Were you drinking translate French
468 parallel translation
Don't you understand? Were you drinking that night, Summerill?
Vous aviez bu, Summerill?
─ Were you drinking?
- Vous aviez bu?
Be done, Jean. What were you drinking last night?
Vous n'aviez rien bu, hier soir?
Well, then, what were you drinking for?
Alors pourquoi boire?
What were you drinking?
Qu'avez-vous bu?
How long ago were you drinking with the Third Reich?
Et il n'y a pas si longtemps, vous portiez un toast au 3e Reich?
- Were you drinking this evening?
Vous avez bu quelque chose, ce soir? J'ai bu du lait.
Were you drinking too?
Tu as bu, toi aussi?
Were you drinking, Mr. Lenz?
Vous aviez bu? Pas une goutte.
Were you drinking last night?
Vous avez fait la fête cette nuit?
You were already drinking before I came here.
Vous étiez déjà bourré avant que j'arrive ici.
Gibson, you've been drinking again... and you know what my orders were.
Gibson, vous avez encore bu, malgré mes ordres.
You were drinking that night.
Tu avais bu ce soir-là.
- You wouldn't know what you were drinking.
- Savez-vous même ce que vous buvez?
I hope that wasn't whiskey you were drinking.
J'espère que vous ne buviez pas du whisky.
You were drinking coffee from 2 cups?
Tu bois le café avec une tasse dans chaque main?
You were seen there with him time and again, drinking.
On t'a vue boire avec lui.
You were drinking?
Tu as bu?
What impenitence. I was drinking beer before you were born.
Je buvais déjà bien avant votre naissance.
Must've been powerful medicine you and the doctor were drinking that night.
Toi et le médecin avez dû en fumer du bon, ce soir-là.
- Thought you were a drinking man.
- Non, merci. - Je vous croyais bon buveur.
When AngeÉe toÉd me that you were drinking... because you were in Éove with me É thought É'd try to heÉp you.
Angèle m'a dit que tu buvais par amour pour moi. J'ai voulu t'aider.
I asked why you were drinking.
Je t'ai demandé tout à l'heure pourquoi tu te saoules avec moi?
While you were drinking, I became acquainted with a girl.
Pendant que vous buviez, j'ai rencontré une fille.
Rather different from the wine of the valley you were drinking.
Plutôt différent du vin maison que vous buviez.
You were drinking again.
T'as encore bu.
You made better sense when you were drinking.
T'étais plus logique quand tu buvais.
As you were. Sorry to interrupt your religious services, but good news requires a drink and I detest drinking alone.
Désolé d'interrompre la messe, mais une bonne nouvelle nécessite un verre, et je déteste boire seul.
You're not going to deny that you were, in fact, drinking?
Vous ne niez pas que vous étiez en train de boire?
An old woman... if you went it was good... to make them afraid... if you didn't go... it was for the cause... lt's okay, okay and that old... old man... lt's okay, Mr Lauko, okay... I was holding... we were drinking...
Une vieille dame... Je voulais... C'était bien d'y aller...
Drinking and having a good time. Yet, one of them said you were...
Et puis l'un d'eux... a parlé de vous.
If I told anybody like that, I mean, they'd say you were drinking again.
Pas racontable, on me prendrait pour un ivrogne.
Where...? There... you were sitting and drinking liquor...
Là où vous buvez d'habitude.
You were drinking from a spring that came from the long nose of an animal.
Tu buvais à une fontaine sortant du long nez d'un animal.
There we were, waiting and drinking away at the old knifey moloko and you had not turned up.
On t'attendait tout en sirotant du moloko casse-pattes. Et tu n'as pas paru.
And you just said that you were drinking last night. You can't explain your whereabouts at the time of the death.
Vous avez bu la nuit dernière et vous ignorez où vous étiez.
You were drinking at the bar, I'm pleased to inform you.
- Vous buviez au bar.
They just said you were drinking.
- Elles m'ont dit que tu avais bu.
Could I ask... what it is that you were drinking?
Puis-je vous demander ce que vous buviez?
Hey, pops, what were you drinking?
Que buviez-vous?
Add to that the distance and the night and the smoke and the amount y'all said you all were drinking.
Ajoutons à cela la distance, la nuit et la fumée et tout ce que vous dites tous avoir bu.
But you were never drinking man!
Avant, tu ne buvais jamais!
If you were so well known - good income, good reputation - why did you start drinking?
Si vous étiez si connu... Bons revenus, bonne réputation... Pourquoi vous êtes-vous mis à boire?
10 years. You're still drinking as you were.
Dix années ont passé et tu bois toujours autant.
Do you remember how surprised I was when we first met... and you were standing in the shower drinking a beer?
Vous vous souvenez de ma surprise à notre première rencontre?
It was only later that I started thinking about what you were drinking that night.
Mais plus tard, je me suis souvenue de ce que vous buviez ce jour-là.
Where were you at 11 : 40 last night, Jack. Drinking.
Où étiez-vous hier soir à 11h40, Jack?
You guys were drinking.
Vous avez encore bu.
You mentioned divorce a couple of times... but you were drinking.
Tu as parlé de divorce une ou deux fois... mais tu avais bu.
Hilary, you sit there drinking your coffee the Way you Were.
Hilary, tu t'assois là et bois ton café comme tu le faisais.
You were out all night drinking.
Tu es allé boire toute la nuit.
were you there 127
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you aware of that 16
were you close 42
were you not 46
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you drunk 20
were you waiting for me 17
were you aware of that 16
were you close 42