Which is odd translate French
108 parallel translation
'Many solutions were suggested for this problem,'mostly concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper,'which is odd, because, on the whole,'it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.
Bien des solutions avaient été suggérées, notamment la mise en circulation de petits bouts de papier vert, chose curieuse car après tout ce n'était pas les bouts de papier vert qui étaient malheureux.
Which is odd, because of what you said...
C'est étrange. Vous avez dit...
Most people are cool. There's some who still keep a safe distance, which is odd for me,'cause I've always been sort of a people person.
La plupart sont sympas, mais certains gardent leur distance.
There's no nervousness about her, which is odd for a blackmailer.
Sans aucune nervosité, ce qui est rare chez un maître-chanteur.
And here's soup, which is odd, coz it is tomato, and he got tomatoes as well!
Il a acheté de la soupe de tomate! Et des tomates, c'est curieux.
Right now, words escape me. Which is odd for a writer, of course.
Les mots me manquent, ce qui est curieux pour un écrivain.
Which is odd, because he's a friendly guy.
C'est bizarre, d'ailleurs, c'est un gars très amical.
I'm addicted to these stories... which is odd, because I don't have an addictive personality.
Je suis accro à ces histoires... ce qui est bizarre, car je ne suis pas du genre à être accro.
- Met with a client last night in the oil fields, which is odd, because I bagged for this guy six years.
Quelque chose t'es arrivé? Une rencontre avec un client, la nuit dernière, sur un gisement de pétrole.
or maybe to spare them the trauma... which is odd unless the killer knew them personally.
Ou ça évite de les traumatiser. Ce qui est bizarre, sauf s'il les connaissait bien.
She actually likes me, which is odd.
Elle m'aime bien, ce qui est fou.
Which is odd for several reasons, but especially because it was his day off.
Ce qui est bizarre à divers égards, mais surtout car c'était son jour de congé.
I know we haven't which is odd, considering that you've met my dad you've met my mom, Captain Oats, the list goes on.
Je sais qu'on ne l'a pas faite. Ce qui est étrange puisque tu as rencontré mon père ma mère, Captain Oats et la liste continue.
Which is odd, considering it should only smell like bleach.
Ce qui est bizarre, car ils ne devraient sentir que la Javel.
Which is odd, because you've done nothing but describe him for the last three hours.
C'est bizarre, tu as passé ton temps à nous parler de lui ces trois dernières heures.
Which is odd.
Ce qui est bizarre.
I need you in Dr Zimmer's shoes because the plaster casts I got from the suspect's footprints are about a half an inch deeper in the heel than they were in the toe, which is odd.
J'ai besoin de toi dans les chaussures du Dr Zimmer car les plâtres que j'ai eu des empreintes du suspect sont 1 cm plus profond au talon qu'à la pointe des pieds, ce qui est bizarre.
Liver temp is 98 degrees which is odd unless she's running a fever
La température du foie est de 36 degrés. Ce qui est étrange, à moins qu'elle ait de la fièvre.
Which is odd, since it was all fiction that got us there in the first place.
- C'est une fiction qui l'a déclenchée.
You have complained about everybody in the office, except Dwight, which is odd because everyone else has had run in with Dwight.
Tu t'es plainte de tout le monde, sauf Dwight, ce qui est étrange parce que tout le monde à quelque chose contre lui.
None of the defendant, which is odd, since he was there.
Aucune de l'accusé, ce qui est étrange, puisqu il était là.
Which is odd, because I'm really enjoying this.
Ce qui est bizarre, parce que moi j'aime assez ça.
Which is odd, considering he has pubic hair growing out of his ears.
Ce qui est curieux, pour quelqu'un qui a des poils pubiens sortant des oreilles.
In and out of the country seven times over the last four months... which is odd,'cause this guy's meticulous with his tax returns.
Il est entré et sorti du pays à 7 reprises durant les 4 derniers mois... Ce qui est curieux, parce que ce type est très méticuleux avec son argent.
We got eats... fresh and French on your doorstep, which is odd to say, because your doorstep used to be my doorstep, and though I'm sad you moved out and into Olive's vacated apartment,
Il y a de la nourriture... fraîche et française à ta porte, ce qui me fait bizarre à dire car avant, ta porte était ma porte et même si je suis triste que tu aies emménagé dans l'appart vide d'Olive, je fais de mon mieux.
Which is odd, I must have walked over it a thousand times when I was moving my stuff out.
C'est bizarre, j'ai du marcher dessus une centaine de fois quand je déménageais mes affaires.
Which is odd because they took it out for the autopsy.
Ce qui est bizarre, car ils te l'ont enlevé pour l'autopsie.
Leightenberg... um, excuse me, I... you have a deposit? Which is odd, considering he's in for a relatively simple procedure, and he's jewish.
C'est bizarre vu qu'on l'a admis pour une simple opération, et qu'il est juif.
Which is odd'cause, of course, he sure won't, you know, marry me.
Et c'est plutôt bizarre, vu qu'il ne veut pas m'épouser.
Which is odd when you think about the Cylon god, because- -
C'est bizarre quand on pense au Dieu des Cylons...
Which is odd, considering you said there wasn't one.
Ce qui est bizarre, étant donné que vous dîtes que ce n'en n'était pas un.
And you're obviously trying to avoid talking about kutner, which is odd, because you spent a whole week obsessing about why... he's no longer on my team.
Et toi tu évites de parler de Kutner ce qui est étrange parce que tu as passé toute une semaine à te demander pourquoi... Il n'est plus dans mon équipe.
Which is odd, considering most of the neighbors were home.
Étrange, vu que la plupart des voisins étaient chez eux.
I'm having kind of an odd situation... which is that...
Je suis dans une situation bizarre.
Tell me. Of this list, which do you think is the odd one out?
Dans cette liste, quel est l'intrus, à ton avis?
Which of these is the odd one out?
Quel est l'intrus dans cette liste-ci?
It is odd which Elena did not call.
C'est bizarre qu'Elena n'ait pas appelé.
I couldn't really find the words, Pacey, which I know is odd considering the volume of words said during the course of our relationship- -
Je n'ai pas su trouver les mots. C'est bizarre, vu notre débit commun.
Kurt... there is another thing here which I think is quite odd.
Kurt. Il y a autre chose que je trouve un peu étrange.
I'm running a shop, which you lot think is odd.
Je gère un magasin. Vous trouvez tous ça bizarre.
- Or he fakes them. - Which is odd.
- Bizarre.
Which is really odd, because you never bring girls home.
Bizarre, vu que tu présentes jamais tes copines.
Which is really odd, because collusion is our business.
Aucune collusion, ce qui est étrange, car la collusion c'est notre spécialité.
Heather doesn't come downstairs, which she says is odd because Heather told her she was in a hurry today and had lots of appointments so she goes hunting for her, and finds her lying here in the shower and can't, um...
Heather ne descend pas, ce qu'elle trouve anormal, Heather lui avait demandé d'être à l'heure, ayant un emploi du temps chargé. Elle est montée la chercher et elle l'a trouvée allongée dans la cabine de douche et...
Some say the Priory wait for the heir to reveal himself which is especially odd since legend suggests he may not know his own true identity.
Il attendrait que l'héritier se fasse connaître. Ce serait curieux, parce que d'après la légende celui-ci ignore son identité.
Which is an odd name for someone so closely associated...
C'est un nom bizarre pour quelqu'un qui est associé
The first thing that strikes one as odd when looking at the history of marijuana, which is also known as cannabis, is how very much legal it once was.
Commençons. La première chose qui impressionne par rapport à l'histoire de la marijuana ( ou cannabis ), est à quel point elle était légale fut un temps.
He's been M.I.A.All day, which is a little odd consideringwe've got this deal closing.
Je ne l'ai pas vu de la journée, ce qui est un peu bizarre, vu que nous devons clore ce marché.
The only reason not to update a photo in 20-odd years is she's not talking to you, which would be interesting, or she's dead.
La seule raison de ne pas mettre à jour une photo, en 20 ans, est qu'elle ne vous parle plus, ce qui serait intéressant, ou qu'elle est morte.
We've never met before, Which is... odd, in a way.
- On ne s'est jamais rencontrés, ce qui est... étrange, dans un sens.
Even the dancers... which is kind of odd.
Même pas les danseuses...
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37