Just before he died translate Spanish
266 parallel translation
Reminds me of Nacional's just before he died from the cornada.
Me recuerda la cara de Nacional justo antes de que muriera de la cornada.
Cuando Penn Gaylord murió, de inmediato apareció otro testamento que, según se afirma, fue formalizado en Francia poco antes de morir.
It was Mr. Artozoul who planted it just before he died.
El señor Artozoul la plantó justo antes de morir.
Well, just before he died.
Justo antes de morir.
That's what my poor father said just before he died!
¡ Eso es lo que dijo mi pobre padre antes de morir!
- Sassafras tea is healthy. Mr Wiggs always swore it cured his arthritis just before he died.
El Sr. Wiggs decía que el té de sasafrás le había curado la artritis.
Just before he died.
Poco antes de morir.
Let's stop fooling around. Bernard told me to come here just before he died.
Bernard me dijo que viniera, justo antes de morir.
Just before he died, he said :
Un poco antes de expirar dijo :
That piece of fresh mud was stuck between the sole and heel of someone's riding boot. Someone who visited Mr. Enderby just before he died. The murderer, you mean?
Aquel pedazo de barro fresco estaba pegado entre la suela y el talón de la bota de equitación de alguien Alguien que visitó al Sr. Enderby justo antes de que muriera.
I remember seeing him sitting in it just before he died.
Recuerdo verle sentado en ella poco antes de morir.
He told me just before he died.
Me lo dijo justo antes de que muriera.
Antes de morir, trató de decirnos algo sobre los planos del acorazado anfibio nuclear.
I heard what that fellow said, just before he died.
Escuché lo que dijo ese hombre... justo antes de morir.
Yes, and he was probably trying to relay it to us just before he died.
Sí. Probablemente intentaba comunicárnoslo justo antes de morir.
Just before he died, he told me everything.
Justo antes de morir, me contó todo.
Just before he died, Hal told her where to find the people responsible for his murder.
Antes de morir, Hal le dijo dónde encontrar a sus asesinos.
Stilwell phoned me about you just before he died.
Stilwell me llamó por teléfono acerca de usted justo antes de morir. ¡ Oh, sí!
The old earl, just before he died, said,
El viejo conde, justo antes de morir, dijo,
You sure he didn't start this just before he died?
¿ Está segura que no lo empezó antes de morir?
You went to see him just before he died?
¿ Fue a verlo antes de su muerte?
I'm trying to reconstruct what Dr. Willis must have been doing just before he died.
Intento reconstruir lo que estaba haciendo el Dr. Willis momentos antes de morir.
I'm trying to reconstruct exactly what Dr. Willis was doing just before he died.
Eso es lo que parece. Intento reconstruir con exactitud lo que estuvo haciendo el Dr. Willis momentos antes de morir.
Just before he died, he said that he really dug you.
Justo antes de morir, él dijo que realmente le gustabas.
My late husband put it there just before he died.
Mi difunto marido me lo puso justo antes de morir.
That time in the room try and remember Father Merrin just before he died.
La vez que él fue ¿ cómo estaba antes de morir?
I have a hunch he taped this just before he died.
Tengo la corazonada de que lo grabó justo antes de morir.
Just before he died, we cut back in size, but it was too late.
Justo antes de su muerte, volvimos a cuadrar los números... pero era demasiado tarde.
One was Dominic. The way he said, "I slipped," just before he died.
La forma en que Dominic dijo "me resbalé" momentos antes de morir.
He wrote a song... Just before he died that we'd like to perform tonight for you.
Escribió una canción... justo antes de morir que nos gustaría interpretar esta noche para ustedes.
Some random notes from the book he was reading just before he died.
Notas aleatorias del libro que estaba leyendo antes de morir.
My grandfather gave this to me just before he died.
Mi abuelo me dio esto antes de morir
Sir, I assume you know what your wife and Mr. Evans were doing just before he died?
Señor, supongo que sabe lo que su esposa Y el Sr. Evans estaban haciendo justo antes de morir?
Just before he died... Dad taught me a trick.
Antes de que muriera papá me enseñó un truco.
He brought it back one night just before he died and said :
Lo llevó una noche antes de morir y dijo :
But he died last spring, just before graduation.
Pero murió la primavera pasada, justo antes de la graduación.
Just before he died.
Justo antes de morir.
Just one thing, he died before we could help him.
Sólo una cosa, murió antes que pudiéramos ayudarle.
I've seen this phenomenon many times in people who were badly frightened... just before they died.
He visto este fenómeno muchas veces en personas que estaban aterradas al instante de morir.
Casi esperaría que el Sr. Wilson estuviera en la bodega durmiendo...
No, it was promise he made to my mother, just before she died.
No, se lo había prometido a mi madre, antes de que ella muriera.
I think I've made the breakthrough and solved the first part of the formula, just as Munroe had before he died.
Creo que lo he descubierto, he resuelto la primera parte de la fórmula, como Munroe antes de morir.
Just before Gazzman died, he scrawled the initials of his killer on this slip of paper.
Justo antes de que Gazzman muriera escribió las iníciales del asesino en este papel.
Do you know that you look just like my father before he died?
¿ Sabe que es clavado a mi padre justo antes de morirse?
He was a financier, died just before the war?
Era un financista. ¿ Murió antes de la guerra?
He just like the old woman that save her supper for her breakfast... and died before morning.
Es como la vieja que guardó su cena para el desayuno... y se murió antes del amanecer.
You can't imagine what it was like to kiss him. He took a picture just before he died.
Se tomó una fotografía poco antes de morir.
He died over there just before I was born.
Murió allí justo antes de que yo naciera.
He just died, before the vet even got here.
Se murió, antes de que llegara el veterinario.
All I know is he died suddenly. Just before the Warren Report came out.
Sólo sé que se murió de repente justo antes de que saliera el Informe Warren.
And then he told us that a short time earlier, just before sunrise, the baby had died.
Nos llevó aparte. Y entonces nos dijo que poco tiempo antes, justo antes del amanecer.
just before 43
before he died 107
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
before he died 107
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just us 261
just a joke 49
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28
just answer me 27
just be patient 84
just us 261
just a joke 49
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28
just answer me 27