There was a fire translate Spanish
701 parallel translation
When was the last time there was a fire in here?
¿ Cuándo se encendió... esta chimenea por última vez...?
There was a fire, they say it was an accident... but nobody believed it.
Ha habido un incendio, dicen que fue una desgracia, pero nadie se lo ha creído.
There was a fire. Julien! If he finds us, he'll kill us.
¡ Julien, si nos encuentra, nos va a matar?
We ran through the village, we thought there was a fire.
Fuimos corriendo al pueblo, creímos que había un incendio.
There was a fire in the radio shack four days ago.
Hace cuatro días se incendió la cabina de radio.
There was a fire in the radio shack.
Hubo un incendio en la cabina de radio.
Suppose there was a fire and she was locked in her room?
Imagínese que hay un incendio y ella está encerrada en su habitación.
I was getting married or if there was a fire at least.
Luego me casé con otro... Si al menos hubiera un incendio...
- There was a fire, Steve.
- Hubo un incendio, Steve.
There was a fire.
Hubo un incendio.
There was a fire here a year ago, and a man was burnt.
Hace un año, hubo un incendio aquí y murió un hombre.
- And there was a fire in a barn? - Yep.
¿ Y ha habido un incendio en el establo?
There was a fire in the grate, and it was warm.
El fuego arde en la chimenea. Hace calor.
There was a fire at the power plant.
Incluso hubo un incendio en la pista central.
There was a fire in the courthouse, and all the records got burnt up. "
Hubo un fuego en el juzgado y se quemaron todos los documentos "
One day, there was a fire...
Un dia hubo un gran fuego...
There was a fire, sir.
Hubo un incendio.
Later that night, there was a fire... and the house burned down.
Más tarde, aquella noche, hubo un incendio y la casa se quemó.
Right, right. Well, stay where you are because obviously if there was a fire, you'd all be standing down here like this in the lobby, wouldn't you?
¿ Si hubiera un incendio estarían todos ahí?
There was a fire. The car windows were closed. The car windows were closed and she couldn't get out.
El coche se incendió y las ventanillas estaban cerradas y no pudo salir.
Brother Julio opened this door with an ax... because he says there was a fire.
El hermano Julio, que ha abierto esta puerta a hachazos porque dice que había un incendio.
There was a fire 7 years ago.
Hubo un incendio hace 7 años.
Había un buen fuego ardiendo en la chimenea.
When we were sunk, all I know is there was a lot of fire and explosions.
Cuando nos hundieron, lo único que supe es que hubo mucho fuego y explosiones.
Suddenly there was a big flash of fire, a terrible noise and the lights went out all over the house.
De repente hubo una explosión y un ruido terrible y se fue la luz en toda la casa.
When he was 12 there was fire and he risked his life to save eight other kids.
Cuando tenía 12 años se produjo un incendio y arriesgó su vida para salvar a otros niños.
I was goin'to get some boards and next thing I know there was fire everywhere.
Y cuando volví ya de todas partes salían llamaradas. Corrí a sacarlo.
I went out on my fire escape last night And I wanted to go above me because it was cooler there
El estor estaba a medias y no vi todo.
They ran to St. Mary of the Angels, thinking there was a fire.
Y la gente de Asís vio el horizonte rojo como el fuego.
The fire had been stoked, my old jacket was on its hanger, and there was a plate of biscuits on the table.
Habían agregado leña a Ia estufa, mi vieja chaqueta estaba en Ia percha y en Ia mesa plegable había un plato con masas.
The minute this gun was loaded, one of you brave boys might decide to go for the ride, just to fire it and if you did, it might alert a few state cops down there and the game would be over.
En cuanto lo cargue, algún valiente podría decidir ponerse a disparar para alertar a los policías de ahí abajo y eso sería el fin.
The room was terribly hot and there was a crackling sound and my dolls on fire I tried to beat the fire out of my dolls I began to scream
Supongo que debí quedarme dormida, porque lo siguiente que supe es que me desperté tosiendo. La habitación estaba caliente y se oía el crepitar de las llamas. Mis muñecos estaban ardiendo.
Sir, there was fire and a smoke, sir.
Señor, había llamas y humo, señor.
There's also a slightly confusing report of an evening that you and Mrs. Hardwicke spent together during which a fire brigade was summoned.
Hay también un informe algo confuso sobre la velada que pasaron juntos durante la cual fueron llamados los bomberos.
At a printer's. He'd gone to see them about printing his music. The whole place caught fire while he was there.
Había ido a ver imprimir sus partituras cuando comenzó a arder todo el edificio con él dentro.
There was famine in the land caused by cold, drought, fire and flood
La hambruna azotaba toda la región... a causa de la sequía, y las inundaciones, de los incendios y las heladas...
- Look, last night was very cold. But there's no sign of a fire having been lit.
- Por la noche hizo mucho frío pero no hay restos de hoguera.
And then there was Viracocha glowing with fire,
Entonces, vi a Viracocha en llamas resplandecientes,
There was the dying knell, the death knell, the fire warning, the victory bells, the call to mass and the peel for devotions.
Había toque de agonía, toque de muerto el de fuego, bandeos de gloria, llamada a misa y repiques de gran devoción.
Was there a fire?
¿ Hubo un incendio?
There was an explosion and fire at the house of a friend of yours, Mr. Jerry Parks.
Hubo una explosión y un incendio en la casa de su amigo Jerry Parks.
And then there was a lot of oil, but it hadn't caught fire at this time.
Y entonces hubo una gran cantidad de aceite, pero no se había incendiado en este momento.
There was a huge fire there made of trees.
Hubo un gran incendio había hecha de árboles.
Believe me, Rosa... believe me, sometimes it burns me there was a terrible fire inside me... I was under command of ruining forces...
Mira, a veces yo... tengo compulsiones terribles.
There was a big fire.
Hubo una gran fogata.
There was gun fire for a minute and a half, two minutes.
Ha habido disparos durante un minuto y medio, dos minutos.
Apparently, there was a terrible fire and the old hospital burned down.
Aparentemente, hubo un incendio terrible y el viejo hospital se quemó.
There was a plot by runaway niggers to kidnap the governor......massacre the white people and set fire to Richmond.
Unos negros huidos planeaban secuestrar al gobernador masacrar a los blancos, e incendiar Richmond.
There was a plot by runaway niggers to kidnap the governor massacre the white people and set fire to Richmond.
Unos negros huidos planeaban secuestrar al gobernador masacrar a los blancos, e incendiar Richmond.
There was a fire on one of the rides.
INCENDIO EN EL PARQUE DE ATRACCIONES DE PITTSBURGH Se incendió una de las atracciones pero ya ha pasado.
There was a shootout and the shed caught fire.
Hubo disparos, pegaron fuego al depósito.
there was this 68
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90
there was 570
there wasn't 74
there was a time 64
there was a problem 25
there was no other way 31
there was an explosion 49
there was a boy 17
there was an accident 105
there was nothing 90