Which is good translate French
1,413 parallel translation
Addison gave Derek divorce papers, which is good.
Addison a donné les papiers du divorce à Derek, c'est bien.
And he's out of the diaper, which is good news for everyone.
Et il ne porte plus de couches.
Now, she's single, which is good.
Elle est célibataire, ce qui est une bonne chose.
The point is she's focused, which is good.
Toujours concentrée sur son travail. En fait c'est toujours mon boulot.
Which is good, because I've just been told... that your safe house will be ready by then.
Ce qui est bien, car je viens d'apprendre que votre nouvelle maison sera prête.
- Which is good news, right?
- Ce qui est une bonne nouvelle, non?
( clears throat ) parting amicably, which is good, it's nice.
On se quitte bons amis. C'est bien. Chouette.
Oh, just seeing how you do... which is good, looks like.
Juste voir comment tu vas... Bien, à ce qu'il semble.
- Which is good!
- C'est bon!
Which is good for us.
Ce qui est bon pour nous.
Which is good, because – oof - you should hear what people say about you.
C'est mieux pour toi. Si tu savais ce que les gens disent de toi.
I know it's not much, but it has central air which is good because the morgue, when the AC breaks down sometimes we tend to walk around naked and...
Ce n'est pas grand chose, mais il y a la clim. C'est utile car lorsque celle de la morgue tombe en panne, on est obligés de se mettre à poil pour tenir le coup.
- Which is good...
- Ce qui est bien, mais...
Which is good, because you know I'm not really in the mood for any dairy products tonight.
Tant mieux, parce que je n'ai pas envie de produits laitiers ce soir.
Your hands... You still have your hands, which is good.
Tu as toujours tes mains, c'est génial.
Which is good. Ethnicity is good.
Les trucs ethniques sont à la mode.
I've got some more closet space, which is good, except I officially hate all my clothes.
J'ai gagné de l'espace dans le placard. Sauf que je déteste mes vêtements.
Which is his loss, because I'm really good in bed--mind-blowing--mind-blowingly good in bed.
Il y a perdu, Parce que je suis vraiment bonne au lit- - vraiment--vraiment très bonne au lit.
She told me earlier she is going to die, which is not a good thing.
Elle m'a dit tout à l'heure qu'elle va mourir, ce qui n'est pas une bonne chose.
Your "T" cell count is eight, which means there's a good chance you'll die.
Vos lymphocytes T sont à 80. Vous risquez de mourir.
Which is good for everybody, right? Except the patients.
Ce qui bénéficie à tous.
It's nothing- - which is the good news.
C'est rien, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle.
You know, this company, Tazarr, went out of business, which is a good thing.
Cette boîte, Tazaar, n'existe plus, ce qui est une bonne chose.
And, uh, Kate broke up with some lawyer guy, which is really good,'cause he wasn't very big on personal hygiene, and...
Kate a rompu avec un avocat, et c'est tant mieux. Question hygiène, il laissait à désirer.
I don't know, he's just working on some famously unsolvable math problem, which is not a good sign.
Je ne sais pas, il travaille sur un problème de math connu pour être insoluble, ce qui n'est pas bon signe.
For him, which is a good friend...
Pour lui, qui est un si bon ami...
And she has some numbness in her fingers, Which is not a good sign.
Et ses doigts sont engourdis, ce qui n'est pas bon signe.
Ray would shag the homeless. Which is a good thing because you look like a fucking tramp!
Ray baiserait même une SDF... ce qui est une bonne chose pour toi, vu que tu ressembles à une putain!
Wh... My magic eightball said it was a good idea and that things is right like what... one out of six times which is pretty good for a ball.
Ma boule magique m'a dit qu'il fallait le faire et ce truc a raison une fois sur six, ce qui n'est pas si mal pour une boule.
My daughter is expecting you and her record's been good since Luc, which by the way was a stretch of the rules on your part.
Dr Burrelll Pourquoi souhaitez-vous une thérapie?
I didn't say we weren't doing it, which is as good as saying we were.
Je n'est pas dit que nous ne le ferons pas ce qui revient à dire que nous le ferons.
Which is a good thing.
Ce qui est une bonne chose.
- -in every good work to do his will... working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight... through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever.
Premier article de Jack dans le "Chronicle"
Which I have to tell you is also a good sign.
Ce qui est bon signe également.
But because he's from London, everybody on the Cape keeps talking about his "fabulous English look," which really is so good.
Parce qu'il est de Londres, on trouve son style fabuleux, ce qui est vrai.
She's not drinking, which is good. Kelly's here.
Kelly est là.
And I have a sweet tooth, which of course you know is not so good for the figure of a stewardess.
ce qui, comme vous le savez, est contre-indiqué pour la silhouette d'une hôtesse de l'air.
Well, you were my first baby and you had a very big head, which is not a good combo,
Tu étais mon premier enfant et tu avais une très grosse tête, ce qui n'est pas une bonne combinaison.
He's waiting outside in the car which is looking good, clean, nice.
Il m'attend dans la voiture qui est propre, qui sent bon.
That amounts to 40 in a week. - Which is 160 in a month. - Good gracious!
Deux exemplaires vendus pendant que nous étions chez le libraire, pour un total de 40 cette semaine.
Which is why it's fucking important to make a good first impression.
D'où l'importance de faire bonne impression la première fois.
And neither can you, which is a good sign.
Et vous non plus, ce qui est un bon signe.
It's not as good as sisters which is not as good as twins but...
Ce n'est pas mieux que des soeurs ou des jumelles mais...
The only thing I've actually ever been good at is my job, which I never sucked at but got fired just the same for inhaling.
La seule chose dans la quelle j'étais bonne, c'est mon boulot, où j'ai jamais été nulle, mais j'ai quand même été virée pour la fumée.
If this is the real deal and the bomb goes, suit wouldn't do him any good, in which case, i got bad news for the rest of us.
Si c'est vrai et que la bombe explose, la combinaison n'aidera pas beaucoup dans ce cas, j'ai une mauvaise nouvelle pour nous tous
Which is why it's good that you've found the opposite of Marissa.
Et c'est pourquoi c'est bien que tu ais trouvé une fille qui es tout le contraire de Marissa.
Which is a good thing, because you can get more time To crush on your girlfriend.
Ce qui est une bonne chose, parce que tu auras plus de temps pour roucouler avec ta copine.
Which is probably a really good thing
Ce qui probablement fut une bonne chose
Which does us no good unless Billie is able to kill them.
Ce qui n'avance à rien si Billie ne les tue pas.
Paige hasn't heard from the leprechauns, which is not a good sign.
Pas de nouvelles des lutins, c'est mauvais signe.
When I'm with you, I'm not myself, which is a good thing.
Avec toi, je ne suis pas moi-même, ce qui est bien.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112