Like i was saying translate French
457 parallel translation
Now, like I was saying, if I had one of Cannonball's gloves I might like to take it to the state boxing commission.
Comme je disais, si j'avais l'un des gants de Wales, je pourrais l'apporter à la Commission Fédérale.
Like I was saying, I got...
Comme je disais...
Well, like I was saying, I... I got something here. I mean, I got a present for somebody that ain't exactly here.
Comme je disais... j'ai un petit cadeau... enfin, pour quelqu'un qui n'est pas encore là.
Just like I was saying, baby, that rumba.
Une rumba du tonnerre!
But about your pitching, like I was saying, you've got a nice easy motion.
Mais pour ton lancer, comme je disais, tu as un beau mouvement.
Professor, so it was like I was saying we'll just stay together until we reach the San Juan River.
Professeur, on fait comme j'ai dit. On reste ensemble jusqu'à la vallée.
Like I was saying.. I've friends everywhere : influential, important people, believe you me.
J'en connais des gens au bras long, crois-moi.
Like I was saying, we've got the best sergeant, the best outfit and the best colonel in the Marine Corps. - Excuse me, colonel.
Nous avons le meilleur sergent du régiment... et le meilleur colonel de tout le Corps!
Like I was saying, us kids never learned our ABC's. We learned our ZYX's.
Chez nous, on n'a pas appris a, b, c.
Like I was saying, Mike, you gotta let the people know I'm here.
Je disais... Les gens doivent savoir que je suis ici.
Like I was saying, what I really wanna do is modeling.
Et ce que je veux faire, c'est mannequin.
Like I was saying, I'm in this joint on 61 st and I think I got lucky.
Comme je vous le disais, je suis dans un bar et c'est mon jour de chance.
Anyway, like I was saying, old Mr. Rutland, that's Mark's father, they say he's never even been inside this place.
Je me suis laissé dire que le père de Mark... n'avait jamais mis les pieds ici.
Like I was saying.
Que voulez-vous dire?
Just like I was saying earlier :
- Vous voyez ce que je vous disais?
Like I was saying, you're the educated one.
Vous voyez, vous avez étudié vous.
Now, like I was saying, I have some questions.
Maintenant, venons-en à mes questions.
Oh, Angie. Like I was saying, you sure look like you need a friend.
Angie, comme je disais, tu as vraiment l'air d'avoir besoin d'une amie.
Like I was saying, in April, in Albuquerque... four :
Comme nous disions, en avril, à Albuquerque : quatre.
You know, I used to go to church and shit, like I was saying... but black people know God personally. Any wino you meet know God... right?
J'allais à l'église avant, comme je l'ai dit, mais les Noirs connaissent Dieu personnellement.
Like I was saying, I could have won that race, right, Roy?
J'ai failli gagner la course, pas vrai?
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't make a difference at all, but, you see, uh, like I was saying earlier, see that's the kind of loose end that, uh, I got to tie up, those tiny little things. Otherwise, it won't let me close the book on this case.
Je suis sûr que ça change rien mais comme je vous disais... c'est le genre de petit détail... que je dois éclaircir pour pouvoir boucler le dossier.
Anyway, like I was saying, it's the absolute thrill of a lifetime when you finally see that car that belongs to you streak across that finish line a winner.
Comme je le disais, l'émotion qu'on ressent lorsqu'on voit sa voiture franchir première la ligne d'arrivée.
Like I was saying before about goin to New York. We could see some shows.
Tu sais, si on va à New York, on pourrait aller voir des spectacles.
Like I was saying, she's the little sister of a couple of guys who work for Mok.
Comme je le disais, elle est la petite sœur d'un couple de gars qui travaillent pour Mok.
So like I was saying, I hooked this thing up last week to this lady's bumper and tore it clean off.
Donc, comme je disais, j'ai fixé cette saleté à un pare-chocs et ça l'a arraché.
Like I was saying, I don't want this chump to come over here with all that hype, you know, trying to make us look bad. They try every other way.
je ne veux pas que ce crétin se fasse une grosse pub et nous fasse passer pour des nuls.
- I was saying, Timmy's just like you obstinate, jealous, but adorable.
Tu disais? Je disais que Tim était comme toi... obstiné, jaloux, mais adorable.
laugh. Like that sea shell I had there. He was always... he was always listening to it and... and telling you what it was saying.
Comme avec mon gros coquillage... il l'écoutait toujours... et nous racontait qu'il l'entendait chanter.
As I was saying, Isotta is a lot like you.
Comment ne pas entendre?
As I was saying, Andy, life here is simple. Not much like your America.
Vous voyez, notre vie est plus simple... que la vôtre en Amérique.
I was only saying I like you very much.
Je disais que je vous aime beaucoup.
We sit tight. I don't like saying it, Basil, but he was your responsibility.
l'aprês-midi, les messieurs, et le soir les deux.
Well, he had two of them. And he stood there nodding his head like he understood every word I was saying.
J'aurais parlé chinois, ça aurait été pareil!
As I was saying, the protagonist had a Catholic upbringing, like all of us, for that matter. So, he has certain complexes, certain needs he can no longer repress.
Le héros de l'histoire, catholique, a des complexes, des besoins impossibles à réprimer.
I'd like you to run a story today saying one of the 1,000-yen notes was spent.
Faites courir le bruit qu'on a retracé un des fameux billets de 1000.
It was only a rat I think look my dear lady, I'm here beside you its like the old saying a faint heart never
Un simple rat, j'imagine. Allons, ma chère, je suis à vos côtés. Et comme dit le proverbe...
- lt's like you said. - As I was saying.
C'est comme vous avez dit.
I was saying to the wife, we did the right thing having him put down like that.
Je disais à ma femme qu'on a fait ce qu'il fallait... - Le faire piquer comme ça.
- As I was saying I was born in Sioux City, Iowa, and I like baseball, paperbacks, movies. Oh, and I love a really good piece of banana-cream cake.
J'aime le base-ball, les livres de poche, le cinéma et je raffole du gâteau aux bananes.
As I was saying, you take the banana like this.
Donc, vous prenez la banane comme ça.
thank you... as I was saying I'd like to talk about some of those bills.
Merci... comme je le disais je voudrais parler de certaines factures.
I swear, it was like someone else was in my head saying those words.
Je te le jure. C'est comme si quelqu'un d'autre l'avait dit.
while he dealt with his business. I was just saying hello to them, when my husband came in and like a wild man, he said he had to go away at once
J'étais en train de les accueillir quand mon mari a déboulé comme un fou en disant qu'il devait partir immédiatement.
I was just saying that, well, that it will be the people like the Gianni Peregos who will change this society and make it better.
Je voulais dire... Les Gianni Perego changeront la société en une société plus juste.
Yeah. I was saying... I like it.
Je disais juste que j'aimais ça, ça ouvre les pores.
I saw it on TV last week, and I was just saying how much I like Jennifer Jones...'cause she has such pretty teeth.
J'ai revu le film. Avec Jennifer Jones, qui a de si jolies dents!
As I was just saying, Polly, my wife would like a word with you about a slightly delicate matter.
Comme je vous le disais, Polly, ma femme voudrait vous parler d'une affaire délicate.
Like I was saying a few moments ago there ´ s no perspective in Bosch ´ s paintings
Au point qu'il n'y a pas de différence entre le relief et l'absence de relief — je disais tout à l'heure qu'il n'y avait pas de perspective dans les tableaux de Bosch
I was saying, what I like best about trees... is that, on a moonlit night you can lie under them... with the leaves gently blowing...
Je disais, ma préférence avec les arbres... c'est que par une nuit de lune, on peut s'allonger dessous... avec les feuilles bougeant doucement...
- Don't let me interrupt. - I think I was saying something like...
- Je ne veux pas interrompre.
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you before 31
like i said before 77
like i promised 17
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i say 94
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i said before 77
like i promised 17
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i say 94
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i 37
like i said on the phone 16
like i was 29
i was saying 78
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like a 442
like i said on the phone 16
like i was 29
i was saying 78
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like a 442
like me 894
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like your dad 19
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like you told me 16
like a cat 27
like always 190
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like your dad 19
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like you told me 16
like a cat 27
like always 190
like you 1448
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like father 112
like your mother 32
like the sun 18
like you used to 18
like a fool 55
like us 230
like hell 158
like you said 759
like yours 81
like father 112
like your mother 32
like the sun 18
like you used to 18
like a fool 55