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I missed this translate French

625 parallel translation
Pity I missed this game.
Dommage j'ai raté ce match.
I missed this room as well.
Je n'ai jamais oublié cette chambre.
Under the sun of the tropics, among fairy-tale trees, I missed this cursed land where I was wronged.
Sous le soleil des tropiques, parmi les arbres magiques, j'étais en manque de cette terre maudite où on m'a fait du mal.
That's the third apple I've missed this week!
Trois pommes ont déjà disparu!
I must have missed this one.
J'ai dû oublier celui-là.
What do they matter, when I've missed the one thing in all this world that really counts - love.
À quoi servent-ils... quand il me manque la seule chose au monde qui compte vraiment - L'amour.
If it wasn't for you, I'd have missed all this.
- Oui. Dire que sans toi, je ne l'aurais pas vu!
I hope you're happy now that you've put me in this monkey cage... just because I missed a couple of installments.
J'espère que vous êtes contentes de m'avoir mis en cage... parce que j'ai manqué deux, trois paiements!
I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Je n'aurais pas voulu rater ça.
- I guess I missed that one. - It was like this :
- Je l'ai ratée, celle-la.
I'm not complaining for social reasons, but it's a pity if these gentlemen missed any of this.
Je ne me plains pas pour des motifs sociaux, - mais c'est triste que ces messieurs ratent tout cela.
- I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
- Je ne veux pas manquer ça.
Madam, last night I missed my dinner, and this morning I've had no breakfast.
Madame, hier soir, j'ai manqué mon diner... et ce matin, je n'ai pas eu de petit déjeuner.
I've missed you. Oh, this time of year every tenant has something to complain about.
C'est l'époque, tous nos locataires se plaignent.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything in the world.
On va bien s'amuser!
- I haven't missed a game this season.
I might have missed this microfilm if you hadn't lead me to it.
J'aurais pu rater ce microfilm sans vous.
I missed you this summer, my dear.
Je vous manqué Cet été, mon cher.
I missed you this afternoon.
Tu m'as manquée cet après-midi.
I missed you this morning.
Je t'ai loupé ce matin.
I thought if I found this woman, I could make her talk, but I missed it. I'm sorry.
Je pensais quand la trouvant elle parlerai, je m'excuse.
" I told her how I'd missed her then she murmured that and this
Je lui dis qu'elle me manquerait, consentante elle semblait
This is why you missed the rehearsal tonight? I thought you said you needed a rest.
C'est pour ça que tu as raté la répétition, ce soir 7
Well, if I miss this, I'll have missed a hard one.
Si je rate ce tir, j'en aurai raté un dur.
I've missed this. All i know is i have to see you again.
Il fallait que je vous revoie!
Well, this will be the first drive I've missed in more than 20 years.
Ce sera la première fois en 20 ans que je rate un convoyage.
I could have gone on for a long time, except for this... and missed you by a half an hour all the time.
J'aurais pu continuer ainsi longtemps, sans cet événement,... et vous rater d'une demi-heure en permanence.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
J'ai bien fait de venir.
I wouldn't have missed this for anything in the world.
Je suis si heureuse d'être venue.
But I wouldn't have missed this boat trip, not for anything.
Mais je n'aurais voulu rater ce voyage en bateau pour rien au monde.
This is a memorable occasion. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Je n'aurais pas voulu manquer cela!
I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
Je n'aurais pas voulu rater ça.
You know, I've missed our talks this past winter.
Nos discussions m'ont manqué, cet hiver.
Well, he missed the teller, but I picked this up in Seattle.
Il l'a raté mais j'ai ramassé ça à Seattle.
Get this grain ashore. I want to know why you missed the wench... you were sent to bring back.
Je veux savoir pourquoi tu n'as pas la jeune femme que tu devais ramener.
I must have missed it this morning.
Je ne l'ai pas vue ce matin.
It's funny you mention that. I missed my plane. Uh, is this Mr. Broster?
Ma chère, il n'est pas efficace au-delà d'un mêtre.
I came pretty close to doing the artwork on it this year, but I just missed out.
J'ai failli m'en occuper, cette année, mais ça ne s'est pas fait.
Just think, I could've missed this whole thing.
Dire que j'aurais pu rater cela.
- Goodbye. I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Pour rien au monde, je n'aurais voulu rater ceci.
That's why we missed out. Now, i've been doing some thinking about this thing, see, and i got it figured out.
J'ai réfléchi à tout ça.
- I missed you this morning.
Tu m'as manqué ce matin.
I wouldn't have missed this chance to congratulate you personally.
Je ne voulais pas rater cette occasion de vous féliciter.
I missed my turn in the bathroom this morning.
J'ai raté mon tour à la salle de bain, ce matin.
I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Je n'aurais manqué ça pour rien au monde.
I missed you this morning. You know that, baby?
Tu m'as manqué, mon bébé.
This past week in Paris, I've missed you dreadfully.
Cette semaine à Paris, tu m'as terriblement manquée.
- How I've missed you. - This way, please.
- Vous me manquiez, Rudolph!
I really missed this place.
Cet endroit m'a manqué.
Once this week I questioned my supervisor and I missed a couple of minutes of our leader's speech on television.
Une fois cette semaine, j'ai questionné mon surveillant. J'ai manqué deux minutes du discours de notre leader à la télévision.
Oh, no. I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Je n'aurais raté ça pour rien au monde.

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