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And jeff translate Portuguese

839 parallel translation
You and Jeff, Jeff and you.
Você e o Jeff, o Jeff e você.
Oh, like Bob Rowe, Bill Weidemeyer, and Jeff York.
O Bob Rowe, o Bill Weidemeyer e o Jeff York.
But you and Jeff ganging up together, he might not like that.
Mas pode não gostar de saber que vocês estão juntos.
And Jeff Milton.
E Jeff Milton.
Steve's 20 and Jeffs 18.
O Steve tem 20 e o Jeff tem 18.
The guy who hit Jeff on the head and knocked him out didn't like him.
O tipo que bateu no Jeff e o deixou inconsciente, não gostava dele.
I'm sorry you knocked out Jeff Wilson and stole his money.
Lamento que tenhas batido no Jeff Wilson e que o tenhas roubado.
Hitting Jeff on the head and stealing his money... that ain't playing ball.
Bater na cabeça do Jeff e roubar-lhe o dinheiro... não é ser cooperante.
Where were you when Jeff got bopped on the conk and clipped for his roll, babe?
Onde estava quando o Jeff levou na cabeça e foi roubado, querida?
You come here to help Jeff and Julie, and what happened?
Vem para ajudar o Jeff e a Julie e o que aconteceu?
Mrs. Dukesbury, America's wealthiest widow... and yours truly, who could certainly use the money for Jeff.
A Sra. Dukesbury, a viúva mais rica da América... e este vosso amigo, que poderia usar o dinheiro para o Jeff.
I was afraid Jardinet wouldn't get here... so I wired Jeff to come and help us.
Temia que o Jardinet não viesse... e pedi ajuda ao Jeff.
I got an idea how Jeff and I can handle this.
Já sei como fazê-lo.
When we were little, my brother Jeff and I used to...
Quando éramos miúdos, o meu irmão Jeff e eu costumávamos...
Frankly, my dear Senators, when Mr Kenneth Allen burst into my office and proved that Jeff Smith had a deed to that site, I was dumbfounded.
Sinceramente, caros senadores, quando o sr. Keneth Allen entrou no meu escritório e provou que Jeff Smith tinha uma oferta pelo local, fiquei parvo.
I'll try and make it, Jeff.
Vou tentar, Jeff.
And you, Jeff, you lean backwards.
E tu, Jeff, não percebes nada.
How could you have associated with Jeff for so long... and not gotten some of his fine qualities?
Como podes ser sócio do Jeff há tanto tempo... e não aprenderes a ter as qualidades dele?
Now, you know I've had enough to drink, Jeff, and so have you.
Eu já bebi o suficiente, e tu também Jeff.
- Funny racket to find you in, Jeff. - Yeah, me and the kid laugh all the time.
- Que actividade engraçada.
My name is Jeff Markham, and I haven't talked to anybody... who hasn't tried to sell me something for 10 days.
Chamo-me Jeff Markham e há dez dias que só falo com vendedores.
- And here, Jeff, did you see her?
- E aqui viu-a? - Quem me dera.
You and I had a little deal, Jeff.
- Fizemos um acordo.
" Jeff Bailey, at one time private detective and more recently... operator of a small gas station in Bridgeport...
"Jeff Bailey, antigo detective privado " e agora dono de um posto de gasolina em Bridgeport
Jeff, we've been wrong a lot and unlucky a long time.
Jeff, tivemos muitos azares.
You're stubborn and proud, Jeff.
És teimoso e orgulhoso, Jeff.
You don't think those fellows are going to stand and wait for Jeff to show up?
Além disso, não acha que esses tipos devem esperar que o Jeff aparecesse?
Jeff, how does it feel to be free of everything... have all accounts square and settled?
Jeff, como te sentes ao te sentires livre de tudo... com a tua dívida liquidada?
and Mr. Jeff Douglas.
e o Sr. Jeff Douglas.
"l tell ya, I feel more a part of her and all this..."
"Jeff, te digo, me sinto uma parte dela e de tudo isto..."
If you can't drink their toasts and sing their songs, love Jeff Davis and hate Abe Lincoln until next Friday, you'll never reach Marietta.
Se não puderem brindar nem cantar... amar o Jeff Davis e odiar o Abe Lincoln até sexta-feira que vem... nunca chegarão a Marietta.
Where's Jeff Cain and Fuller?
Onde estão o Jeff Cain e o Fuller?
- If you're really that worried Jeff why don't you radio in and find out?
- Se você realmente é aquele Jeff preocupado, por que não pega o rádio e descobre?
Jeff's been giving me and himself a study in silence.
Jeff e eu estamos realizando um estudo em silêncio.
And say Jeff, make that call to your wife.
E diz ao Jeff, para ele ligar para a esposa dele.
- Brains, how long do Jeff and the boys have?
- Cérebro, quanto tempo restará ao Jeff?
And with him now, is Jeff Jordan himself, talking to this brilliant English driver who's won so many races in the dark-green BRMs.
E com ele está o próprio Jeff Jordan, falando com seu brilhante piloto inglês... que venceu tantas corridas nas BRMs verdes escuras.
You three, ride to Madigan and try to find out who they are!
Vocês os dois, Geremy e Jeff! Ide a Madigan. Tentem descobrir o que eles procuram.
Jeff Mortimer Logan, 43 years old... Accused of robbery, rape, violence, looting... Fire and theft.
Jeff Mortimer Logan, 43 anos... acusado de roubo, estupro, violência, saques... incêndio e roubo.
You, Jeff Logan and the Boucher brothers.
Você, Jeff Logan e os irmãos Boucher.
When Jeff comes in, make sure to have him call me at Mike and Gloria's place.
Quando o Jeff chegar, assegura-te que ele telefone para a casa do Mike e da Gloria.
Jeff's still out, but as soon as he gets back, he's gonna call us and put us up for sure.
O Jeff ainda está fora, mas em breve ele volta, ele vai telefonar-nos e desenrascar-nos com certeza.
Jeff Walker, that's Mike and Gloria, and that's Mr. and Mrs. bunker.
Jeff Walker, é o Mike e a Gloria, e esses são o Sr. e a Srª. bunker.
And as I was going in... Jeff Beck was coming out.
Quando ia a entrar, o Jeff Beck vinha a sair.
Although I could see what Jeff was talking about... I could see that, you know, he was doing a lot of guitar... up against the amp and that sort of stuff... which I had felt were very precious trademarks.
Embora compreendesse o que o Jeff dissera, vi que ele tocava guitarra... ao pé do amplificador.
There's this character on the show named Jeff... and she's just madly in love with him.
No programa, há uma personagem chamada Jeff... e ela está loucamente apaixonada por ele.
And the fantastic Scott Glenn, Jeff Goldblum!
E os fantásticos Scott Glenn e Jeff Goldblum.
Jeff, Tony, get over here and meet a guy who knows what cars are all about.
Jeff, Tony, venham conhecer alguém que percebe muito de carros.
♪ And have a son-in-law named Jeff ♪
E têm genros Chamados Jeff
Jeff, he got in a fight, I gotta go down to the station house and bail him out.
Que se passa? O Jeff meteu-se numa briga, tenho de ir ao distrito policial pagar a fiança.
Let's see, left hand at 10 o'clock and right hand at 2 o'clock. Jeff, do you read?
Ora vejamos, mão esquerda nas 10 horas e direita nas 2.

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