Give it to us translate Portuguese
876 parallel translation
Give it to us.
Já viu um desses?
For the money it's costing, we'll take the sun whenever they give it to us.
Pelo que estamos a pagar, veremos o Sol quando no-lo derem.
Give it to us, Brax.
Quantos índios havia? Diga-nos, Brax.
Give it to us!
- Pensa em nós!
If you're honest, you'll give it to us.
Se você for honesta, você nos dará isto.
You must give it to us ready to build on!
Têm que a dar desocupada
Yeah, you wanna kill this meat before you give it to us.
Estão a tentar manter a carne em segredo? Ainda têm de a matar antes de no la servirem.
It " s the sign he has put on us all, if we give way enough to see it.
É o sinal que Ele nos coloca se nos permitirmos enxergá-lo.
When they wheel back on us, reload it up and give it to'em!
Assím que estéjam preparados.
If you could give me some assurance that you'd... consider us first before you donate that million to anyone else, I'd appreciate it.
Se me pudesse garantir que seremos a sua prioridade, antes de o doar a outra pessoa, ficar-lhe-ia grato.
Don't forget to sue the railroad for all you give us, cos it's responsible.
Processem os caminhos-de-ferro por este roubo.
That'll give us a chance to try it in group action.
Podemos experimentá-lo em acçöes de grupo.
It's my understanding he proposed to give us water in exchange for food.
Pelos vistos, ele propôs dar. Nos água em troca de comida.
And if we can unlock one tiny memory, it will give us a key to the others. No.
Se podermos destrancar a mais pequena memória essa dar-nos-á a chave para outras.
It'll give us something to talk about next time.
Já temos assunto de conversa para a próxima.
It'll give us a lot to talk about back on the ship, won't it, Gabe? Yeah.
Isso vai render muita conversa no navio, não vai, Gabe?
Besides, it'll give us time to prepare.
Além disso, dá-nos tempo para nos prepararmos.
Give it up, she says. Isn't that what he'd want us to do?
Ela disse para desistirmos.
It's just to give us time to think of another lie...
É só para nos dar tempo para arranjar outra mentira...
See, I figured if I stayed around for a while, it would give us a chance to get better acquainted.
Pensei que, se ficasse algum tempo, podíamos conhecer-nos melhor.
Give us a half-minute to talk it over.
Dêem-nos meio minuto para conversar.
... give us deed to that land, or we'll take it by force!
Se não ceder o terreno a bem. terá que o ceder a mal.
He told us, "Give it back, or else you can't say hello to me for 2 weeks."
ele ameaçou : "DevoIvam-a, seno no podem me cumprimentar por 2 semanas!"
I just thought it would give us a chance to...
Teríamos uma hipótese de...
Give us a chance to count it at least. Go home, you'll get it later.
Dá-nos tempo para contá-lo, depois pagamos-te.
It'll give us some sort of agenda to work from.
Pode servir como base.
It'll give us both a chance to think things over.
Dar-nos-á uma oportunidade de pensarmos nas coisas.
It will give us all we need. And a speedy return to our country.
E só ela nós trará o que precisamos... e nos fará regressar rápido para casa.
- I fixed it. Waiting to see if they give us a weather forecast, Doc.
Vamos ouvir a previsão do tempo, Doc.
- It will give us a fighting chance if they decide to attack.
Pelo menos podemos lutar se eles atacarem.
I wouldn't give much for our chances... wandering around in the middle of the night trying to find something... that if we found it, it might kill us.
Eu não arriscaria muito andar por aí de noite à procura de alguma coisa... que se a acharmos nos pode matar.
It was always the next job we pulled that was gonna give us the money to do it.
Mas era sempre o próximo trabalho que iria pagar isso.
- Give it back to us then
Então, devolva-nos a máquina.
Put it in the safe deposit box in the bank, and we'll get him to give us a cheque on Monday instead. Yes.
Ponha-o no cofre do banco, na segunda peço-lhe para nos passar um cheque.
It's the sign he has put on us all, if we give way enough to see it.
É o sinal que ele nos pôs a todos, se nós o quisermos ver.
Give it to the owner of this house for letting us stay.
Dá-o ao dono desta casa por nos ter deixado ficar cá.
- It was kind of you to give us shelter.
Foi generoso da sua parte darem-nos abrigo.
We'll give it all back to you, If you're not sure of us we'll sign over the caravan, the shooting gallery, all we've got.
É mau para o menino! Devolveremo-lhe isso tudo pouco a pouco! Se não te ria, poremos a caravana a seu nome.
Does it give us any clue as to where they will land and when?
Da-nos alguma pista sobre onde e quando irao desembarcar?
Whoever it is has to wait here pretending to look for the money... waiting for the rest of us to give up and go home.
Quem fez isto, está a fingir procurar o dinheiro... esperando que o resto de nós desista e vá para casa.
It will give us time to get organised.
Vá amanhã e assim podemos organizar tudo.
I thought it might give us a chance to talk.
Pensei que teríamos uma oportunidade de falar.
It could give us time to bring our carriers within range.
No entanto, teríamos tempo para trazer os porta-aviões para o nosso alcance.
- Well, whoever the spy is who was fooling around inside here probably thinks that you're destroyed, and we've got to have him think that way so it'll give us time to find out who it is.
- Bem, quem quer que tenha sido o individuo que mexeu aí dentro deve estar convencido que o tenham destruído,.. ... e devemos deixá-lo continuar a pensar assim, para termos tempo de descobrir quem é.
Está na altura de se investigar Rex Savage.
Não temos muito tempo, Chefe só temos 30 segundos para a encontrar.
They give us an impossible job and no tools to do it with.
Dão-nos uma missão impossível e nenhuma arma para a fazer.
I thought, maybe with a good stallion, we can build us a little horse ranch and give it to the kids.
Pensei que, talvez com um bom garanhão pudéssemos começar uma pequena criação de cavalos e deixá-los aos miúdos.
As an ideogram, it does give us the clue to the meaning of the word
Como ideograma, isto dá-nos a pista sobre o significado da palavra :
You'll have to give us a hand with it.
Tens de nos dar uma ajudinha.
- It's very kind of you to give us an interview during your lunch break, Miss Jones.
- É muito simpático da sua parte em nos conceder uma entrevista durante a sua pausa para o almoço, Miss Jones.
give it a go 47
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it time 124
give it a shot 99
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it time 124
give it a shot 99
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it back 737
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it to me straight 42
give it a whirl 16
give it a break 17
give it back to me 74
give it some time 30
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it to me straight 42
give it a whirl 16
give it a break 17
give it back to me 74
give it some time 30
give it to them 34
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to us 492
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to us 492
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give me 926
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give up 237
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give up 237
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245