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Pack your things translate Portuguese

243 parallel translation
Yes, I'm very kind, but you'd better go and pack your things now.
Sim, eu sou muito gentil, mas é melhor ir e pegar as suas coisas agora.
Pack your things.
Faz as malas.
Sarah Lee, pack your things.
Sarah Lee, faça as malas.
You're going to pack your things and go into town with Uncle Jake.
Vai empacotar as suas coisas e irá à cidade com seu tio Jake.
- Pack your things, quickly.
- Arruma as tuas coisas, depressa.
Now, you will pack your things this minute... ... and return to the abbey.
Vai fazer a sua mala neste preciso momento e voltar para a Abadia.
Pack your things and go.
Arruma as coisas e vamos.
Pack your things, tie it in Saran wrap and get out.
Faz as malas, embrulha-as em papel transparente e sai.
Yes? I want you to pack your things.
Quero que faça as suas malas.
Pack your things.
Faz a mala
Pack your things.
Mete as tuas coisas no saco.
- Sissy, pack your things.
- Mete as tuas coisas no saco.
Breakfast will be ready in a minute... then I'll help you pack your things.
O pequeno almoço estará pronto num minuto, depois ajudo-te a fazer a mala.
Quit talking about it and do it. Pack your bags, pack your things and leave.
Fazes as malas e vai.
Don't worry. I'll pack your things.
Não te preocupes, eu faço-te as malas.
Pack your things.
Arruma as tuas coisas.
I'll help you pack your things.
Se quiser ajudo-o a arrumar as coisas.
Fine. I'll pack your things myself.
Tudo bem. Eu preparo as tuas coisas.
Go pack your things.
Façam as malas!
So pack your things, you're moving in with Company L.
Arrumem as vossas coisas. Vão dormir com a Companhia L.
Now, put down those padds, pack your things and scurry on back to that little bar of yours.
Largue essas tabelas, arrume as coisas e volta para o teu barzinho.
I want you to go back to your quarters and pack your things.
Quero que vás aos teus aposentos e faças as malas.
Pack your things or we will pack them for you.
Arrume as suas coisas, senão arrumamos nós.
- Pack your things. - Don't make us come back.
Não me obrigue a voltar aqui, amigo.
- Pack your things!
- Faça as malas.
- Pack your things and get out!
- Façam todos as malas e saiam!
"Ladies, please pack your things at once, you have to go to the south."
"Minhas senhoras, embalem as vossas coisas, por favor. " Têm de partir para o sul.
Pack your things.
Faz a mala.
Now, let's pack your things and move you back.
Agora, guardamos suas coisas e te levaremos de volta.
Pack your things.
Pega nas coisas.
You need to pack your things.
Temos de sair daqui.
You wanna pack your things now or would you like a few days?
Quer arrumar já as suas coisas ou quer mais uns dias?
Lisa, pack your things.
Lisa, arruma as tuas coisas.
Pack up your things and get out of here.
Pegue as suas coisas e vá embora.
Alright, pack up your things AND GET OUT!
Está bem, pegue suas coisas e saia.
So, you just better go pack up your things, and when I get home from work tomorrow night, you'd better be moved out, once and for all.
É melhor ir fazer as malas e, quando eu chegar do trabalho amanhã, é melhor que tenha saído, de uma vez por todas.
Então, casa comigo esta noite.
I want you to tell your friends to get out of there and pack up their things TONIGHT.
Quero que digas aos teus amigos para arrumarem as coisas e saírem hoje mesmo.
Pack up your things.
Então, vamos pegar nas vossas coisas.
Pack up your things and go home.
Empacota as tuas coisas e vai para casa.
So why don't you pack up your things and get outta here?
Arrume as suas coisas e vá embora daqui?
I know I've ruined your entire life, and you hate me, so let me pack my things and go crawling through a dark hole for a few years.
Sei que te estraguei a vida toda, odeias-me, por isso deixa-me arrumar as coisas e enfiar-me num buraco durante uns anos.
Pack your things and leave.
Arruma as tuas coisas e vai-te embora.
Pack up your things. We're late as it is.
E arrumem esta confusão, que já estamos atrasados.
- to pack up both your things.
- Ai sim?
Pack up your things!
Faça as malas!
Pack your things.
Pega nas tuas coisas.
Don't say a word, get out of my sight! Or I'll pack up your things and send you off to Ed's!
Sai-me da frente e nem sequer abras a boca, se não queres que te faça a mala e te mande para o Eduard.
Pack, darling. Get your things packed.
Arruma as tuas coisas!
Have Patty pack up your things.
Pede à Patty que te faça as malas.
You can pack up your things and leave my house.
Pode fazer a mala e ir de minha casa.

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