Then what was it translate French
718 parallel translation
Then what was it?
Alors, de quoi s'agit-il?
No? Then what was it? I'm jealous.
Quelle est cette raison alors?
Then what was it?
The studio executives turned to John FuIton, the head of what was then referred to as the "trick department", to see if it was possible to create and execute acceptable effects for the subject.
Les patrons du studio consultèrent John Fulton, le chef de ce que l'on appelait alors la "section des trucages", pour savoir s'il était possible de créer des effets satisfaisants pour le sujet.
When you think what she's been through - coming all this distance and then to be told it was for nothing.
Vous vous rendez compte? Faire tout ce chemin et s'entendre dire que ce fut en vain.
I was feeling when he saved my life but I just didn't know what it was then.
J'y ai pensé quand il m'a sauvé la vie, mais sans savoir quoi.
In view of what happened to Mr Godley and then Mr Compton I decided it was wiser to get help than to investigate alone.
Vu ce qui est arrivé à M. Godley et à M. Compton... j'ai cru sage d'appeler à l'aide au lieu d'enquêter toute seule.
It was only then I knew what I'd done.
À ce moment seulement je me rendis compte de ce que j'avais fait.
When I told him what salary you made, he was a little worried but then I promised him you'd get a raise, and he felt better about it.
Quand je lui ai dit votre salaire, il a eu l'air soucieux, mais ma promesse que vous seriez augmentee l'a rassure.
Oh.. what was it then?
C'était quoi alors?
And then I knew what it was I was trying to stop you from doing.
Alors j'ai compris ce que je devais empêcher.
Then you asked what time it was.
Puis tu as demandé l'heure.
It was so dark, I couldn't see and not until I'd hit them and not even then did I realize what I'd done.
Il faisait si noir que je n'ai rien vu, même quand je les ai renversées et même là, je ne me suis pas rendu compte.
Well, if, for instance, you got from Bobo what you usually got... well, then, it wouldn't make any difference where you got it... if it was San Francisco, New York, Denver...
Eh bien, si, par exemple, tu obtenais de Bobo ce que tu obtiens d'habitude... alors peu importe où tu l'obtiens - San Francisco, New York, Denver - en autant que tu l'aies.
Two hours! And then when it was all over, what?
Cela a pris deux heures!
I couldn't understand what French consul said and the Mayor's wife looked at the silver as if it was stolen and then the sherbet came in ahead of the fish.
Et puis, on a servi le sorbet avant le poisson. Cela a dû être terrible.
And then she said, "What happened?" Yeah, it was a girl.
"Que s'est-il passé?"
Then he - - What was it?
- Quoi donc?
You are both acting strangely! What was it, then?
Vous êtes bizarres tous les deux!
Well, what was it then?
Alors qu'était-ce donc?
It's his gun, but then maybe a man could get so tormented by that kind of woman, he wouldn't know what he was doing.
C'est son arme, mais il a pu être tourmenté par cette femme et il n'a plus su ce qu'il faisait.
What was it like then?
Alors, comment as-tu fait?
The camera used, the exposure, the focus what kind of film, what kind of paper it was printed on the distance from the camera, and then match it.
L'appareil utilisé, l'exposition, la mise au point, la pellicule utilisée, la qualité du tirage, la distance avec le sujet et ensuite, on compare.
Then what you said back there was a lie, about how you couldn't have done it alone and how you'd lost your heart and... everything.
Quand tu prétendais admirer ma "bravoure", tu mentais? Seul, tu n'aurais pas eu la volonté de venir ici. Je te croyais sincère, tu me déçois.
- Things are what they are. - But... it was fate, then?
Les choses sont ce qu'elles sont.
What was it, then?
C'est quoi, alors?
Nobody knew much about Saco then... Except that it was big and secret, and they seemed to get what they wanted when they wanted it.
Le SACO, c'était quelque chose d'important et de mystérieux, qui obtenait tout ce qu'il voulait.
Then he threatened to tell about Michael and me. What words could I say that would tell him it was wrong about us?
Il menaça de tout raconter et de créer un scandale.
And what a gay arcadia of happy girlhood it was then until the war broke out.
Et quelle Arcadie ce fut à l'époque, jusqu'à ce que la guerre éclate.
What was it then, a shakedown?
Qu'est-ce que c'était alors, de l'extorsion?
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Je sais que vous sortez avant la combustion, mais que ce passerait-il si vous restiez bloqué?
What was it then?
Alors, qu'est-ce?
I was so cramped and pressed down by it, but then I saw the light, and now I am the happiest person in the world, and I praise and thank God and that's what I wanted to say.
Mais Dieu m'a convertie, je suis la femme la plus heureuse sur terre. Je loue et remercie le Seigneur. Voilà ce que je voulais dire.
If these particulars were brought out in a trial... as undoubtedly they would be... and it was then suggested that Mrs. Rath was so old... so nearsighted that she would sign anything you put in front of her... don't you see what that could lead to?
Si ces faits étaient cités devant le tribunal, et si par surcroît on envisageait que Mme Rath était si vieille et si myope... qu'elle aurait signé tout papier présenté par vous, vous imaginez la suite?
Then you didn't try to find out what it was?
- Sans essayer de comprendre pourquoi
I was never totally sure if this would be successful. but if it is, then what is one life against millions?
J'ignore si la bombe explosera, mais si c'est le cas, qu'est-ce qu'une vie comparé à des millions?
That's what it was like back then.
C'est ce que c'était comme à l'époque.
Look, what he did was wrong, but you going along with it, then shooting him down, that was all right?
Il a fait quelque chose de mal, mais suivre son plan, puis le descendre, c'était bien?
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Je savais déjà que c'était contre certaines lois, mais mon grand-père lui avait montré, et son père avant lui, etc., jusqu'en Irlande.
If I do find some fingerprints, and if you don't find a way to get in and out of here, then what you're gonna think it was that put this skull back?
Si je trouve des empreintes, et si tu ne trouves pas de moyen d'entrer et sortir d'ici, à ton avis, qui ou quoi aura remis ce crâne?
What was it then?
C'était quoi?
Now then, what was it you wanted?
Que voulais-tu, déjà?
Vous disiez être... quoi déjà?
J'ai vécu quelque chose, mais je ne sais plus exactement quoi.
What i'm going to be doing tonight is i... i'm going to be playing poker with the boys and when i told you it was inventory time last month i was playing poker with the boys then.
Je te l'ai bien dit. Ce soir, je vais... Je vais jouer au poker avec mes potes.
I mean, what if she really thought it was soap? She did then. She doesn't now.
On a trop à perdre.
Frau von Hartman said her character was barely strong enough... to do what she was doing right then. It wouldn't hold up if she had to talk to you about it.
Elle m'a répondu qu'elle avait à peine le courage de faire ce qu'elle faisait et qu'il lui ferait défaut si elle en parlait avec vous.
It was drivel then, and it is drivel now. You've got to stop, ernst. Well, what is this one here?
Je l'ai entendu des milliers de fois, à Munich, à Berlin, à des centaines de coins de rues.
- What was it then?
Quelle était-elle alors?
- What was it, then?
- Alors, quoi?
Then for God's sake tell us in plain words what it was!
Alors exprimez-vous clairement, à la fin!
then what 1564
then what are you doing here 94
then what's the problem 77
then what happened 229
then what's wrong 25
then what is it 290
then what's the point 33
then what should i do 17
then what's this 25
then what are you 62
then what are you doing here 94
then what's the problem 77
then what happened 229
then what's wrong 25
then what is it 290
then what's the point 33
then what should i do 17
then what's this 25
then what are you 62