let me come live with him?
¿ Te contó que encontré una carta de mi padre donde le rogaba que me dejara vivir con él?
Did she ever tell you about her and me? Zoe?
¿ Alguna vez te contó de ella y yo?
You didn't tell her about the watch, did you?
No le dijisteis nada del reloj, ¿ verdad?
Tell her what you did.
Dile lo que has hecho.
You didn't tell her what you needed the ice for, did you?
No le dijiste para qué necesitabas el hielo, ¿ verdad?
You didn't tell her the whole story, did you?
No le contaste toda la historia, ¿ verdad?
I can actually take her to- - did you tell your brother that we're trying to have another baby?
Puedo llevarla a... ¿ Se lo contaste a tu hermano? que estamos intentando tener otro bebé?
You didn't tell her why, did you?
No le dijiste por qué, ¿ verdad?
You're gonna tell me everything you did to her, all of it!
Vas a decirme todo lo que le hicise a ella, ¡ todo!
Did he tell you she stabbed her before?
¿ Le contó él que ya antes la había apuñalado?
What do you want me to tell her when I call her back? Okay. [beeping ] [ ringing] What did she say?
¿ Qué quieres que le diga cuando le llame? ¿ Qué te dijo?
Did she tell you who her first handler was?
- ¿ Te dijo quién fue su primer jefe?
Gave me the look. Did you see? We tell her, you know, she's a rock star's daughter.
Me dio la mirada. ¿ Has visto? Le decimos, ya sabes, es hija de una estrella de rock.
Uh, did she tell you that Patrick Zelman was using information that he got from her for illegal stock transactions?
¿ Te dijo ella que Patrick Zelman estaba usando información que conseguía de ella para transacciones ilegales en la bolsa?
Did Lauren also tell you that I talked to her, and I told her that if she didn't tell you, that I would?
¿ También te dijo Lauren que hablé con ella, y le dije que si no te lo decía ella, te lo diría yo?

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