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Translate.vc / English → French / [ K ] / Keep it steady

Keep it steady translate French

115 parallel translation
You take over the stick and keep it steady, will ya?
Prenez les gouvernes.
I said keep it steady!
Gardez l'avion stable!
Keep it steady.
Keep it steady!
Laissons-le se stabiliser.
Make sure you keep it steady against your shoulder.
Fais en sorte de la garder fermement contre elle.
Keep it steady.
Ne bougez plus.
- Keep it steady.
- Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
Keep it steady.
Tiens-le bien.
Keep it steady.
Tout droit.
Keep it steady!
Stabilise-toi! O.K., Jones!
You have to try and keep it steady.
Il doit rester régulier.
Keep it steady.
Reste comme ça.
Come on, keep it steady.
Allez, maintiens-le fermement.
- Keep it steady.
- Mets-le bien.
Just keep it steady.
Reste dans l'axe.
Keep it steady.
Gardez le rythme.
Keep it steady.
Reste immobile.
Keep it steady, Westridge!
Gardez la cadence, Westridge!
Keep it steady, keep it steady.
Keep it steady. Steady.
Tenez ferme.
Keep it steady, keep it steady.
Restez stables.
Keep it steady, Jimmy.
Tiens bon, Jimmy.
Jimmy, keep it steady.
Keep it steady.
Plus régulier!
Keep it steady.
Keep it steady D'Argo!
Reste stable D'Argo!
Keep it steady, hold it steady.
Tiens-la fermement.
Keep it steady!
Look, keep it steady!
Ecoute, conserve l'assiette!
Just keep it steady. - Lower Kate down.
Continuez comme ça.
Keep it steady.
Gardez-la droite.
Just keep it steady.
We gotta keep it steady, sailor.
Il faut tenir le coup matelot.
Keep it steady!
I go back to Chicago weekends... keep it steady with Mike and Shelly... come back, do the weather.
Je passe mes week-ends à Chicago. Pour voir Mike et Shelly. Je reviens, je fais la météo.
Keep it steady
Tiens bon! Tiens bon!
Just keep it steady, we're heading home.
Garde le cap, on rentre.
Just keep it going steady!
Pas d'à-coups!
When you hold it tight enough to keep the music steady... ... you cut off the circulation and you can't wiggle your fingers.
Si on le tient bien serré pour que la musique reste droite, ça coupe la circulation et on ne peut plus remuer les doigts.
Keep it coming. Steady!
Continuez, doucement.
Keep it dead steady.
Stabilité maximale.
- Exactly. It regulates a heart that can't keep a steady beat.
Il régule les battements du cœur.
We should set up some kind of steady signal, like a fire, and keep it going all the time.
On devrait installer un signal permanent, un feu par exemple, et l'alimenter constamment.
Keep it steady.
You use the subject's first name. You've got to keep it soft and steady. And your tone.
Tu utilises le prénom du sujet et tu parles.
Keep it fucking steady!
Let's see... they've been going out for awhile, and he's upset because other people keep asking her out, and she saying she can't help it if she's attractive and popular, and besides, nobody ever said they were going steady,
Voyons... Ça fait un moment qu'ils sont ensemble et il est jaloux qu'on lui tourne autour. Et elle répond qu'elle y peut rien si elle est jolie et populaire!
Yeah, that's it. Keep her steady.
Oui, comme ca. StabiIise-Ie.
Yeah, business can be slow in the winter, but it's a steady paycheck and I'm trying to keep it simple... right now.
ouai, ce travail est limite en hiver, Mais c'est une paye régulière que j'essaye simplement de garder et j'y arrive.
- Keep it steady!
Il n'y a plus d'issue!
Keep him steady, damn it.
Gardez le bien droit, nom de dieu.

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