Bring them to me translate French
390 parallel translation
Hurry to meet the guests from Earth and bring them to me.
Va accueillir les invités de la Terre et conduis-les ici.
And clap them in chains and bring them to me
Pour les enchaîner Et me les amener
- And he will bring them to me.
- Et il me les apportera.
My old man used to bring them to me.
Mon père m'en rapportait...
Oh, Stephen, why didn't you bring them to me?
Oh, Stephen, pourquoi tu ne me les as pas apportées?
I told him where they were and to bring them to me, they're mine!
Je lui ai demandé de me les rapporter. Elles sont à moi!
- Bring them to me.
Bring them to me by tomorrow's sunrise, or tomorrow morning you may say goodbye to your head.
Apportes-les ce soir demain matin.
Get out the "Aes" and "Es" and bring them to me.
Sors les "Aes" et les "Es" et apporte-les moi.
Bring them to me.
Tulsa, if you and the boys have any problems just bring them to me, huh?
Tulsa, si vous avez des problèmes, toi et les gars, tiens-moi au courant.
Go and bring them to me.
Take my guards and bring them to me.
Prends mes gardes et ramène-les moi.
Bring them to me.
- Des sandwiches. - Apporte-les-moi.
Loose them and bring them to Me.
Détachez-la et amenez-les-moi.
When I say, "Why don't you get some rest, Anna"... I want you to get them and bring them to me in the stable.
"Tu devrais te reposer, Anna"... vas-y et apporte-la-moi.
And bring them to me!
Retrouvez-les et amenez-les chez moi.
Give them to me, I'll bring them to her.
Confiez-les-moi, je les lui apporterai.
Well, this morning, the bees left the hive and we had to bring them back. This afternoon, I washed my hair.
Les abeilles ont quitté la ruche et je me suis lavé les cheveux.
Bring them directly to me at the house.
Apporte-les directement à la maison.
He asked me to bring them to you.
Il m'a demandé de vous les remettre.
I asked Margit to let me bring them.
J'ai dit à Margit que je m'en occupais.
You don't expect me to bring them in.
C'est pas mon boulot.
I wish I could bring them back to life, even Don Ricardo who cursed me.
Je voudrais les ramener à la vie, même Don Ricardo, qui m'a maudit.
Permit me to bring them to you.
Je vais les chercher.
Took a lot of coaxing'on my part, but I... finally got them to promise... to bring the big chiefhere to talk to me.
J'ai du pas mal les flatter pour qu'il accepte d'amener leur chef.
Take them back to the architect. Bring me new sketches.
Que l'architecte me propose autre chose.
Victor asked me to bring them.
Victor m'a demandé de les livrer.
Follow them and bring the cup to me in Rome.
Poursuivez-les et apportez-moi la coupe à Rome.
Give me time to reach the officers of the law... and bring them back with me.
Donnez-moi le temps d'aller chercher la police et de les ramener ici.
I live in Bradenville. They forced me to bring them here in my car.
Ils m'ont obligé à les conduire dans ma voiture.
We've got to get them out of there now. - Bring me the fire chief.
Allez chercher le chef des pompiers.
You've got them hid... but you'd better get them and bring them back here... right here to me!
Vous les avez cachés, mais vous feriez mieux de me les rapporter! Tout de suite!
Bring them in. Let them say this to my face.
Qu'ils me parlent en face.
Je leur ai dit Apportez-moi en une seule et je le croirais.
No, I want them to bring him.
- Non, qu'on me l'apporte ici!
My patients all bring their children to me because they know I get along well with them.
On me fait toujours soigner Ies enfants, tellement c'est connu.
Tell you what. I'll tell them to bring over the broad.
Je vais leur dire de me la présenter.
Don't let them bring the baby close to me.
Ne les laisse pas approcher le bébé de moi.
The wise guys want to believe these apples bring me luck, it's two strikes against them.
Si la mafia croit que ces pommes me portent chance, ça joue en leur défaveur.
The sentries wanted me to bring sake for them.
Ils voulaient du saké, j'ai proposé d'aller au cellier.
I happened to bring them with me.
Il se trouve que je les ai pris avec moi.
Sometimes I bring forth the memories and lose myself in them. I feel as if I am gazing at a fire about to be extinguished.
De temps en temps, je me perds dans mes souvenirs et j'ai l'impression de regarder un feu qui s'éteint.
Bring them to me.
Marco, just give me a strong horse... now by using your name, I can bring them both back to you.
Marco, donne-moi juste un bon cheval... je peux les ramener tous les deux.
( Guards bring Barbara and Susan to join them. ) - Let go of me!
Les gardes amènent Barbara et Susan avec eux.
If you want to bring charges, bring them.
Si vous voulez me coffrer, allez-y.
" Let no one say prayers for me, father, but send men at once to Kiev Seminary and tell them to bring here seminarian Khoma Brutus.
" Ne laisse personne prier à mon chevet, père, et envoie chercher sur l'heure, au séminaire de Kiev, Ie boursier qui se nomme Khoma Brutus.
Now will you please go and find the Doctor and his companion Jamie and bring them here to me?
Pourriez-vous aller me chercher le Docteur et son compagnon Jamie?
And when they went to search these prisoners they brought them into an area of trees and I said ´ bring ´ em out in the sun!
Ils ont entreposé les prisonniers dans un fourré. Je leur ai dit de me les amener dans la lumière.
Front person on each row, bring them to my desk, will you?
Le premier de chaque rangée me les remettra.
bring them 33
bring them back 23
bring them here 32
bring them in 88
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
bring 74
bring it on 469
bring them back 23
bring them here 32
bring them in 88
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
bring 74
bring it on 469
brings back memories 21
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it in 351
bring it here 88
bring' em on 16
bring it out 20
bring it down 74
bring it 412
bring it up 72
bring it home 60
bring it to me 68
bring it in 351
bring it here 88
bring' em on 16
bring it out 20
bring it down 74