All of what translate Portuguese
7,286 parallel translation
I'm walking around a ship full of 20-year-olds who know exactly what they're doing at all times, on a mission to save a country that's barely recognizable.
Estou num navio cheio de pessoas com 20 anos, que sabem sempre exactamente aquilo que fazem numa missão para salvar um país quase irreconhecível.
What the coordinates are for... that is part of the answer to the other question you're all thinking.
- Para que servem as coordenadas... essa é a parte da resposta à outra pergunta que todos estão a pensar.
Well, looks like Pitbull's gonna get what he wanted... justice for all the victims of that defect.
Bem, parece que o Pitbull vai conseguir o que queria, justiça para todas as vítimas desse defeito.
All right, look, what's the official cause of death?
Qual é a causa da morte oficial?
And what about all of this " walking the earth like Kane from'Kung Fu'" crap? Cleaning up heaven's messes.
E porque percorres a Terra como o Kane da treta do "Kung Fu", a resolver as confusões do Céu?
I wanted him to pay for what he did. To Meera, to you, to all of us.
Queria que pagasse pelo que fez, à Meera, a si, a todos nós.
So, if you cut yourself or you break your leg skateboarding or wreck your bike, all of those injuries are called traumas, and that's what we are set up here to treat.
Então, se te cortares, partir a perna, cair da bicicleta, todos esses ferimentos são chamados traumas, e é isso que tratamos aqui.
You know what the most shocking part of all this is?
Sabes qual é a parte mais chocante disto tudo?
Actually, the reason why I'm not shocked is because I've been in their shoes, and I was just as bad, and this is all just one big horrible reminder that there's always gonna be a part of me that's capable of doing what they're doing.
Na verdade, a razão pela qual não estou chocada é porque já estive no lugar deles, e fui tão má como eles, e tudo isto é um horrível lembrete de que haverá sempre uma parte de mim capaz de fazer o que eles estão a fazer.
Since I laid my eyes on you yesterday, I have been trying with all of my heart to reconnect with the woman who was your mother, to remember what it felt like to mourn you and your brother after I was banished by your father.
Desde que te pus os olhos ontem, tenho tentado, do fundo do coração, reconetar-me com a mulher que foi vossa mãe, lembrar-me do que foi perder-te a ti e ao teu irmão, depois de ter sido banida pelo teu pai.
What is she saying about all of this?
O que dizes de não te ter ligado?
I know that you would never allow people to get in the way of what is right, of your fundamental belief that the Republic must stand at all costs.
Sei que nunca vais deixar as pessoas ficarem no caminho do que é certo, da tua crença fundamental que a República deve prevalecer a todo custo.
And it's all because each of us in this room decided to do not what is easy, but what is right.
Porque cada um de nós nesta sala decidiu fazer não o que é fácil, mas o que é certo.
He had a big contract if he was doing what he thinks he wanted to do, had the adulation of the crowd all the time.
Conseguiu um grande contrato. Se estivesse a fazer o que achava que queria, se tivesse sempre a adulação do público, seria o tipo que estaria sempre em problemas.
You know, they're sitting there because they drank six cups of coffee today, and they've got all these refined carbohydrates and sugars running through their body, and they're looking down and going, " Yeah, that's what I've got,
Estão ali sentados porque beberam seis cafés hoje e têm muitos hidratos de carbono e açúcares a correr nas veias, andam a olhar, e a dizer :
If you look at the records of the congressional hearings in 1983 on prescription drug advertising, there's all these letters, and these letter that go on and on about what an awful idea this is, et cetera, et cetera.
Ótimo. Se olhar para os registos das audições do Congresso em 1983 sobre publicidade a medicamentos prescritos, há um conjunto de cartas. E cartas que falam e falam sobre a terrível ideia que é.
What's his connection to all of this?
Qual é a ligação dele a tudo isto?
All of what?
Tudo o quê?
All right, well, let me help you out, because sometimes it's hard to see what's right in front of your eyes.
Então, deixa-me ajudar-te, porque às vezes é difícil ver aquilo que está mesmo à frente dos olhos.
- You said if you could find out what all of these animals we've encountered have in common, you can maybe find a way to figure out what's happening.
- Disseste que se descobrisses aquilo que estes animais têm em comum, talvez conseguisses entender aquilo que está a acontecer.
What'd I miss? Well, first of all, we're missing a left arm.
Antes de tudo, perdemos o braço esquerdo.
I can't do what I want to do because what I want to do is drink all night without getting drunk, drive my car like a psycho without fear of death.
Eu não posso fazer o que eu quero fazer porque o que eu quero fazer é beber a noite toda sem ficar bêbado, dirigir meu carro como um psicopata sem medo da morte.
This is what's best for all of us.
Isto é o melhor para todos nós.
See what kind of information I can gather here. All right.
Vou ver que género de informação consigo recolher aqui.
- Well... if we're all gonna suffocate, what's the point of a cure?
- Bem... Se vamos sufocar todos, qual a necessidade de uma cura?
So that's what my album is gonna be. Both of y'all, together.
O meu álbum vai contar com os dois, juntos.
But regardless, it's gonna be produced by both of y'all, and you're gonna enjoy it, because at the end of the day, that's what all of us need.
Mas será produzido pelos dois e vocês vão divertir-se, porque é disso que todos precisamos.
What, y'all a bunch of punk-ass cowboys? !
São um bando de cowboys cobardes?
What up? I'm Jason Derulo, live in L.A., big city of dreams, where it's all going down today. It's ASA nomination day.
Sou o Jason Derulo e estou ao vivo em L.A., a cidade dos sonhos, onde tudo se passa, e hoje é dia das nomeações para os ASA.
So now all of you can see what I saw and heard.
Assim, todos vocês podem ver o que eu vi e ouvi.
All those years, selling CDs out the back of a car... selling keys, moving bodies, the enormity of damage I've done to my soul... for what?
Tantos anos a vender CD da mala de um carro. A vender droga, a acumular corpos... A enormidade de danos que causei à minha alma...
And what you said, it means more to me than all of this.
O que disseste é mais importante para mim que tudo isto.
Wh-What are you doing, looking all walk-of-shame and whatnot?
- Vim ensaiar com a Laura. Porque estás com ar de cama?
I'll tell you what, we'll revisit the subject in a few years when all of you have a couple of kids each. Mm-hmm.
Vamos voltar ao assunto dentro de alguns anos quando todos vocês tiverem alguns filhos.
For what it's worth, I am sorry you're mixed up in all of this, okay?
Quero que saiba que lamento que esteja metida nisto, está bem?
Let's just be clear about all this stuff, because, you know what, murder is a violation of your parole.
Vamos esclarecer isso, homicídio viola a condicional.
We may want different levels of that punishment but it's what we all want.
Podemos querer níveis diferentes para esse castigo, - mas é o que todos queremos.
All of you, shut your faces now! Okay, what do we got?
Está bem, o que temos?
No matter what that scoreboard looks like At the end of all this, you guys already won.
Não importa o que apareça no placar no final de tudo isto, vocês já ganharam.
What would you have done if I told you that the solution to all your problems was a magical black man sitting out on the edge of town?
O que teria feito, se lhe tivesse dito que a solução para os seus problemas era um homem negro mágico que vive na periferia da cidade?
So what bond is stronger than all of this?
Então que ligação é mais forte que isto tudo?
I don't know, they kicked us out because they smelled some kind of fumes. All right, I'll tell you what.
Eu não sei, expulsaram-nos porque sentiram cheiro de um qualquer tipo de gás.
Yep, and I wish I could say I was looking forward to the next all-night down-and-dirty scrap, but I... what've I got, five years left of my career?
Gostava de dizer que estou ansioso pela próxima noitada a resolver um sarilhos qualquer... O que me restam? Mais uns cinco anos de carreira?
I don't know what it is yet, but you, me, Michael, we're all part of it.
Ainda não sei qual é, mas tu, eu, o Michael, todos fazemos parte dele.
You know what, I thought about calling my attorney, but then that would be a waste of all our time.
Sabem que mais, pensei em chamar o meu advogado, mas isso seria um desperdício do nosso tempo.
We don't know what he thought about his own life, because he never wrote it down in a book, but there was one mysterious moment when he gave us all a clue. Alex Gibney : It was when, at the very peak of his career, he suddenly decided to retire.
No início de março daquele ano, eu estava a trabalhar algures na Flórida, e ele ligou-me e disse :
All the guys who made hundreds of thousands of dollars with me never called and said, "What can we do for you? Do you need any money?" At that point, I had nobody.
Quando os discos não se venderam chegou a hora da renovação dele e a Columbia não queria renovar com ele.
Just catching a glimpse of his face is what started all this.
Apenas um vislumbre do rosto dele foi o que começou tudo isto.
You know, when I started all of this, I didn't know... Someone was gonna figure out what I was doing if...
Sabes, quando comecei tudo isto, não sabia... se alguém iria perceber o que eu estava a fazer... se iria falhar, se tudo se iria desmoronar.
And it's all because of what's on this.
E tudo por causa disto.
What do you plan to do with all of it?
O que tenciona fazer com ele?
all of them 1505
all of you 1837
all of it 1580
all of the above 61
all of me 19
all of the time 16
all of us 884
all of a sudden 697
all of 26
all of us together 30
all of you 1837
all of it 1580
all of the above 61
all of me 19
all of the time 16
all of us 884
all of a sudden 697
all of 26
all of us together 30
all of' em 133
all of these 19
all of this 232
all of that 76
all of ya 20
of what 758
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
all of these 19
all of this 232
all of that 76
all of ya 20
of what 758
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
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whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
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what are they like 58
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what do you think 9124
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what are these 350
what's your name 4643
what are you 4599
what have you got 603
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's this 5587
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what are you up to 648
what's this 5587