It could be him translate French
539 parallel translation
From what I remember of your husband, it could be him.
D'après mes souvenirs, ce pourrait être Frank.
Ca pourrait être lui, presque.
It could be him.
C'est peut-être lui.
Tomorrow it could be him killing you.
Alors, vas y, tire, toi qui toi qu'es d'Milan! Ah! ça n'a rien à voir.
But I didn't believe it could be him! Virginia!
Je ne pensais pas que c'était lui!
Yes, of course, it could be him.
Évidemment, ça pourrait être lui.
I wrote him and sent him a photograph of a scene from the play and told him that I was coming to New York and expected to be famous and have a theater of my own so I could play his Cleopatra until I was too old for it, when I'd do Mrs. Warren's Profession.
Je lui avais envoyé ma photo dans sa pièce. Et j'ai dit que je venais à New York pour devenir célèbre, ouvrir mon propre théâtre pour jouer sa Cléopâtre jusqu'à un âge avancé et L'Homme aimé des femmes.
Look, if it is that way, the way Manuel said... could you fix it so someday... there'll be an extra seat in Manuel's father's dory... with him and Manuel?
Mais si c'est comme Manuel a dit, pourriez-vous me faire un jour une place dans le doris du père de Manuel, avec Manuel et lui?
I... I'd think it'd be a good idea if you could send him almost anywhere.
N'importe où vaudrait mieux qu'ici.
Mrs. Bartlett, could it be that you, in your charming way, shall we say, forced Mr. Krayler to employ you on threat of exposing your past relationships with him?
Mme Bartlett, serait-il possible qu'avec votre charme... vous ayez forcé M. Krayler à vous embaucher... sinon vous dévoiliez votre relation passée avec lui?
If you killed a rat, and it was coming to him... could you find some way to be sorry for that?
Si on tuait un type qui a tué un rat, pourriez-vous trouver un moyen de le regretter?
As I don't know much about this sort of thing... but it just occurred to me that maybe you could prove to your brother-in-law... that you've got an in with the cops by warning him that there's gonna be a raid.
Je ne m'y connais pas très bien là-dedans... mais j'ai pensé que vous pourriez prouver au beau-frère... que vous êtes au parfum avec les flics en le prévenant qu'il y aura un raid.
Naturally, I told him what a great piece of luck it would be... and I told him about the things he could buy with gold. Like the airplanes.
Je lui ai dit... qu'avec de l'or, il pourrait acheter un avion.
It'd be a lot prettier if you could put Ingram... in a sack and drown him.
Mieux vaudrait le couler par le fond.
If instead of this petty charge you have against him you could get something big something that would chuck him in a concentration camp for years that would be a feather in your cap, Wouldn't it?
Ne l'arrêtez pas pour une bêtise... mais pour quelque chose de grave. De quoi l'envoyer dans un camp de concentration.
Of course, it doesn't have to be a crown block. It can be a car backing over him, or he could fall out of the upstairs window.
Il peut aussi se faire écraser ou tomber d'une fenêtre.
Some day I hope it may be, because we could use him.
J'espère que ça le deviendra. Nous aurions bien besoin de lui.
It's this. If nobody knows about you, if nobody saw him coming in here tonight, how could either of us be connected with it if his body were found miles and miles away from here?
Écoutez... si personne n'est au courant... si personne ne l'a vu venir ici ce soir... quel lien subsiste si son corps est découvert loin d'ici?
John wasn't the sort you could argue with so I figured it'd be best to give him his head.
John n'était pas le genre de type qu'on pouvait contredire, alors j'ai décidé de le laisser faire.
It seemed to him unbearable that what he had done could never be undone.
Il lui sembla intolérable de ne pouvoir abolir ce qui était fait.
Maybe you could let me have a baby some day, and it could be a boy, so it could be just like him.
Peut-être qu'un jour j'aurai un bébé. Un garçon... qui sera comme lui.
Who could it be? It's him.
Lui, voyons, qui d'autre?
It could be that you have some vague notion in that inflated ego of yours of abolishing him. You know, the godlike gesture to get me back again.
Aurais-tu l'idée, à ton âge, de le faire disparaître, tel un dieu vengeur, pour me ravoir?
It would be perfect if I could arrange for some older woman to take him under her wing.
Je pourrais essayer de m'arranger pour qu'une femme plus âgée le prenne sous son aile.
If we could be sure it was him.
- Si seulement on en était sûr.
Suppose one day that boy had to fight for his people... Wouldn't it be good idea if they knew they could depend on him?
Le jour où il faut se battre, il faut qu'on puisse compter sur lui.
If he took his own life, it could only be in consequence of something that she had said to him.
S'il avait intenté à sa vie, cela aurait été la conséquence de ce qu'elle lui aurait dit.
I got him all hopped up about it. He thinks it could be made into something.
Il pense que ça a du potentiel.
Many are just along for the ride. It could be "Promote him!" Or "Fire him!"... they don't care. They just want to shout.
Beaucoup sont là par sympathie, et crier "Promotion" ou "Démission", peu leur importe.
He said if I could catch him in 10 minutes... and touch the medal with my hand, it would be like Prisoner's Base. He'd let me wear the medal for an hour.
Il m'avait promis que si je parvenais à toucher sa médaille, je gagnerais le droit de la porter pendant une heure.
If I'm here when he comes to, and he sees me, after all that's happened... it could be fatal to him.
Si je suis là quand il reviendra à lui et qu'il me voit, après tout ce qui s'est passé, ça pourrait lui être fatal.
Do you think maybe a man could be so pigheaded wrong he can't see the truth even when it's spelled out for him?
Comment peut-ont être épris de mépris au point de ne plus voir la vérité malgré l'évidence?
But if we cut him open, it could be worth four or five million yen.
Mais si on l'ouvre, ça rapportera 4 ou 5 millions de yens.
But, obviously it was considered necessary for him either to walk or to use a cyclo-pousse. So that he could be more quietly killed.
Evidemment, il pensait que c'était nécessaire soit de marcher soit d'utiliser un cyclo-pousse pour qu'il puisse être assassiné plus tranquillement.
- I swear, I didn't think it could really be him!
Je le jure! Je ne savais pas que c'était lui.
Can it be possible that a man like him could abandon a patient without saying anything?
Est-il possible qu'un homme comme lui abandonne un patient sans rien dire?
And it doesn't make any difference to you that he could be doing the same thing for anyone else who bought him?
Et ça ne fait aucune différence pour toi... le fait qu'il pourrait faire de même pour tout autre personne qui l'aurait acheté?
it could be if I settle down with my family and wait for him to come.
Ça se pourrait, si je restais avec ma famille, à l'attendre.
It was a bit of camouflage to help him get in the circus. Could be.
Ne le dites à personne, c'est três mauvais pour la santé.
Well, the trolley was intended for him but it could just as easily be Arbuthnot.
Tu ne sais pas mentir.
Tell him it would be very helpful if he could tell us who they are.
Dites-lui que ça nous aiderait de savoir qui ils sont.
It might occur to him that this trip could lessen my chances to become a bishop. Which could be just the incentive he needs to grant me permission to go.
Il croira que cela peut diminuer mes chances de devenir évêque, ce qui l'incitera à m'autoriser à partir.
- How could it not be him?
Tu en es sûre? - Je le sais!
I could'nt see him clearly, he was like a ghost dont be ridiculous my child - it was the wind in the branches forget it, go to your room now, goodnight
Je ne l'ai pas bien vu, on aurait dit une ombre. Ne sois pas ridicule, mon enfant. C'était les vent dans les branches.
Well, in any case, it could be serious, so would you have him in my office first thing in the morning, hmm?
Pouvez-vous le faire venir à mon cabinet à la première heure? Bien, docteur. Qu'il se repose bien, ce soir.
Of course, Rory realizes it could be dangerous for him.
Rory a vu les dangers que cela représentait.
By evening, I must get going to take care of that so I thought it'd be nice if I could see him during the day, just for a moment.
Je dois aller au port. Je veux le voir avant de partir.
He could be dying, but if I ain't met him, I won't think about him. It's once you meet.
S'il est en train de clamser et que je le connais pas, je m'en fous.
How could it be all right for me to love you and wrong for me to love him?
Comment ce pourrait être bien que je t'aime, et mal que je l'aime?
Could it be him?
S'agissait-il de lui?
Sometimes... it might be difficult... but if you could live through your life with him...
Et cela, quel que soit son métier.
it could kill you 25
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it couldn't hurt 20
it could be fun 40
it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
it could be anything 89
it could be anywhere 59
it could happen to anyone 28
it could be anybody 30
it could've been worse 30
it could be nothing 33
it could be fun 40
it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
it could be anything 89
it could be anywhere 59
it could happen to anyone 28
it could be anybody 30
it could've been worse 30
it could be nothing 33