Those are for you translate French
762 parallel translation
it's doing some useful functions that's some useful functions even if you don't harvest it down this layer because you know they are rich in essential oils, mints and other aromatic plants and essential oils are anti bacterial and anti fungal so having those in the understory layers should have a protective effect you know for other plants in term of reducing bacterial diseases and fungal diseases.
car les menthes et autres aromatiques sont riches en huiles essentielles, et les huiles essentielles sont antibactériennes et antifongiques donc les avoir dans les couches inférieures apporte un effet protecteur pour les autres plantes, en matière de réduction d'affections bactériennes et fongique.
Those promoters from Los Angeles are up at the place waiting for you.
Les types de Los Angeles t'attendent.
Those crystals... they are a danger for you... and for the whole village.
Ces cristaux... ils sont dangereux pour toi... et pour tout le village.
iii bet you whatever you use for money that those two dames are not going to have an easy time on this train.
Je parie tout ce que vous voulez que le voyage de ces deux filles sera mouvementé.
All those people that Kong killed and injured... all the property owners who are suing you for damages, and...
Tous les gens qu'il a tués et blessés, tous les propriétaires qui vous traînent en justice, et...
You know, I study fishes for those who are interested in the life of the fish.
J'étudie les poissons pour ceux que la vie des poissons intéresse.
Like the pigs you all are with your big mouths, and those damn pasts I don't wish to know. If we had to account for the pasts of everyone in the Legion, we'd be better off dissolving it.
Si je devais tenir compte du passé des légionnaires, mieux vaudrait dissoudre la Légion.
You know, do you not, that it is you, really, who are responsible for all those murders?
Êtes-vous conscient que c'est vous, en fait, le responsable de tous ces meurtres?
Those of you who are not English... will have to be content with fighting for Capt. Blood... and the loot you'll find on the French ships.
Pour ceux qui ne sont pas Anglais, vous vous battrez pour le Capitaine Blood... Et pour le butin que vous trouverez sur les navires français.
Why are you tying all those knots for?
- Pourquoi ces noeuds?
You know, those ballyhoo flyers you work for are getting you down.
Les canards qui te paient ne te font pas du bien.
Something you don't know is that the books aren't all at the library, some are with Madame Duchamps. Those that I was looking for, principally.
Mais y a une chose que vous ne savez pas, c'est que tous les livres ne sont à la bibliothèque, y en a qui sont chez la veuve Duchamps, ceux que je cherchais principalement...
What are you peddling those drinks for?
Pourquoi sers-tu à boire?
Do you realise those people are still going to the well for water?
Savez-vous que ces gens vont encore à la source pour l'eau.
- Well then how do you account for those silk covers, those robes and those other things that are there.
Et toutes les choses de valeur qui étaient dans sa chambre, hein?
Say, Vernon, if those flowers are for Miss Ford, you're aiming too high.
Vernon, si ces fleurs sont pour MIle Ford, vous visez trop haut.
Are you absolutely sure you left those messages for Mr. De Winter?
- Oui, madame. Êtes-vous sûre d'avoir laissé les messages pour M. de Winter?
If there are those among you who are still for the sea... we've plenty of berths on this ship for good and willing men.
Il y a plein de travail sur ce bateau pour les braves de bonne volonté.
And what's more, I'm going down to that convention and I'm going to tell those people exactly what you and all your fine-feathered friends here are trying to cook up for them.
Je vais aller à cette convention et raconter les beaux projets que vous et vos amis avez mijotés.
Oh, here are those figures you wanted for Mr. Henry.
Voici les chiffres pour M. Henry.
It can't be good for you up there among all those poor souls. You can't be happy. And how are you ever going to get better if you're unhappy?
Là-bas, parmi ces pauvres diables, c'est pas une vie pour vous.
Master of the Sun, our eyes are turned to you. For in this dark hour we are bereft of all human aid. Therefore, we humbly beseech you for deliverance of those who are soon to die.
Grand maître du soleil, nous nous tournons vers toi en ces heures sombres où, désespérant de toute humanité, humblement, nous t'implorons de délivrer ceux qui vont bientôt mourir.
Are you mad at me, Zach, for asking all those questions?
Vous m " en voulez de vous poser toutes ces questions?
Those are the boys who do the fighting, and largely for their dreams of girls like you.
Ce sont ces gars-là qui se battent, souvent en rêvant à des filles comme toi.
Those men are waiting for you.
Ces hommes vous attendent.
You'll find this ward is quite pleasant... for those who are willing to cooperate.
Celles qui ont bon esprit se trouvent bien ici.
For the benefit of those of you who are new here... and for those who might have forgotten the rules... I'm warning you that nobody is allowed to dance... with the same person more than three times.
Pour le bénéfice des nouveaux, et de ceux qui auraient oublié, il est interdit de danser plus de 3 fois avec la même personne.
Those things are not for you to know.
Cela ne te regarde pas.
You know those places are raided for parole violators.
Vous savez que la police y fait des descentes.
I suggest to you, Rommel, that you confine your genius to fighting... and leave the conduct of the war to those who are responsible for it!
Je vous suggère de limiter votre génie au champ de bataille. Laissez à ceux qui en ont la charge le soin de mener la guerre!
The world shall know you for the butchers you are. Those are the words of a fanatic.
Le monde saura les bouchers que vous êtes ce sont les mots d'un fanatique.
Now those of you who are here for the first time.
Et maintenant ceux qui viennent pour la première fois.
Those are too heavy for you.
Celles-la sont trop lourdes pour vous.
You don't think those fellows are going to stand and wait for Jeff to show up?
De plus, vous ne pensez pas que ces gens vont l'attendre?
Look, I don't know what pet names Thorwald had for his wife, but I'll tell you this, all those trips at night with that metal suitcase, he wasn't taking out his possessions, because his possessions are still up in the apartment.
Peu importe comment il appelait sa femme, mais je peux te dire une chose, tous ces voyages de nuit avec la mallette en métal, il n'enlevait pas ses affaires, parce qu'elles sont encore dans l'appartement.
Some day those guys are gonna'start taking you for amateurs, Mr. Wilson?
Un de ces jours, ces gars vous prendront pour des amateurs...
If your jewels are stolen, you will be paid, of course... but we couldn't replace the sentiment and affection... you have for those particular pieces.
On vous paierait les bijoux... mais comment remplacer leur valeur sentimentale?
You can't go around this place with no regard for who you are... interfering with those people.
Ne te mêle pas à ces gens! Tu oublies qui tu es...
Those characters you're feeling sorry for are so full of hate they'd lynch us if they get their hands on us.
Ce peuple compatissant nous détestent tellement qu'ils nous lyncheraient.
Where are those other men you sent for?
Où sont les renforts que nous attendons?
Jen-ai, we thank you for those who are not here, for the dead, whose children you have taken as your own, for the poor and the sick and the afflicted, for all the people of Yang Cheng,
Jen Aï, nous vous remercions au nom des absents. Au nom des morts dont vous avez adopté les enfants. Au nom des pauvres, des malades et des affligés.
You don't show any gratitude or affection to those who are loyal to you, who'd give their lives for you, who carry the weight of your power on their strong shoulders.
Tu es avare en caresse envers ceux qui de leurs larges épaules soutiennent ton pouvoir.
You don't suppose your people over in ward six are still mad at me... for putting up those public comfort stations on South Beach, do you?
Vous croyez que vos citoyens du district 6 sont encore en colère contre moi... d'avoir installé des toilettes publique sur la plage sud?
You know, that's not a bad deal. Those big city newspapers are just filled with jobs for engineers.
- Tu devrais y penser, il y a des centaines d'annonces pour des mécaniciens.
The conditions are those I've made for you.
Vous connaissez les conditions.
Those are the clothes I bought for you in Nassau.
J'ai acheté ces vêtements à Nassau.
This is true for all men, even those of you who are shaking your heads!
Vous! Et vous, qui faites non de la tête, vous êtes pareil!
Of course, you are a little young for those parts, but maybe...
Vous êtes encore un peu jeune pour certains rôles, mais...
If you and these characters are brave enough to go after those children I'm willing to wait for you with my schooner.
Si vous et ces... individus êtes assez courageux pour aller chercher ces enfants, je vous attendrai avec ma goélette.
Then, for some reason, you left him, swam back to your clothes and over there in the bushes, those four goons are watching, right?
Pour une raison ou une autre, vous lavez quitté, êtes revenue vers vos vêtements, et là-bas dans les buissons, les quatre gorilles vous observent, exact?
But if my theory is for the birds and those props are real, make sure you notify my wife.
Mais si ma théorie ne tient pas et que ces hélices sont réelles, faites en sorte d'avertir ma femme. Allez.
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those are mine 77
those aren't mine 30
those are my friends 16
those are your words 18
those are my terms 27
those are the rules 96
those are good 20
those are 90
those are nice 21
those are mine 77
those aren't mine 30
those are my friends 16
those are your words 18
those are my terms 27
those are the rules 96
those are good 20
those are my orders 22
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your own good 102
for your birthday 37
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your own good 102
for your birthday 37
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26