From the fbi translate French
892 parallel translation
Captain Edwards this is Robert Graham from the FBI office in Alamogordo.
Voici Robert Graham du F.B.I. d'Alamogordo.
Bring in those files we received from Oregon, Arizona and those from the FBI.
Apporte les fichiers qu'on vient de recevoir d'Oregon et d'Arizona et ceux du FBI.
Here's the sentry's reports, and, uh, this just came in from the FBI.
Voilà le rapport de l'agent, et... ceci vient du FBI.
This just came in from the FBI.
Ça vient d'arriver du FBI.
It seems you fellows could stand less training from the FBI and more from the Actors'Studio.
Passez moins de temps au F.B.I. et davantage à l'Actor's Studio.
I'm not from the FBI.
Je ne suis pas du FBI.
No, you're from the FBI.
Non, vous êtes du FBI.
- From the FBI.
- Au F B.I.
This just arrived from the FBI in Washington, DC, guv.
Ça vient d'arriver du FBI... de Washington, D.C., Guv.
- I talked to the man from the FBI.
- J'ai parlé au monsieur du FBI.
- Anything from the FBI?
- Rien du FBI?
- Yes. I'm Inspector Gerrity from the FBI.
Inspecteur Gerrity, FBI.
There are men around from the FBI asking questions.
Des agents du FBI leur posent plein de questions.
Someone said I'd been fired from the FBI, I'd been blackballed, that I was obscene.
Qu'on m'avait blackboulé, que j'étais obscène.
I want you to go to Washington DC and see Special Agent Frank Herbert... from the FBI.
Je veux que vous alliez à Washington. Allez voir l'agent Frank Herbert. Au FBI.
No, I don't, but I never did hear from the FBI.
- Non. Je n'ai pas de nouvelle du FBI.
The last item on the agenda is a bulletin from the FBI.
Dernier point à l'ordre du jour, un message du FBI.
Why are we runnin'away from the fbi?
Pourquoi on fuit le FBI?
I've read of things little short of miraculous by the city police, as well as the FBI, from a piece of cloth or even a button.
Des choses incroyables. La police et le F.B.I. Avec un bout de tissu, un bouton...
In 1939, with thousands of known and suspected enemy agents... invading the Americas... the F.B.I. started building up its force of special agents and employees... from 2,000 to a war peak of 15,000.
En 1939, des milliers d'agents ennemis connus ou suspects envahissent l'Amérique, et le FBI renforce ses équipes d'agents spéciaux et d'employés, passant de 2 000 à 1 5 000 au plus fort de la guerre.
And each day, as fresh investigative reports came in from the field... F.B.I. officials saw more clearly... the pattern of German espionage in the United States.
Au fur et à mesure qu'arrivent de nouveaux rapports d'enquête, les officiers du FBI voient plus clairement la structure de l'espionnage allemand aux U.S.A.
Long before December 7, 1941... from a vantage point nearby... G - Men photograph the actions of hundreds of suspects.
Bien avant le 7 décembre 194 1, d'un point de vue avantageux, les agents du FBI photographient les actes de centaines de suspects.
At a series of conferences with army and naval intelligence officers... the F.B.I. reviewed the case of Francisco Ruiez... from whose effects had come the startling information... that foreign agents had learned about Process 97... and were actually attempting to steal the secret.
Lors de réunions avec les services secrets de l'Armée et de la Marine, le FBI examine le cas de Francisco Ruiez, origine de l'information saisissante selon laquelle les agents étrangers connaîtraient le processus 97 et tenteraient d'en voler le secret.
From this point, the F.B.I. relayed Dietrich's messages to Germany... on the wavelength and schedule and in the code that the Germans had given him.
De là, le FBI relaie les messages de Dietrich vers l'Allemagne respectant la longueur d'ondes, le planning et le code indiqués par les Allemands.
He, in turn, received all replies and instructions from Germany the same way - through the counterespionage station of the F.B.I.
Il reçoit les réponses et instructions de l'Allemagne de la même façon, par la station de contre-espionnage du FBI.
The cigarette which Dietrich... was shrewd enough to take from Elsa Gebhardt's desk... was examined by F.B.I. technicians.
La cigarette subtilisée par Dietrich sur le bureau d'Elsa Gebhardt est examinée par les techniciens du FBI.
The following day... an unusual message from Germany... was picked up by the F.B.I. monitoring station... and relayed on to Dietrich. It was also Teletyped to Briggs.
Le lendemain, un message inhabituel d'Allemagne est relevé par la station de contrôle du FBI, relayé à Dietrich et transmis à Briggs.
Every person who entered or left the store... was being photographed by F.B.I. agents... from an office directly across the street.
Toute personne entrant ou sortant du magasin est photographiée par les agents du FBI d'un bureau juste en face.
I'm from the F.B.I.
Je suis du fbi.
And so the face of the unknown killer, built up from fragments of evidence... was sent out all over the country... to chiefs of police, sheriffs, county constables, and county jailers... to the wardens of prisons... to all postmasters and postal inspectors... to the agents of the Treasury Department... to the FBI.
Le visage du meurtrier inconnu, construit à partir de fragments de preuves, fut ainsi diffusé dans tout le pays, aux chefs de police, aux shérifs, aux policiers et aux geôliers du comté, aux gardiens de prison, aux employés des postes, aux agents du Département du Trésor...
The bullet that killed Helen Jannings... was sent to the F.B.I. headquarters in Washington... examined and catalogued in the National Ammunition File... where bullets from unsolved cases are kept for reference.
La balle qui a tué Helen est envoyée au FBI et cataloguée dans le fichier réservé aux projectiles provenant d'affaires non résolues.
On January 4, a routine request... one of approximately 26,000 received daily by the F.B.I.... came into the identification division from the police department of Center City.
Le 4 janvier, une demande de renseignements, l'une des 26 000 reçues quotidiennement par le FBI, parvenait au Service des Identifications en provenance du commissariat de Center City.
Direct from the F.B.I.
Directement du FBI.
From Mexico City come Colonel Rafael Alvarado a high official in the Policía Judicial Federal the FBI of Mexico and Pablo Rodriguez, one of the PJF's foremost investigators.
De Mexico arrivent le colonel Rafael Alvarado, haut responsable de la Policía Judicial Fédéral - le F.B.I. mexicain - et Pablo Rodriguez, un de ses meilleurs enquêteurs.
There were fingerprints on that briefcase. And as soon as we get the FBI report from Washington his identity will be known and this description sent out on police broadcast.
Et dès que le FBI envverra ses conclusions, on connaîtra son identité et son signalement sera diffusé partout.
We sent the fingerprints off to the FBI, but we haven't heard anything from them yet. No, sir. Nobody.
Qui est le mort?
I'm from the FBI.
Je suis Briggs du FBI.
Well, there's only two of those men from the F.B.I.
II n'y a que deux hommes du FBI.
From now on, we're going to be known simply as the FBI.
Désormais, nous serons connus sous le nom de FBI.
Over the past few days, the police and special agents of the FBI have discovered that the explosion emanated from the laundry room, and are even now sifting through the rubble in an effort to determine the cause or causes
Ces derniers jours, la police et des agents du FBI ont découvert que l'explosion venait de la buanderie, et passent maintenant les décombres au crible pour essayer de déterminer la ou les causes, la ou les personnes,
The governor is on my neck. The FBI is standing by right now waiting for a phone call From me.
J'ai le gouverneur au cul et le F.B.I attend un coup de fil.
The FBI understands everything, that it is not you that is doing this. It's the pressures from your home life!
Ils savent que ce n'est pas toi... que c'est ton ménage!
We're from the F.B.I., Mrs. Rauch.
Nous sommes du FBI, Mme Rauch.
Uh... To keep the FBI away from people of real value.
Pour éloigner le FBI des gens impliqués.
I'm sorry, sir, but the Bureau is precluded by law... from becoming involved in cases of foreign espionage.
Le FBI exclut toute implication dans les affaires d'espionnage étranger.
[Castillo] There are no favors from the Bureau.
Le FBI ne rend pas de services.
My friends and I... acting on advice from the radio G-Man Biff Baxter... collected scrap iron every day after school.
Mes amis et moi... selon les conseils de l'agent du FBI, Biff Baxter... à la radio, on ramassait de la ferraille... tous les jours après l'école.
Gentlemen, this is Agent Thomas Lusk from the regional FBI headquarters.
Messieurs, Agent Fédéral Lusk, du Q. G. du F.B.I.
Hey, Boss you can see your place from the office of the fbi.
Chef! On voit votre bar du bureau du FBI.
The FBI is here. They know someone from the lab is involved.
Ils pensent qu'il y a un complice au sein du labo.
The effort, which often includes agents... from the Drug Enforcement Administration, the FBI and other...
Cette initiative implique souvent des agents des services de lutte antidrogue, du F.B.I. et...
from the bottom of my heart 69
from the very beginning 50
from the future 31
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from the past 16
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from then on 61
from the moment i saw you 17
from the very beginning 50
from the future 31
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from the past 16
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from then on 61
from the moment i saw you 17
from the store 18
from them 20
from the top 131
from the 130
from the inside 37
from the looks of it 68
from the other side 22
from there 193
from the outside 35
from the looks of things 21
from them 20
from the top 131
from the 130
from the inside 37
from the looks of it 68
from the other side 22
from there 193
from the outside 35
from the looks of things 21
from the police 16
from the look on your face 17
from the back 17
from the bar 18
the fbi 215
fbi agent 22
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from here on out 107
from time to time 154
from the look on your face 17
from the back 17
from the bar 18
the fbi 215
fbi agent 22
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from here on out 107
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from this moment 32
from what i hear 195
from this day forward 62
from where 295
from you 300
from your wife 16
from here on 55
from me 297
from a distance 46
from this moment 32
from what i hear 195
from this day forward 62
from where 295
from you 300
from your wife 16
from here on 55
from me 297