We got a translate Spanish
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Emails, phone logs, you name it, we got about three petabytes a second of it from American civilians alone.
Correos, llamadas, lo que sea. Nos llegan unos tres petabytes por segundo de eso, y solo de civiles estadounidenses.
Oh, wait. We got a Mabel Fantion.
No, espera, tengo a Mapel Vaenchen.
We got a major terrorist alert in progress, and city's going into lock down.
Tenemos una gran alerta terrorista en marcha y la ciudad estará bloqueada.
We got a runner.
Tenemos un corredor.
- We got a lot.
- Muchas.
- Oh, well, we got a great manager.
- Tenemos un gran representante.
We got a deal?
¿ Trato hecho?
If the Feds start asking about Milan, we got a ready-made bedtime story for them.
Si los federales comienzan a preguntar por Milan, ya tenemos una historia que contarles.
We got a resister.
Tenemos uno resistente.
We got a hit on the tip line.
Tenemos un acierto en la línea especial.
We got a DNA match from the cold cases and the recent murders.
Tenemos una coincidencia con los casos sin resolver y los recientes asesinatos.
We got a street name, but we struck out in the nickname database.
Tenemos un nombre popular, pero no tenemos nada en la base de sobrenombres.
We got a theory?
¿ Tenemos una teoría?
Okay, well, we just got a 911 call.
Bien, bien, acabamos de recibir una llamada al 911.
Doesn't say anything about a skull face guy or a staff, but we got bodies, one with his eyes blown out, and a lot of dead bats.
No dice nada sobre un tipo con cara de calavera ni un bastón, pero tenemos cadáveres, uno con los ojos vaciados y un montón de murciélagos muertos.
Okay, so, we've officially got both the ATF and The Black 23's coming to kill us, and we've got maybe a five-minute head start before word gets back to Lynch that we sprung you.
De acuerdo, oficialmente hemos conseguido que tanto la ATF como los Black 23 vengan a matarnos, y quizá tengamos una ventaja de cinco minutos antes de que Lynch nos suspenda.
Time being, we got figure out a way to keep our people alive.
Por el momento, debemos encontrar la forma de mantener a nuestra gente con vida.
We got to find a place to hide out.
Debemos encontrar un lugar donde escondernos.
Hi, we're from Vanowen Recycling, got a call to pick up a shipment this afternoon?
Hola, somos de reciclajes Vanowen,
Captain, we've got a live one.
Capitán, tenemos uno vivo. Sí, Teniente.
Mike, call the FBI, tell them what we've got here, and see if they can help us clarify - where these pictures come from.
Mike, llame al FBI, diles lo que tenemos y ve si pueden ayudarnos a aclarar de donde vienen estas fotos
Maybe we won. Maybe Time Ryder got the cuffs on him and he's hauling him off to Time Base One.
Quizá ganó, quizá lo arrestó y lo está llevando a la Base del Tiempo 1.
We are back, and you got a lot of work to do.
Regresamos, y tienes mucho trabajo por hacer.
We're not a rich family, and you haven't got a husband to support you.
No somos una familia de posibles ni tienes un marido que te resuelva la vida.
The first time I ever smoked, my brother Danny got me to roll a joint so we could get a couple of sisters to go skinny dipping.
La primera vez que fumé, mi hermano Danny me hizo enrollar uno para lograr que dos hermanas fueran a nadar desnudas.
Jessica left last night, which means Harvey and I got to figure out what we're gonna do.
Jessica se fue anoche, lo que significa que Harvey y yo tenemos que ver que vamos a hacer
Hey, uh, we don't open for another 15 minutes, but if you got a delivery, I can take it.
Hey, eh, abrimos dentro de 15 minutos, pero si tenes delivery, puedo recibirlo.
you mean string cheese and Triscuits, yeah, we've got room service.
te refieres a palitos de queso y galletas, claro que sí, tenemos servicio de habitación.
We've got her husband killed.
Hicimos que mataran a su esposo.
We have phage-resistance bacteria in the hydroponic lines to prevent that, which means that something got in and killed the good bacteria.
Tenemos una bacteria resistente a los bacteriófagos en las filas hidropónicas que previene eso, lo que significa que algo entró y mató a la bacteria buena.
Eleanor, we've got a surprise for you.
Eleanor, tenemos una sorpresa para ti.
Well, I got some cool games where we're going.
Bueno, a dónde vamos tengo juegos emocionantes.
Okay, um, so the portable charger that we took... it got lost, and my dad's cell ran out of power. Mine couldn't get a signal.
Bien, um, el cargador portátil que llevamos se perdió y el celular de mi padre se quedó sin energía, el mío no tenía señal.
And we found these sneakers, pants, and this jacket matching what you were wearing in this screen grab we got from a passing bus.
Y nos encontramos con estas zapatillas, pantalones y esta chaqueta que coinciden con lo que llevaba en esta captura que obtuvimos de un autobús
And it looks like we've got a beautiful fan up ahead!
¡ Y parece que tenemos una hermosa admiradora adelante!
Yeah, OK, we've got a lady on the roadway.
Sí, vale, tenemos una señora en la carretera.
And I, I didn't want to get into a big debate about it, because we'd only just got back together and, you know,
Y no quería entrar en un gran debate sobre esto... porque acabábamos de volver a estar juntos y, tú sabes...
Well, listen, if she got the album sales of Whitney, we'll take it.
Si llega a vender como Whitney, la queremos.
I'd have a better base if we got rid of the money.
Tendría una mejor base si nos deshiciéramos del dinero.
We told her not to, but Will's fiancé called his mom and dad before I got there.
Le dijimos que no, pero la prometida de Will llamó a su mamá y papá antes de que yo llegara allí
Unless we see them grab the pot, we've got nothing.
A menos que veamos que toma la marihuana no tenemos nada.
We have a box of plastic forks, we've got some kosher green lentils...
-... unas lentejas kosher...
A couple of months ago, we had a party for Shala... When she got accepted to Columbia.
Hace un par de meses, hicimos una fiesta para Shala... cuando fue aceptada en Columbia.
We got uniforms canvassing the area right now.
Tenemos a los uniformados peinando la zona ahora mismo.
Well, we've got an eyewitness that's saying that... You went off on Sandford Greg at the Park last week.
Bueno, tenemos a un testigo que está diciendo... que te peleaste con Sandford Greg en el parque la semana pasada.
We've got a lot of work to do to get the ship ready for winter.
Tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer para tener la nave lista para el invierno.
We got to get those hostages out of there alive, captain.
Llegamos a conseguir esos rehenes salir vivo de allí, capitán.
Dad, we got to start getting ready for the graduation.
Papá, tenemos que empezar a prepararnos para la graduación.
We got to slow her heart down.
¿ Le vas a hacer la cardioversión? Con todo este pelaje... nunca obtendremos suficiente contacto con la piel. No.
We've got a bit of a mitigating circumstance. Here, reese.
Tenemos una circumstancia un poco atenuante aquí Reese.
We've got a gun vacated.
¡ Arma desalojada!
we got a problem 417
we got a deal 77
we got a situation 38
we got a big problem 23
we got a case 27
we got a name 17
we got a problem here 35
we got a situation here 18
we got a burn notice on you 78
we got a lot of work to do 44
we got a deal 77
we got a situation 38
we got a big problem 23
we got a case 27
we got a name 17
we got a problem here 35
we got a situation here 18
we got a burn notice on you 78
we got a lot of work to do 44
we got a match 33
we got a hit 44
we got a winner 28
we got a plan 28
we got a job to do 23
we got an i 29
we got about 36
we got a call 35
we got a runner 57
we got a body 29
we got a hit 44
we got a winner 28
we got a plan 28
we got a job to do 23
we got an i 29
we got about 36
we got a call 35
we got a runner 57
we got a body 29
we got a man down 19
we got another one 38
we got another problem 16
we got an address 19
we got a live one 27
we got a warrant 21
we got this 371
we got' em 96
we got it 766
we got your back 50
we got another one 38
we got another problem 16
we got an address 19
we got a live one 27
we got a warrant 21
we got this 371
we got' em 96
we got it 766
we got your back 50
we got you 282
we got married 70
we got something 131
we got him 659
we got to move 144
we got to go 657
we got 536
we gotta stick together 17
we gotta go now 71
we gotta 87
we got married 70
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we got him 659
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we got 536
we gotta stick together 17
we gotta go now 71
we gotta 87