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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You must be thirsty

You must be thirsty translate Spanish

88 parallel translation
- You must be thirsty. - Oh, no, Your Majesty.
- Tendrá sed.
Here, you must be thirsty.
Bebe, tendrás sed.
- You must be thirsty. - Come over here, madam.
- Debe tener sed
You must be thirsty.
Estarán sedientos.
Have some water, you must be thirsty
Beba un poco de agua debe estar sedienta.
Here... you must be thirsty after all that hard work, right?
Tome... Debe estar sediento luego de todo ese trabajo, verdad?
With all this running, you must be thirsty...
Con todo esto en marcha, debe tener sed...
You must be thirsty.
Debe estar sediento.
You must be thirsty.
Debes tener sed.
you must be thirsty, my dear.
Debes tener sed, querida.
You must be thirsty.
- Debes estar sedienta.
- You must be thirsty.
- Debes tener sed.
You must be thirsty. I'll give you a nice drink of water... and you'll feel better.
... debes tener sed te daré un buen trago de agua y te sentirás mejor.
Come on, you must be thirsty.
Vamos, debes tener sed.
You must be thirsty.
Debes de tener sed.
- You must be thirsty after all that work. - Thank you, ma'am.
- Usted debe de tener sed, después de todo ese trabajo.
"I'm sorry, mank." You must be thirsty. Here. Have another.
Por cierto, debes de estar sediento, toma otra.
Yeah, you must be thirsty after eating 60 mints.
Si, debes estar sediento despues de 60 mentas.
So, Richard, you must be thirsty.
Richard, debes estar sediento.
You must be thirsty.
Debes de tener mucha sed.
You must be thirsty.
Deben de estar sedientos.
You must be thirsty after your exploits in the mountains.
Debes estar sedienta después de tus hazañas en la montaña.
You must be thirsty.
Debes estar sediento.
Drink up, Gyeong-ro. You must be thirsty.
Bebe, estarás sediento.
You must be thirsty. Can we get you a drink?
¿ Quiere algo de beber?
You must be thirsty.
¿ Quieres un trago?
Okay, so you must be thirsty, no!
¿ Debes tener sed, no?
Well, you must be thirsty.
Bueno, debes tener sed.
Who says you must be thirsty to drink a cold beer...
¿ Quién dice que debes tener sed para tomar una cerveza fría...
You must be thirsty. This is no time for levity, Jason.
Estos no son momentos para jugar Jason.
You must be thirsty with all this marching, huh?
Debes estar sediento con toda esta marcha, huh?
A whole month without a drink? You must be thirsty.
¿ Un mes completo sin beber Debes de estar sediento.
You must be thirsty?
Tú debes ser Circe.
Lord Stark, you must be thirsty.
Lord Stark, debes estar sediento.
After all that running. You must be thirsty.
Tras esa carrera debes estar sediento.
You must be thirsty too.
Debes estar sediento también.
You must be thirsty.
Debe tener sed.
Drink something, eat, you must be hungry and thirsty.
Beba algo, coma, debe estar sediento y hambriento.
You must be awfully thirsty after riding in this heat all day.
Estará sediento tras cabalgar todo el día con este calor.
You lads must be very thirsty, aren't you?
Muchachos, deben estar muy sedientos, ¿ verdad?
- You must be hungry? - I'm mostly thirsty.
- Debes estar hambriento.
You must be thirsty.
Debés tener sed.
You must surely be thirsty!
Tienen que estar también realmente sedientos.
You must be terribly thirsty.
Debes tener una sed terrible.
You must be hungry and thirsty.
Debes estar hambriento y sediento.
You two must be thirsty.
Tendréis sed.
My God, you must be thirsty.
¿ Iowa? Por Dios, sí que debe de tener sed.
What am I thinking of... asking you questions when you must be so hungry and thirsty?
¿ En qué estoy pensando...? Les hago preguntas cuando deben estar con hambre y sedientos.
You must be very thirsty ( laughs ).
Debes de tener mucha sed.
After all that yakking, you must be bloody thirsty.
Después de tanto cacareo, debes tener sed.
Wow, you guys must be really thirsty tonight.
Wow, de veras deben estar sedientos esta noche.

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